Table of Contents

The following guidelines are considered good industrial practice:
- When any equipment or structure is dismantled in whole or in part, and subsequently re-assembled, it must be completely checked and found to be safe before it is started up.
- Whenever a person observes what appears to be an unsafe or harmful condition or act he should report it as soon as possible to his supervisor.
- No person should intentionally remove any safeguard provided for the protection of workers.
- Machinery and equipment must be operated only by authorized persons. Before any equipment or machinery is put into operation the person responsible for doing so must ensure that all safeguards are in place and functioning, and no one will be endangered by putting the equipment or machinery into operation.
- No one will be allowed work while affected by alcohol, drugs or other substances which may endanger his health or safety or that of any other person.
- No one must engage in any improper activity or behavior that might create or constitute a hazard to himself or any other worker. Improper activity or behavior includes “horseplay”, scuffing, fighting, practical jokes, unnecessary running or jumping, or similar conduct.
- Floors, platforms, stairs and walkways used by workers must be kept free of tripping and slipping hazards.
- Where the work process results in the spillage of liquids on the floors of work areas and where this spillage could create a slipping or other hazard, suitable means shall be used to control such hazards.
- Refuse, spills and waste materials shall not be allowed to accumulate so as to constitute a hazard.
- Compressed air must not be used for cleaning clothing being worn by workers, equipment, materials and structures. If anybody were exposed to the jet they could be injured by flying particles.
- Water in the processing plant is non-potable. Do not drink from any faucet or container other than those specifically marked as potable water.
Personal Protective Equipment:
- Every worker shall equip himself with clothing suitable for protection against the natural elements to which the workers may be exposed, and, where required use gloves, safety headgear and safety footwear.
- Where there is a danger of contact with moving parts of machinery or with electrically energized equipment:i) Make sure your clothing fits closely about the body.
ii) Dangling neckwear, bracelets*, wristwatches, rings, or similar articles must not be worn.
* The wearing of medic-alert bracelets is permitted when such bracelets are used with transparent rubber bands that fit snugly over the bracelets.
iii) Hair shall be confined, or worn at a length which will prevent it being snagged or caught in the work process**.
** This does not prohibit any particular hair style. Its purpose is to ensure that long hair, which could be snagged in the work process, is confined or worn at a length which will prevent snagging. The permitted length necessarily depends upon evaluation of the hazards of the work process. - Properly fitting goggles, face shields or other eye protective equipment, appropriate to the work being done, shall be worn by a worker who is handling or is
exposed to any material which is likely to injure or irritate the eyes, or is engaged in any work in which there is a hazard of eye injury. - Where it is impractical to provide adequate work platforms, scaffolds or staging, safety-belts and life¬lines or safety-straps shall be worn by all persons working at elevations 10 feet or more above grade or floor level. Safety harnesses must be worn by all personnel servicing the inside of tanks. In all cases maintenance personnel must work in groups of at least two.
Reagent Safety
For greatest safety when handling reagents the employees should refer to the chemical suppliers safety data sheets. The employees should wear the proper protective equipment when handling and mixing reagents.
Employees must thoroughly wash their hands after handling reagents.
Xanthate and MIBC (Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol) are both flammable and therefore smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of these reagents.
All reagent spills must be cleaned up immediately.
Lock-Out Procedures
Before any equipment is worked on it must be rendered safe. The simplest sure way of doing this is to isolate the equipment at the motor control centre (MCC) and padlock the disconnect handle in the OFF position. Provision is made for three padlocks.