Using illegally mined tin to produce the iPhone

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Apple might have used illegally mined tin from Indonesia to manufacture its iPhones and some other products. At least, that’s what the international environmentalist group Friends of the Earth said recently. According to the group’s website, tin mining on Bangka Island, in Indonesia, has been connected to “the destruction of tropical forests, coral reefs and fishermen’s livelihoods”. They also call […]

Democratic Republic of Congo: child labor in the mines

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The rates of child labor in Africa are simply scary. However, when you combine the factors “Democratic Republic of Congo” (DRC) and “mines”, you get even scarier numbers. Apparently, the International Day Against Child Labor (June 12) is not celebrated in the Congolese ore pits, like any other day. Every minute spent in the mines is […]

How to Estimate the Cost of Building a Mine

capitail cost mine mill

Here is a Table to help or show you how to estimate the cost of building a mine in today’s market.  You can roughly estimate how much is the cost of building a new mine by its rated capacity.   The daily plant tonnage MULTIPLIED by $5000 to $25000 of the 2013 US$.  A good […]