Heavy Mineral Processing
Heavy mineral process circuits combine a number of process machinery used in different steps of desliming, classification, separation, beneficiation, enrichment, and dewatering of the desired products. The right choice of equipment has an impact on the technical and economical feasibility of today’s and future projects. Not only the capital investment and operational costs but also […]
Factors Affecting Air Classifier Efficiency
It is also fairly well-known, that it is by far much more difficult to achieve high efficiency with dry classifying than with wet. Hence, it is highly desirable to create conditions for improving the dry air classifying methods, so that the high energy consumption associated with producing fine dry powders can be minimized. Particle Size […]
Double Cycloning
In conventional closed circuit grinding practice including classification in one hydrocyclone, or in a group of hydrocyclones in parallel, classification takes place in a single stage. Under conditions where the fineness of the overflow product is expressed e.g. as 95 % – x microns, the normal sharpness of size separation (recovery) at size x into […]
Effect of Chemical Dispersants on Hydrocyclone Efficiency
A series of tests on a 24 inch hydrocyclone operating on a copper ore slurry were run. The ore was selected so as to be reasonably homogeneous with regard to the density of components so that particle size differences dominate the classifier action. The primary variables were % solids (and associated viscosity readings), the feed […]
Screen Scale for Testing Sieves
Since the adoption by the U. S. Bureau of Standards several years ago of specifications for standard 100- and 200-mesh sieves, frequent requests have been received that this Bureau test and certify sieves of other sizes than these. With a view to the adoption of a series of standard testing sieves which might be of […]
Sorting Classifiers
The purpose of this paper is to present a brief sketch of the development of this hindered-settling “sorting” classifier, but primarily to show the actual results obtained in practice with the classifier working on the Butte copper ores at the Boston & Montana Concentrator at Great Falls and the Washoe Concentrator at Anaconda. The writer […]
Settling Tank Spitzkasten Classifier

In “ Sorting Before Sizing ” (a paper first announced at the Pittsburgh meeting, but delayed in preparation and now presented at the present meeting) it is shown that if slime-tables are to do their best work on slimes below 0.5 mm. or 0.02 inch in diameter, they must be carefully sorted or classified, and […]