Georgia Allowed RMG to Mine in Sakdrisi

Sakdrisi Gold MineRMG was given a permission to mine a 5400-year-old mine located in Georgia.

Deputy Culture Minister Alexandre Margishvili said that RMG was already informed that they can now continue mining at the location, given the condition that experts and specialists will be allowed to inspect the location to ensure that mining will be carefully done. The issue with the ancient mine was discussed for several months with the guidance of expert archeologists to ensure that they will come up with a good decision.

“Today I can confirm that there is no ancient mine there. We have scientific conclusions about that and the Ministry of Culture will make a final decision,” Margishvili said.

According to Head of the Cultural Heritage Agency Nika Antidze last Friday that there was no ancient mine in Sakdrisi, thus, there should never be a reason to worry at all.

Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili also confirmed that Sakdrisi has no ancient mine. He said, “Investors invested about 300 million. Employer employees about 3 000 people and behind these people there are 3000 families.”