Gold Leaching Plant for Sale

gold leaching plant for sale

FLOWSHEET CY3, COUNTER-CURRENT DECANTATION CYANIDE PLANTThe following estimates are for counter-current decantation cyanide circuits and are based on average grade ore requiring average treatment time. These include precipitation and accessory equipment. The equipment required for a cyanide plant will vary considerably with the value of the ore, the settling rate, the chemical composition of the […]

Small Gold Ore Processing Plant


These five illustrated flowsheets fully described in the article “Small Gold Ore Processing Plants” follow a natural sequence. These start with a very simple. Flowsheet AA, and then by the addition of the more extensive equipment, it is possible to take care of slight changes in the ore as well as improve recovery. The following […]

Electrolytic Oxygen in Cyanide Solutions

Lead electrode

There are two conditions generally prevailing upon the earth—those within atmospheric influence, tending towards oxidation, and those away from atmospheric influence, tending towards reduction. Practically all mineral substances from mines of any depth are in a reducing condition. Since the cyanide process, in order to dissolve silver or gold, requires that the prevailing conditions under […]

Cyanide Processing Equipment and Plant Configuration Options


The Jig, placed between the ball mill and classifier, is one of the most valuable and affordable improvements in cyanidation in recent years and was developed by the metallurgical engineering and Mining Equipment Companies. This Mineral Jig has the marked advantage of removing a large portion of the metallic values without excessive dilution, and water […]

Gravity Recovery OR Flotation Circuits ahead of Gold Cyanide Leaching

Sulphide Flotation Recovery with Cyanidation Gold Leaching Circuit

Process Flowsheet NO. CY-3 is shown one of the outstanding improvements made in cyanidation whereby the coarse metallic minerals are removed from the grinding circuit by means of the Mineral Jig. The hutch product from this jig is amalgamated with a Amalgamator or Clean-Up Pan and thus the coarse mineral values, such as metallic gold, are […]

Counter Current Decantation Cyanide Gold Leaching

Countinous Counter Current Decantation System

The Process Flowsheet CCD CY-1 shows (below) the continuous counter-current decantation system, in which all the ore is first reduced to a very fine state in the grinding mill-classifier circuit, in a cyanide solution. The slime overflow of the classifier, usually 70%—200 mesh, or finer, is sent to the first thickener, known as the primary thickener. […]

Gold Cyanidation Circuits

Gold recovery by gravity & froth flotation & whole ore Cyanidation Circuit leaching of float tailings

The principle of dissolving gold and silver values in solutions of potassium or sodium cyanide is old and has been thoroughly carried out in practice for many years. There have been only a few changes in the chemical procedure and also few changes in the type of equipment used. The gold and silver are dissolved […]

Designs for Small Portable and Mobile Gold Leaching Plant

cyanide leaching gold recovery process

    Agitation capacity based on 36 to 48 hours of agitation time. Thickener area based on 6 to 7 square feet per ton of dry solids per 24 hours. Pregnant cyanide solution (Primary Thickener Overflow) is treated in a Precipitation System which includes: Clarifier, Vacuum Tank, Vacuum Pump, Clarifier Pump, Zinc Dust Feeder, Zinc […]

Gold Amalgamation

Gold Mercury Series

The purpose of the following research, as originally planned, was to investigate the influence of temperature upon the plate- amalgamation process. In order to consider the gold amalgamation process intelligently, it was first necessary to learn the nature of an amalgam. In the performance of this task it was found necessary to consult a large […]

Gold Recovery by Batch Cyanide Leaching Plant

Batch Cyanidation Plant

PROCESS FLOWSHEET DESCRIPTION: Batch Gold Cyanidation-Leaching Plant. ORE TREATED: Small tonnages of high-grade gold-silver ores and flotation or Jig concentrates amenable to cyanide treatment, used for treating as low as one ton of concentrates per day. ADVANTAGES: Where the tonnage of ore or concentrates is too low for standard continuous cyanidation plants (usually less than […]