Fire Assay Crucibles

Fire Assay Crucibles

CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Coors— High form. Glazed inside and outside, with exception of outside bottom surface. Without covers.

CRUCIBLE COVER, Porcelain, Coors- For use with No. 23810

Fire Assay Crucibles

FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Coors—Low form. Glazed inside and outside, with exception of outside bottom surface. Without covers.

FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE COVER, Porcelain, Coors- For use with No. 23815

FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Gooch, Coors—With perforated bottom. Glazed inside and outside, with exception of bottom surface. Without cover.

FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Coors- For use with No. 23835clay fire assay crucibles



Caution- Fire clay crucibles are particularly subject to absorption and the most frequent cause of poor service is the presence of moisture. Actual experiment has proven that from 20 to 40 per cent is added to the life of crucibles by having them perfectly annealed prior to their use.

COVER, only- For No. 23920

INQUARTS, Herman—For more conveniently inquarting gold assays. These little pellets of lead  bullion contain a definite content of silver and may be conveniently added directly to the cru­cible before fusion or tapped into the cleaned lead buttons before cupellation. They are uni­form in silver content, easy to handle and free from the objections commonly brought against the conventional methods of inquarting. Supplied in packages of 1,000 pellets, with the silver content plainly marked on the package label.

graphite Fire Assay Crucibles

CRUCIBLE, Graphite, Dixon—Outside dimensions given. Capacities given are actual totals, not working capacities. The working capacity is variable and may be from 70% to 90% of those given. The total capacity in pounds of metal depends on the specific gravity and may be found approximately by multiplying the total liquid capacity in pints by the specific gravity of the metal.

Caution- Due to their absorbent nature, graphite crucibles should be perfectly annealed prior to their use.


armco Fire Assay Crucibles

CRUCIBLE, “Armco” Ingot Iron—Low form. With­out cover.

CRUCIBLE COVER, “Armco” Ingot Iron—For use with No. 23935 Crucibles.

CRUCIBLE, Nickel—High form, without cover.

CRUCIBLE COVER, Nickel—For use with No. 23945.

CRUCIBLE HOLDER, Walter—For holding Gooch crucibles, 25 ml. and 35 ml. sizes. A combined rubber stopper and crucible holder. Can be used with filtering flasks having necks within the limits of 22 to 47 mm. Complete with glass funnel.
