Thickener Safety

Thickener Safety

The last thing that I would like to mention about thickeners is to do with their safety. In some plants fire a worker who wears his hard hat or takes foreign objects onto the catwalks above the thickeners. The reason is that if, by accident, his hard hat ended up in the thickener that thickener […]

DRAEGER Breathing Apparatus Price

DRAEGER Breathing Apparatus Price

If you are wondering about the Price of a DRAEGER Breathing Apparatus you are likely in for a surprise.  A new units cost around $11,000 while a used BG 4 (2013 vintage) will price in at around $5000 US.  

Grinding Circuit and Mill Safety

Grinding Circuit and Mill Safety - 911Metallurgist

  Grinding circuits are made up of large, moving pieces of machinery. When carrying or moving objects in and around this equipment extreme care should be taken. As an example, when operating the crane, never hoist anything directly over the mills. If it is necessary to take long pieces of material, like pipes and lumber […]

Ore Bin (Silo) Safety

Bin Flow

  Around these ore storage bins or areas there are three possible places of work, on top, under, and in. Each one has their own brands of danger, and methods of safety and protection. The dangers of working under these areas are MOVING EQUIPMENT, PRYING ON HANGUPS, STANDING’ON EQUIPMENT and SMALL PLATFORMS WITH LITTLE HEAD ROOM. That […]

Conveyor Safety Talks

Conveyor Safety Talks

Let us talk about Basic conveyor safety as it is just like being around all moving equipment will be guards of one type or another. It may be to prevent people from falling into the equipment or, in cases where there is a danger of equipment failure, the guards may be designed to contain parts […]

Feeder Safety

Feeders can be dangerous, so lets talk feeder safety a bit.  All walkways and work areas should be kept clear for easy access and exits, don’t leave things laying on or around feeders.  If you have to bar in a feeder or a chute, here are a few hints that may save you a lot […]