Silver Rocks and Minerals


Silver ores, Silver Rocks and Minerals are easily fused before the blowpipe flame, either with or without carbonate of soda. The resulting globule of metal, of its characteristic white colour, can be readily hammered out or cut by a knife. If the powdered mineral, supposed to contain silver, be dissolved in nitric acid and the solution […]

Nickel Ores and Minerals


To test the presence of nickel in a mineral, by means of the blowpipe, requires great care. If heated on charcoal, together with carbonate of soda in the inner flame, a grey metallic powder, attractable by the magnet, is formed. If heated with borax on platinum wire in the outer frame, a hyacinth red to […]

Lead Mineral Group


Lead compounds part of the Lead Mineral Group, if heated with carbonate of soda on charcoal before the blowpipe flame, yield malleable metal, and also a yellow oxide of lead incrustation. If dissolved in nitric acid, the white sulphate of lead may be thrown down as a precipitate by adding sulphuric acid ; or as chloride […]

Is Iron a Mineral or Rock


If you wonder whether Iron a Mineral or Rock, here is your answer: IRON IS A ELEMENT! found IN ROCKS AND MINERALS. When heated before the blowpipe some of the ores are infusible, while most become, if not naturally so, attractable by the magnet. When the test is not destroyed by the presence of other […]

Panning for Gold

The arrows detonates the direction of the flow of the water

Panning for Gold allows you to detect free or native gold in a piece of specimen rock, in sand or gravel, the sample should be carefully examined by means of a magnifying glass, if the eye is insufficient. The particles of gold, if present in the free state, will probably be distinct, whether wet or […]

Characteristics of Common Minerals


As mentioned before, in the last chapter, any one who searches for useful minerals is chiefly attracted by their colour; the lustre, and perhaps streak, may assist him in the determination of their nature. Still, doubts may suggest further investigation. The hardness and the specific gravity may guide him, though it must be confessed, in […]

How do Prospectors Find Gold

Illustration of a Deposit pursuing a curvilinear course.

In prospecting a country for Prospecting for valuable minerals wealth, it is most important to search very systematically and carefully among the sands and rocks of river beds, in dry creeks, and at the bottom of valleys, as well as on the sea-shore. Not only does the action of running water and glaciers grind down […]

Process used to Identify Minerals


In the process of discovering the nature of a rock and Identifying Minerals, the mineralogist may derive the necessary information by a careful study of its external appearance and characteristics; the form of crystallization, hardness, specific gravity, colour, streak (the colour when scratched, or when rubbed on a piece of porcelain), and also from its […]

Blowpipe Assaying

Reducing Point

How to make and use a blowpipe to test and perform a metal analysis for the presence of various minerals by evaluating the nature of the flames. Methods of testing in an open tube and a tube closed at one end.—On charcoal with carbonate of soda.—With borax and microcosmic salt on platinum wire.—Tables of reactions -with […]

Table of Apparent Geological Dips Calculated Chart

calculated table of apparent dips in vertical section, gaby. geological dip chart

The form of dip chart here presented for the use of the profession was devised by the author when he was confronted with a particularly heavy job of geological section making and did not have any of the usual tables or charts at hand. This was at the property of the Teziutlan Copper Co. in […]