Auriferous Deposits


Gold and elements of the platinum group metals have been found in several types of deposits around the world. Sometimes, deposits have been worked for their cobble and gravel components and these places have been set up to recover heavy minerals (mainly as black sands) from their host rock. These minerals carry precious metals and […]

Basic Gold Prospecting & Exploration Methods

Samples can be obtained by drilling programs

Prospecting and exploration that is a search for precious metals deposits is not a simple process because big deposits were discovered a long time ago. There are several places with important content of precious metals waiting for skill prospectors. The large mining companies of the world are focused in big deposits and the small deposits […]

Rotary Drilling & Core Sampling

auger type rotary drilling

During the past few years the taking of cores in drilling with rotary equipment has been perfected to a remarkable degree in the Gulf Coast fields of Texas and Louisiana. Taking of cores is becoming quite a common thing, especially in the newer fields, and drillers are becoming expert in this work. The writer has […]

Sampling and Estimating Disseminated Copper Deposits

copper deposit

The sampling of disseminated copper deposits has been described often but the method of combining assays to give the true shape and value of the orebody as it will be mined has received less attention. As the ore mined during five or ten years at several of the great disseminated properties has averaged materially lower […]

Chemistry of Enrichment of Silver Deposits

silver deposits

The processes of superficial alteration depend on physical conditions, environment, geologic history and chemical and mineralogical composition. Superficial alteration is confined particularly to the zone of shallow circulation, as this is the zone of solution; its rocks are open and the circulation within it is comparatively rapid. The enrichment of ore deposits in this zone, […]

Calculate Ore Tonnage and Grade from Drill hole Samples

trapezoid ore tonnage

The usual method of sampling mineral deposits is to drill holes and assay the sludge or core. Though the results thus obtained may not represent the true average value of the deposit, it is on these results that estimates of practically all large orebodies are made. In a large number of cases, the results of […]

Geometallurgy Course & Geometallurgical Modelling

define kriging

Basic Geometallurgy Short Course for mineral processing applications   Geometallurgy and grinding It is often desirable to be able to load ore hardness information into the mine block model. Allows the mining engineers to better schedule ore delivery to the plant, and to run more sophisticated net present value calculations against ore blocks. Requires hundreds of samples from […]

Geostatics Mining Extractive Metallurgy Papers

Utilizing Coiled Tube Rig for Mineral Exploration Application Suggested Support System for a Mining Tunnel in the E1 Longwall Panel of the Parvade1 Underground Coal Mine The Finite Element Method A Numerical Study of the Effects of Face Support Pressure and Soil Material Properties on Face Deformation and Lining Stresses in EPB Shield Tunneling A […]

Online Geology Course


Here is a “how” series on ore mineral deposit formation acting as a FREE Online Exploration Geology Courses to help non-technical people understand ore deposits, how they form, how they are explode for, how they are evaluated and mined and how the metals and minerals are extracted from the ore. The talks highlights some of the features of […]