5 More elements your lifestyle depends on


Our current lifestyle is extremely technological and advanced when compared to what it was just 10 years ago. However, all the modern devices that make our days more interesting are based on the most natural resources, substances you can find “inside” the Earth. Today we bring you five more elements that changed your lifestyle by […]

how to work in a mine? This mining simulation might help


Mining can be fun. Well, in some cases. Usually, it’s hard work and long shifts, but there are also advantages in working on an underground or open-pit deposit. To give you an idea of how your life could be if you were a miner – a very comfortable idea -, Mining Examiner has three mining […]

Elements your lifestyle depends on [infographic]


Life on Earth depends on several natural elements such as water, just to give you an example. However, our modern lifestyle equally depends on elements that are provided by the mining industry. Did you know, for instance, that you couldn’t have the smartphone or the computer you’re using to read this if it weren’t for […]

5 minerals with unusual names

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Mining is not only about underground pits, heavy work and complex extraction processes. Sometimes, mining can be fun and this infographic proves it. So, take a few minutes to discover five minerals with crazy names and you will see how mining can sometimes help you relax. These five funny “rocks” can be found in different parts […]

Galilee Basin mega mine by the numbers [infographic]

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The Indian-Australian consortium GVK-Hancock recently received the approval of the Australian government to move forward with its ambitious project: the Kevin’s Corner mine, located in the Galilee Basin. The development of the project is expected to start in 2015 with the first coal being produced in 2018. But, despite the economical advantages of the mine and the approval […]

Tia Maria Copper Mine

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The Tia Maria copper mine, a project that is being developed near Arequipa, in Peru, might currently be one of the industry’s most expensive and ambitious projects, but that didn’t stop the protesters from showing their dissatisfaction in the last years. The project has been halted since 2011, but there’s a light at the end of […]

Signatories of the Minamata Convention [infographic]

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A document that means “the beginning of the end of mercury as a threat to human health and the environment”. These were the words chosen by the executive director of the UN Environment Programme, Achim Steiner, to describe the Minamata Convention, recently signed by more than 90 countries. These nations vowed to ban several mercury products until 2020 and are planning the […]

Five minerals with super strange names

Goosecreekite Heulandite Ca Quartz 198049

Because mining can also be fun, here are five minerals and rocks with rather strange names. We wonder where the inspiration for these names came from… 1. Goosecreekite No, this mineral wasn’t discovered by a goose, but at  the New Goose Creek Quarry, in Virginia, United States. Goosecrekite is part of the zeolite group, typically used in water […]

Five super popular mining maps

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Whether you love mining or you’re just a map aficionado, we have five great maps to show you, originally published by the website Mining. They are all from InfoMine, which has been analyzing and tracking mines and exploration projects around the globe since 1992. Take a moment to check InfoMine’s five most popular mining-related maps. If you’re interested […]