Cyanide Pre-Leach Conditioner


The notably successful application of flotation to many cyanide ores, and the development of a plant to treat the flotation concentrates by cyanidation, makes it possible for small plants to increase their recovery greatly and to makeĀ a much wider margin of profit.

These concentrate treatment plants do not require large outlays of money and they are low in operating cost. The elimination of handling, freight, miscellaneous shipping charges, and smelter treatment charges, is possible through reducing the gold to bullion at the mill. This assures the operator maximum return.

These plants have been made possible through the development of the (Patented) Super-Agitator And Conditioner which successfully breaks down the froth formed by the reagents in the flotation concentrates. These agitators also speed up extraction time and are most efficient in aerating pulps. The flowsheet is simple, utilizing a ball mill-classifier circuit for regrinding concentrates, a series of (Patented) Super-Agitator And Conditioners, a clarifier, zinc dust feeder, a precipitation agitator, a precipitation tank, a storage bin, and a furnace. The number and size of units will, of course, depend upon capacity desired.

There are three standard plants available: 2 to 3 tons, 5 to 7 tons, and 7 to 10 tons per day, although equipment for any size plant can be supplied. Upon receipt of the necessary information, an estimate can be furnished on a treatment plant which will meet your requirements. Some ores require roasting in the (Edwards Type) Roaster and others may be treated in combination with amalgamation most economically.
