Diamond Flotation

Experiments in the flotation of small diamonds from both kimberlite and alluvial deposits indicate the following conclusions:

Water-repellent diamonds: Satisfactory flotation of —16 mesh diamonds, which are naturally water-repellent, may be accomplished using either Aerofloat 25 together with cresylic acid, or Du Pont B23 as frother together with kerosene as auxiliary oily conditioner or froth stiffener. The quantities of reagents required are of the order of 0.15 lb per ton Aerofloat and 0.18 lb per ton cresylic acid.

Water-avid diamonds: Partial flotation of the smaller sizes of wettable diamonds can be achieved by preconditioning with fatty acid soaps, cationic amines, and similar reagents, which will impart a water-repellent film to diamonds.

flotation of diamonds