Mineral Processing Pilot Plant Trials

Personnel from engineering firms frequently use data from pilot-plant operations for designing a full- scale plant. Data from pilot- plant testing may be supplied by the client, bv independent research laboratories, or. in other cases, by the engineering people involved in the pilot-plant operation to develop their own engineering, metallurgical, mineral processing and chemical data. […]


Recently we were talking with the manager of one of the larger copper concentrators in Arizona when he took off on the subject of overengineering and standardization and engineers who practiced the former but had no acquaintance with the latter. The particular reason for his wrath at that moment was $70,000 worth of conveyor head. […]

Las Luces Copper Mine Project in Chile


Las Luces Grupo Cenizas – Project Mine OP Construction Copper Chile South America. The initiative is property of Minera Las Cenizas S.A. It involves the construction of new works at the Las Luces mine, such as a new waste rock dump, seawater catchment area, slurry deposit and ancillary works. Is also includes another minors works […]

Kinds of Rocks

Rock Types

3rd of all Kinds of Rockshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPgE74Vltdc

Cominco Polaris Mine

cominco polaris mine

Polaris was such a nice workplace. Maybe my memories of it are skewed a bit be the fact it was my very first really mining job, but in any case, I only remember a very nice spirit up there. I also remember the Chili PeppersĀ and theĀ Polar Beach Party. https://www.lostmines.net/polaris-mine.html