Gold Extraction from eScrap CPU Computer Chips

Electric gold melting furnace

Electric gold melting furnace Portable Torch Cutting Welding Vacuum Filter Kit with Hand Pump Magnetic Stirrer pH and Thermometer Gas Mask Chemical Protective Clothing Glove Chemical Boots Chemical goggles Digital Scale 0.001 g Hot Plate Alcohol Lamp Spoon Glass Stir Sticks Distilled Water Bottles Glass Baster Filtering Flask Stainless Steel Beaker Polypropylene Buchner Funnel Filter […]

Black Sands Processing & Content Assaying

black sands

It appears none of the gold prospectors spend nor time or money on assaying their black sands for gold value determination. Instead, they use a rare earth magnet to tells them what is in there and see that most of the gold is magnetite with sometimes hematite. What little remains goes under the microscope where […]

Carlin Type Gold Deposit


Prospectors frequently talk about being in elephant country, meaning in good hunting grounds for big deposits. Historically Carlin Type Gold Deposit are big elephants but until recently they were largely known to occur only in the limited hunting ground of Northern Nevada that limitation is now beginning to change.   How Carlin gold deposits fit into […]

Effect of Pre-Aeration & Oxygen on Sodium Cyanide Consumption Gold Recovery


In your process development you may sometime want to test and see what effect (for your particular ore sample) would the use of oxygenation and pre-aeration have on silver and gold kinetics leach rates and recoveries.  Some situations show improved precious metal recoveries, others show an impact of the leach agent’s consumption rate.  Here, a […]

Effect of Regrind “Finer Grind” Gold Recovery


Regrinding a flotation concentrate (commonly the rougher or scavenger conc) can often produce gains in final concentrate grades and overall metal recoveries.  What is also possible and not unfrequent that all you get is a better concentrate grade.  If the valuable metal (in this case Au) is locked with other easy to float sulfides and were […]

Gold Oxidation States

Aqueous chemistry gold oxidation

With regards to the aqueous chemistry of gold and the various states of gold oxidation ( 5, 3, 2, 1, −1 ​(an amphoteric oxide)), we must look at the electronic presentation typical of transition metal elements (Copper, Silver, Gold) AKA Group 11 element from the periodic table, because they allow for the extraction of multi electrons.  As shown in the […]

Gold Dissolution

equation gold dissolution by cyanide

Essentially state and corrosion resistant, gold dissolution is not easily obtained by just any acid.  Use an oxidant like manganese dioxide, nitric acid, oxygen, ferric ions or cupric ions and you will dissolve gold. The formation of Aqua Regia by nitric and hydrochloric acids will break down gold and make it go into solution. In the presence […]

World’s Main Gold/Auriferous Mineral Deposits

Characteristics of the Principal GoldAuriferous Mineral Deposits of the World

Era Precambrian (3000-570)* Paleozoic (570-225)* Mesozoic (225-65)* Cenozoic (65-0)* Age of host rocks Gold-quartz deposits mainly in Archean rocks (>2500 m.y.); extensive deposits in Proterozoic quartz-pebble conglomerates; some large gold-quartz and varied stockwork deposits in Proterozoic rocks Mainly Paleozoic; some deposits in Precambrian or both Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks Mainly Mesozoic but also Paleozoic and […]