How does a Rock Crusher Work – Jaw Crusher
Jaw crushers include Superior, Type “B” Blake, Fine-Reduction, and Dodge — sizes, 4 by 6 to 84 by 66 inches. A reciprocating machine, the crushes material in a straight line between jaws — without grinding or rubbing surfaces. LOWER CRUSHING COSTS As you compare this jaw crusher feature for feature with other makes you’ll see […]
Rock Crusher for Gold
As it is malleable, no crusher can crush gold but, all rock crushers can crush rock with gold minerals in it. Small gold prospectors are generally the ones looking for such crushers. Here is my Top 5 List of Best Rock Crushers for Gold liberation and recovery: #1 Model 911MPE JAC12H This is the smallest […]
Vibratory feeders are used in gravimetric feeding systems to handle solids with particles that are loo large to be handled by screw, rotary-vane, or vertical-gate feeders, or in operations where the physical characteristics of the solid particles would be adversely affected by passage through these volumetric feeding devices. The discharge flow pattern of a vibrating […]
Belt conveyors used to transport minerals are to be found all around the world in a large number of surface and underground mining operations. The idea of using the conveyor belt is not new, indeed, the first bell conveyors were introduced at the end of the nineteenth century; the basic principles of operation have not […]
How to Remove Quartz & Impurities from Refractory Clays
Sandy flint and pyritic plastic clays from east-central Missouri can be beneficiated to good firing quality by ore dressing methods. Quartz and pyrite were the chief contaminants removed by the two gravity concentration methods used in the studies. Most iron-oxide minerals in these clays occur as finely-divided, low-gravity, hydrous material, often in the form of […]
Explosives Explosions and Flames
This circular summarizes the research and technologic activities and publications of the Federal Bureau of Mines Division of Explosives Technology during fiscal year 1959 (July 1, 1958-June 30, 1959). Part I briefly describes the programs that were active during the report period and presents a summary of some of the information not published elsewhere. In […]
Nuclear Reactor Simulation
Construction of a 250-p.s.i.g. helium-recycle system to operate with gas temperatures as high as 2,500° F. appears feasible. More development work is required, however, on heat exchangers and compressors. Many problems inherent in large nuclear systems are not present in the pilot-scale ISR system. Although the cooler in the ISR loop operated satisfactorily, thermal expansion […]
Variables Affecting the Probability of Ignition by Explosives
The principal official test performed by the Bureau of Mines to determine the permissibility of coal-mine explosives, commonly referred to as the gallery test, has been in use at the Bruceton station for many years. In this test the explosive under study is loaded into the borehole of a steel cannon and fired into a […]
Titanium Gadolinium Phase Diagram
The results of this investigation indicate that the titanium-gadolinium phase diagram is composed of a single eutectic reaction and a peritectoid reaction at the alpha-beta transformation. The eutectic isotherm has been established at 1,240 ± 10° C. and extends from approximately 1 pct. gadolinium to beyond 99 pct. gadolinium at this temperature. The solid solubility […]
How to Make Zirconium Diboride Directly from Zircon
Zirconium diboride of a quality comparable to that produced commercially from zirconium dioxide may be synthesized directly from zircon. The quantities of residual carbon and silica are not excessively high, but it is believed that some refinements in procedure may lower these percentages. The grain size of the final product has been demonstrated to be […]