List Minerals Containing Phosphoric Acid

The occurrence and distribution of phosphorus is one of the most important questions with which the steel-maker has to do. Large sums are invested in processes for the removal of this element from ores before they come to the blast-furnace, and much greater sums in freeing the pig-iron from it. Mechanical engineers are becoming more […]

Gold Prospecting Methods

  The modern gold prospector has advantages that to some extent make up for the increased difficulty of finding ore deposits. One advantage is greatly increased knowledge about the geologic factors that localize ore deposition. The search for new deposits has become a complex undertaking, and the prospector should be as well-informed as possible. The […]

Prospecting for Minerals

Prospectors have made a tremendous contribution to the development of this Nation’s mineral resources. Since the time of the earliest settlement, the need for iron for tools and guns, lead for bullets, and copper for utensils has prompted a search for sources of these metals. The lure of gold and silver provided the impetus for […]

How to Extinguish a Mine Fire

plan showing location of fire and mine

In the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania, mine fires occur with more or less regularity and their existence is an ever-present hazard in coal mining. In all probability 90 per cent, of the mine fires can be ascribed directly or indirectly to the ordinary miner’s open lamp. Other causes may be smoking, electrical installations, gas explosions, […]

Handling Ore in Stopes and Drifts

handling ore

Every one connected with a mine knows that it is hard to keep down the costs of moving ore from the place where it is broken to the shaft or portal. Considered broadly, the subject of handling would cover all work done in a mine but here it has been limited to handling ore in […]


electric core oven

The Core-Oven tests here described were made to obtain information regarding costs, efficiency, etc. of baking cores in an oil-fired oven, and two electric ovens, which were installed, early in 1920, in the core room of The Ohio Brass Co. and were used almost continuously during the rest of that year. Operating costs were rather high […]

Underground Mine Closure

As with ore mining operations it is necessary to leave an underground mine in a socially responsible state when mining ceases because underground mining has a smaller foot print in surface mining this is generally a less onerous task. However, there are still a number of important issues that must be dealt with and some […]

Underground Mining

underground mining

In this module, I’ll take you through the key aspects related to underground mining activities. In this module, we will look at economic considerations in regard to underground mining, geological conditions suited to underground mining, the different operational and technical approaches using underground mining and important operational considerations including roof support, ventilation, safety, water management […]

Safety in Open Pit Mining

open pit mining pros and cons

Welcome back to the surface mining model. In the previous topic, we learned about different types of surface mining operations, about equipment, about different methods that are commonly used to extract coal or different ore deposits. It’s not difficult to understand that mining is one of the most dangerous working environments in the world and […]