The Barrel Gold Chlorination Process
![The Barrel Gold Chlorination Process - 911Metallurgist Theis Process](
The use of revolving barrels for chlorinating ores was perhaps suggested by the old Freiberg method of barrel amalgamation. It has already been mentioned, p. 239, that Dr. Duflos used a revolving barrel in some of his experiments at Breslau, in 1848, and obtained results almost identical with those given by the vat percolation method. […]
Plattner Gold Chlorination Process
![Plattner Gold Chlorination Process - 911Metallurgist The Vats](
The use of chlorine as an agent for the extraction of gold from ores was first suggested by Dr. John Percy, F.R.S., at the Swansea meeting of the British Association, in a paper embodying the results of experiments carried out later. Simultaneously, Prof. C. F. Plattner, Assay Master at the Royal Freiberg Smelting Works, applied chlorine […]
Roasting in Metallurgy
![Roasting in Metallurgy - 911Metallurgist Tunnel](
In metallurgy, the operation of roasting, as a preliminary to chlorination, has for its object the expulsion of the sulphur, arsenic, antimony and other volatile substances existing in the ore, and the oxidation of the metals left behind, so as to leave nothing (except metallic gold) which can combine with chlorine when the ore is […]
Reverberatory Furnace
![Reverberatory Furnace - 911Metallurgist reverberatory-furnace](
The construction of the ordinary reverberatory furnace is too well known to need detailed description here. It consists of a vaulted chamber, containing the ore; through this chamber, the flames and products of combustion from a reverberatory furnace and a current of air are made to pass in a horizontal direction above the ore, which is […]
Stamp Battery
![Stamp Battery - 911Metallurgist Amalgam](
The stamp battery must be regarded from two different points of view, (a) as a crushing machine, (b) as an amalgamating machine, and it should be remembered that the modifications designed to make it a more efficient crusher often reduce its power as an amalgamator, and vice versa. Stamps were originally designed as crushing machines, and […]
Rusty Gold
![Rusty Gold - 911Metallurgist rusty-gold](
The appearance in the tailings of free gold, which is not especially finely divided, but, nevertheless, is not in a condition to be amalgamated, may be regarded as a rare occurrence, but deserves some consideration. Amalgamation is in these cases prevented by the existence of a thin film of some neutral substance over the surface […]
How to Separate Gold from Pyrite
![How to Separate Gold from Pyrite - 911Metallurgist how_to_separate_gold_from_pyrite](
So far, no account has been taken of the loss of gold which is contained in pyrites, as it has been assumed that these are saved by concentration if they are valuable, and this subject is dealt with in earlier. Nevertheless, as this gold comes under the head of non-amalgamable gold, its physical state and […]
How Mercury & Gold Amalgamation Works
![How Mercury & Gold Amalgamation Works - 911Metallurgist Amalgam](
In order to keep the plates in proper condition so that successful amalgamation may be maintained, they must be prepared carefully, and the closest watch kept over them. The setting of the plates has already been described on p. 121. The silver-plated copper table is preferred in California from the ease with which it is […]
High Production Sluice Box
![High Production Sluice Box - 911Metallurgist Volcanic Activity](
The gold sluices in which the gold is caught are constructed on exactly the same principles as those already described, but are larger and, though usually made of wood, are of more massive construction, in accordance with the great quantities of gravel to be handled and the continuous nature of the work. The sluices are commonly […]
Gold in Deep Gravel Deposit
![Gold in Deep Gravel Deposit - 911Metallurgist Volcanic Activity](
Both in Australia and California, besides the superficial placer deposits situated in or near the existing rivers, which in the deep canons of the Klamath and other rivers in the extreme north of California attain a thickness of 250 feet, there exist auriferous gravels which bear no apparent relation to the present drainage of the […]