Illegal mercury used in small-scale damages lands
Many developed nations hope 2014 can finally be the year when a real fight against the use of mercury in gold mining across the world starts. However, until then, several countries like Indonesia will continue to suffer the consequences of this and other dangerous techniques. The small-scale, and many times illegal, gold mining operations spread […]
Commission report and shutdown of mines in Indian state
A report released by the M. B. Shah Commission might change the face of the mining industry in the Indian state of Odisha. The exhaustive document with almost five volumes claims both the central and state governments are connected to illegal activities. Several mines are now likely to face temporary closure after the commission’s analysis on illegal mining of iron […]
Oklahoma demands companies to reveal all substances used in fracking operations
The virtual platform and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission are the two entities that will gather information about the chemicals used in all the fracking operations going on in the state of Oklahoma. The local operators of oil and gas wells are now forced to report all substances used in the process of hydraulic fracturing. Both institutions […]
Top 7 biggest mining excavators in the world
Massive machines. This is the least we can say about the world’s heftiest mining excavators out there. Some of these beasts can weigh more than 800 tonnes, especially the models we have to show to you today. Meet the top seven biggest hydraulic mining excavators on the planet and once you are done go view some of […]
Chile uses desalinated water in mining processes
The use of desalinated water in mining processes might become a mandatory action in Chile, after the submission of a new draft bill. The action was carried by the country’s lower house members, who want to fight the decreasing supply of the vital element, as well as provide a solution to the industry mounting power needs. […]
Top five countries that lost most gold in 2013
Each country’s central bank is usually known to hold gold reserves that basically just sit in vaults for years. However, the amount of gold each nation possesses represents, in most cases, a big part of its fortune. The United States, for instance, has more than 8,000 tonnes of gold. But 2013 was tough for some […]
Children in the Philippines face health problems
There are currently 115 million children with ages from five to 17 years old who work in hazardous occupations worldwide, the United Nations International Labor Organization estimates. Among them, about a million children work in the mining industry. Hundreds of maybe even thousands of them live in the Philippines. Recently, the Center for Investigative Reporting, in collaboration with the […]
Arctic ocean might be “hiding” rare earth element
The potentially good news for the mining industry was revealed during the recent American Geopysical Union Fall Meeting, which occurred in San Francisco. Considered “the largest worldwide conference in geophysical science”, the event attracted more than 20,000 attendants, who were able to participate in a few sessions dedicated to the Arctic ocean and its hidden […]
Goa still getting polluted environment after mining ban
The people living in the Indian state of Goa have now started adjusting their lives to a less polluted environment, but it’s not easy. According to a survey conducted by Goa’s EIA Resource and Response Center, quoted by The Times of India, the inhabitants of the mining-affected areas are still adjusting themselves to a new […]
Rio Tinto’s CEO: Chinese mining equipment now has “much higher quality”
Forget about the North-American monopoly when it comes to producing quality mining equipment. According to the CEO of the mining giant Rio Tinto, the Chinese manufacturers are really improving in this field and can now be compared to the major US manufacturers, Sam Walsh said during an investor conference. Rio Tinto’s representative revealed the company has been […]