Why Do We Need Mining

Why do we need mining metals

How much metal is there for baby Johnny? LIKE IT SHARE IT USE IT LINK TO IT Gold Trommel How much minerals/metals are consumed over a lifespan. 

How Much are Raw (Not so Bloody) Diamonds Worth

how much DO raw diamonds COST

Stone 701 (sold of $20,600,000 in July 2015) 336 carat diamond – How Much IS THIS Raw Diamond Worth? More on that topic at http://911metallurgist.com/infographic-blood-diamonds Lucara is explicitly committed to the health and safety of its workers. In the 12 months ended June 30, the company reported only one injury, at its Karowe Mine.

Rock and Mineral Collection for Sale

rock and mineral collection for sale

Buy Large Collection of Rocks and Minerals Collector’s Minerals and Rocks Sale Rock and Mineral Collection for Sale Rocks and Minerals Collector Set  

Lowest Places on Earth -TOP 16

Dead Sea

Here is a list of the Top 16 Lowest Places on Planet Earth located on/in-Land (not under water/oceans). I’m referring to natural deep holes as opposed to man made deep hole produced by mining. Many of the deep locations on the List of Deepest/Lowest Natural Holes on Planet Earth are water bodies.  The depth in […]

China Currency War

currency war on US

Is this a China Currency War on US or China on all others?  What’s China’s End-Game: China is perhaps looking to have the Renminbi ultimately being managed against a basket of currencies as opposed to just being managed against just the USD.  This could provide for more volatility going forward between the Renminbi vs. the USD. […]

What Gives Gold Different Colours

What Gives Gold Different Colours

Gold often comes as an alloy and for that will be of various color.  Gold colouring goes from that bright yellow we all know to White, Rose, Pink, Red Gold, Green, Blue, Purple and Black Gold. Depending on the allow mix, you can derive or metallurgically fabricate colors. illustrates it well. White Gold: For gold to […]