Use Hydraulic Cyclones as Thickeners and Washers in Modern Coal Preparation
For a number of years the cyclone, familiar to Americans as a dust collector, has been used as a thickener of suspensions at one of the coal-preparation plants of the Netherland State Mines in Limburg. The plant treats nut-size coal at 120 tons an hour in a heavy-medium washer. The diluted medium from the rinsing […]
Using Cyclone as a Thickener

With the exception of pneumatic processes and a few special bencficiation methods of comparatively limited application, all mechanical coal-cleaning and mineral-dressing processes involve the admixture of solid particles with a liquid, generally water. Upon completion of the beneficiation process the solids must be reclaimed from the water. With coarse particles separation of solids from water […]
Ultrasonic Desliming
Ultrasonics can be used to deslime and upgrade ores, such as tungsten and tin, which slime excessively with high losses of value in the tailing and are difficult to deslime with conventional methods. Experimental work has been performed with a test-tube size ultrasonic classifier. Larger equip- ment and further testing would be necessary to ascertain […]
Aggregates Classification Methods

Modern concrete technology emphasizes the basic qualities required of an acceptable aggregate: it must be clean, sound, homogeneous, and of a size gradation resulting in a concrete of the desired physical qualities at a minimum cost. In the case of coarse aggregates, crushing, scrubbing, and screening will usually provide the required material, although beneficiation is […]
Granulometric Separation of Granular Materials
Classical apparatus for granulometric separation generally have limited applications which are found either in the level of the size of separation or in that of the accuracy and the efficiency of the separation or in that of the rate of feed. Principles and Description of the Sieving – Panel The study of the problems of […]
Pre-Concentration by Sorting – Photometric

Pre-concentration by sorting is as old as the mining industry. Inevitably waste rock is broken with ore. Separation may take place in the stopes by selective mucking and transport, or selective loading and transport of ore and waste by 12-cu. yd. shovels and 100-ton trucks in large open pit operations. Hand sorting of 1″ to […]
Sand Washing Machine
A high quality spiral sand washing machine for you sand wash plant. The spiral sand washing machine (XL series) is able to wash and separate the soil and other impurities in sand and gravel aggregate. I he enclosed structure, adjustable overflow weir plate, and reliable transmission parts increase the cleaning and dehydration effect, which can […]
Dense Medium Cyclone
From the early 1960’s until the mid 1980’s, dense medium cyclone circuitry design technology did not change appreciably. The basic design, which was both highly flexible and highly efficient, was consistent with technology developed by the Dutch State Mines (“DSM”) in the mid 1940’s. During this period, the “typical” dense medium cyclone circuit was designed […]
Air Jet Sieving Machine
The 911MPE Air Jet Sieving Machine is a powerful aspiration unit with variable throughput of 0-99 mBar ensures that the material is quickly dispersed and can pass the test sieve. The aspiration unit is equipped with an automatic cleaning system for the filter. This allows that many sieving procedures can be done before replacing the cartridge. […]
Analyse Mechanical Air Separator Selectivity Curves

Basically, a mechanical air separator is constructed with an inner shell and an outer shell. Material fed to a rotating plate is dispersed within the inner shell. Air, pulled in from the outer shell, passes upward through the descending curtain of dispersed feed, elutriating intermediate and fine material out of the feed. The elutriated particulates […]