Geology of the Red Dog Mine

geology location explanation

Red Dog is a Mississippian to Permian aged sulfide deposit located in the western Brooks Range north of Kotzebue, Alaska. It belongs in the family of black shale hosted sedimentary exhalite deposits but lacks classic sulfide sedimentary textures. Pervasive silicification, and a significant portion of the mineralization, is replacement in nature. An extensive feeder vein […]

Inductive Electrostatic Gradiometry IESG

inductive-electrostatic-gradiometry sp anomaly

IESG is an inexpensive but valuable component of our interdisciplinary integrated effort to discover and to understand hydrothermal convective plumbing systems, with originally hot, reducing, upward-flowing components yielding present negative IESG anomalies, and with originally cold, oxidizing, downward-flowing components yielding present positive IESG anomalies. This technique should facilitate the meaningful sampling of subtle Carlin-type invisible […]

Mineral Titles Online MTO BC

Using this summary page you can locate Geological Maps from the MTO Online service in British Columbia to acquire Mineral Titles, Mining Claims. Mineral Title means a claim or lease acquired and maintained under the Mineral Tenure Act and its predecessor Acts (the Mineral Act and the Placer Mining Act) and these are by far the […]

Disseminated Epithermal Gold Deposits

epithermal gold deposits geologic map

Epithermal gold deposits occur in and near the marginal fault that circumscribes the Goldfield, Nevada, Tertiary caldera. The gold occurs disseminated in alunite, pyrite, and kaolin- bearing silicified zones that are controlled by the circular faults. Other Tertiary calderas (i.e., Summitville and Red Mountain No. 3) have epithermal disseminated gold deposits located in and near […]

Underground Mining Geology

underground mining geology

In the previous topic we learned that the economics of mining is particularly related to the amount of ore that can be produced and the amount of waste rock that must be moved. That makes underground mining particularly suited to structurally compact ore bodies with high grade ores which don’t require an extensive network of […]

Underground Mining Methods

underground mining methods (2)

The choice of an underground mining method depends on a range of factors and these include; the size and shape of the deposit, the orientation or slope of the deposit, the depth of the deposit, geological structures, characteristics of the ore and the surrounding rocks and issues with gas and water. In combination, these factors […]

Open Pit Mining

open pit mine

In model 1 with Stephen, and in the previous topic, we saw that the geological aspect is one of the main factors that affect the design of a surface mine. What are the characteristics and other aspects should be taken into a code for the final configuration of the surface mine. Between them, we have […]

Open Cast Mining Advantages

open pit mining pros and cons

In the previous topic, we saw which are some of the advantages that can make the surface open pit mining methods superior method compared to the underground mining. However, underground mining has its own advantages. And finally, the ultimate decision to mine from the surface or from underground comes down to the specific characteristics of […]

Mining Engineering & Mineral Exploration Economics


Mining Engineering is a lot about applying the knowledge of applied science and Engineering Mechanics to the successful extraction of useful geological resources. So in this first module we will overview the mining process in its entirety and identify those aspects which are the realm of the mining engineering. Then in the next three modules […]

Rock Mass & Rock Matrix – Discontinuities

rock mass matrix (1)

In this topic we will discuss what constitutes a rock mass and its relevance for this photo, you can see a rock face and what is quite clear is that the rock is not homogeneous. Compare to this specimen of sandstone, which has a uniform color and no clear planes crossing it. In contrast, […]