Rock Compression

rock compression 001

In topic one, we introduced stress and strain. These 2 variables are related because application of a stress results in a strain. In this topic, we will see how a specimen of intact rock responds when it is subjected to a simple compression. So, if we consider specimens, such as this one with flat ends, […]

Mine Closure

mine closure (1)

Mining is a temporary land use, so having found, evaluated, designed, planned and operated that mine in a safe environmentally responsible way. It remains or us to tidy up, and then to hand the land over to some future productive use. There is a societal expectation that post mining the land will be returned to […]

Environmental Impact Assessment

Mining operates under a social license, but its benefits should outweigh its negative impacts. Responsible mine operators accept this and they design their operations to be socially responsible. However to protect the environment and society against the negative impacts of mining regulatory frameworks are put in place to guide the assessment of mining proposals before […]

Gold Geology For a bunch of his detailed information in the mines but I learned from him and since the class I’ve been out to his place a few times and so I have enough that I can present a Liberty gold lecture and now I have a Liberty Gold lecture for my class and it […]

Carlin Style Mineralisation Deposit Examples


This section on Carlin Style Mineralisation Deposit Examples will give you a quick run through of a couple of actual Carlin deposits to give an idea of their characteristics; we will begin with Barrick’s goldstrike deposit, it’s in the north of the Carlin trend. Gold strike is the mother and father of Carlin deposits and is responsible […]

Gold Deposits AKA Orogenic Geology Formation


Mesothermal gold deposits form half way up through the rise of the melt from the deep crust to the surface usually at a depth of less than 10 km but greater than 1 km. temperatures at these depths are generally somewhere between 450 degrees and 250 degrees Celsius. The term mesothermal veins is really a […]

Plate Tectonics and Mineralization Process

geo magma

The geological theory of Plate Tectonics and the Associated Mineralization Process relating to the formation of ore deposits is a hugely complicated process with the myriad contributing variables such as rock and fluid compositions, temperature, pressure pH, eH, structure and time, all interacting to provide a host of different outcomes. In truth ore deposits and […]

Exploration Drilling Method: Setup, Operation Procedure


Setting Up The Drill: The drill is placed in the desired location for the hole, leveled, and the derrick raised. One end of the sand line is attached to the vacuum sand pump; the other end is placed over the sand line sheave in the derrick and attached to the sandline drum. The drill line is […]

How to use a sluice box


Another widely used sample washing device is the ordinary sluice box which in its smaller form is sometimes loosely but erroneously called a “long tom”. A sluice in its simplest form is no more than an elongated, rectangular trough fitted with transverse cleats or some other form of riffled bottom. It is operated by essentially […]

DryWashers Gold Mining

Wooden Riffle

In arid districts where water is scarce or expensive and a “dry” plant is proposed for the recovery of placer gold, a small dry washer may be the logical choice for processing samples. A number of small, hand-powered machines are on the market and most work quite well within certain limits common to all dry […]