Feeder Safety

Feeders can be dangerous, so lets talk feeder safety a bit.  All walkways and work areas should be kept clear for easy access and exits, don’t leave things laying on or around feeders.  If you have to bar in a feeder or a chute, here are a few hints that may save you a lot of pain.

  1. When barring always keep your scaling bar or pry bar to one side of your body, never in front of your body. The reason is this, if the hang-up comes down suddenly and hits the end of your bar it may either impale you or be pivoted off of your hands into your face.
  2. Wear gloves and make sure that your hand is not on a pinch point. That is, where your hand may be caught between the bar and the feeder should the hang up come down burying the bar.
  3. Wear safety glasses or goggles, preferably • goggles. V/hen a hang up comes down it displaces air, this causes a wind. This wind picks up small particles of dirt and rock and showers you with them.
  4. Have an emergency escape route planned in your mind. If you have to move backwards in a hurry you have a safe path figured out. This will help prevent confusion.
  5. The last thing that I would like to mention in this very short safety talk is never attempt to use explosives without the proper training and authority to do so.