Staged Classification & Grinding Circuits

grinding circuits reichert cone dual single

Minerals beneficiation commonly requires initial crushing and grinding so that the mineral phase we seek to concentrate is adequately liberated to obtain a product of specified grade at optimum recovery. To some degree this also is true for coal preparation. In the comminution process we liberate not only the product but also the tailings phase. […]

Grinding Circuit Audit


The Island Copper concentrator was designed to process 30,000 t/d of copper ore containing 0.52% Cu and 0.017% Mo with payable gold, silver, and rhenium values. Separate copper and molybdenum flotation concentrates are produced and currently sold to customers in Asia, Europe and the North America. The comminution circuit as originally installed comprised single stage […]

Effect of Mill Load Level and Speed on SAG Mill Operation

sag mill circuit and instrumentation

The SAG milling of ores with markedly variable grinding rates presents definite process control challenges. Decisions must be made regarding the selection of the most appropriate combination of mill volumetric load level, percent solids, and mill speed for the combination of ore types being processed at the moment. Circuit Description Chino’s concentrator is described in […]

Charge Motion inside a SAG Mill

semi-autogenous-grinding mill

For proper design of SAG mills and other types of grinding mills, the operating conditions have to be defined.  Predicting the composition of the SAG mill charge is a difficult task since a number of significant phenomena associated with the charge motion must be taken into consideration. These observations and assumptions led to the recognition […]

Autogenous Grinding Iron Ore

autogenous grinding flowsheet

Hibbing Taconite is located near the center of the Mesabi Range in Northern Minnesota 100 miles from the Canadian border and 80 miles north of the Lake Superior Port Cities of Duluth and Superior. Current owners of Hibbing Taconite are Bethlehem Steel Corporation, LTV Steel, Pickands Mather and Stelco. Inc. Pickands Mather, a subsidiary of […]

Autogeneous Grinding VS Steel Grinding Media in Flotation

Autogeneous Grinding VS Steel Grinding Media in Flotation - 911Metallurgist

In grinding, the use of steel media in a rod/ball mill circuit clearly diminishes the subsequent froth flotation performance over purely autogenous grinding. The use of recycle water in grinding also clearly diminishes the subsequent froth flotation performance associated with fresh tap water. Some of these flotation deficiencies are recoverable by using stronger collectors at […]

SAG Mill Manufacturer

Here is a list of the SAG Mill Manufacturers & Suppliers I know: FLSmidth Metso Outotec CITIC-Heavy Industries Co. Ltd Thyssenkrupp – Polysius Farnell-Thompson TyazhMash 911Metallurgy A highlight of SAG milling has been the collaboration between grinding mill manufacturers and mining companies. Experimental work on very large mills is difficult, expensive, and potentially catastrophic if it goes […]

How Slurry Transport inside a Tumbling Grinding Mills

tumbling-mills snapshot of ball charge at rest

The transport of slurry within the ball mill depends on the peripheral velocity and porosity of the ball charge. Residence time distribution and mill hold up are often used as indicators of the mode of transport. In this work, the transport problem is tackled via direct simulation of the three dimensional motion of the ball […]

Build an Ultra-fine Grinding Mill

grinding-of-coal mri batch attrition scrubber

The sample was dried at a low temperature for two days. Then it was crushed in stages using a jaw crusher and simultaneously screened with a 50 mesh sieve. The resulting coarse fraction was further ground in a roller mill to a minus 50 mesh size. Thereafter, the mono-dispersed feed sizes required were prepared from […]