Flotation of Lead Carbonate
Flotation Material Balancing Excel – Solver

For a flotation circuit, material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow parameters between unit operations are partly known. The purpose of a material balancing is to mathematically examine the known flow parameters to solve for the unknown flow parameters. Two main types of material balances are commonly made: design material balance operating plant […]
Flotation Software to Improve Grade and Recovery

In this video EMC Supasim flotation simulation program is used to simulate the performance of a copper lead zinc plant in southern Spain. Flotation kinetics of key streams are generated by conducting bench scale rate tests on either a laboratory prepared sample of mill feed or grab samples of pulp taken from the plant. And […]
How to Perform a Laboratory Flotation Test

This is an overview of setting up and conducting a flotation rate test. The test is a means of determining the flotation characteristics of an ore. It is conducted in a laboratory scale cell usually with a volume of two point five litres. The intention is to generate relationships of cumulative recovery, mass pull and […]
How to Analyse Flotation Test Results
It is pointless to do lab flotation tests if you do not know How to Analyse Flotation Test Results. Here are must read articles on learning float test result evaluation. Mineralogy & Flotation: Floatability VS Selectivity Test Assessment Flotation Kinetics: Mass & Water Recovery VS Entrainment & Mineralogy Timed Flotation Test: Concentrate Collection & Cumulative Grade […]
Timed Flotation Test & Cumulative Grade Recovery Curve

Apart from conducting a rate test in the correct manner, it’s important to collect the right number of concentrates and at the right times; doing this will ensure that the data you generate maximizes your analysis of flotation response. To properly define the relationship between recovery and time, you need a minimum of four concentrates […]
Mineralogy & Flotation: Floatability VS Selectivity Test Assessment

Mineralogy is the driving force behind flotation performance. A flotation batch and rate test measures this as mass pull recovery and concentrate grade. The real data from a rate test can be processed to determine the flotation kinetics of metal, mineral and gangue. What we cover here is what are kinetics and what do they mean. […]
Froth Flotation Applications

Unusual Applications Of The Flotation Process: In the mineral industry flotation is often defined as a physicochemical process that has the capability of separating two or more finely divided minerals from each other. In the usual concept of flotation all three forms of matter are involved and many of the physical and chemical properties of gases, […]
Flotation Kinetics: Mass Recovery vs Entrainment

This covers the recovery of entrained solids with water and the relationship between mineralogy and flotation performance; both are described in terms of flotation kinetics. The starting points for the relationship between mass and water recovery other products of a flotation rate test. In addition to concentrate mass, metal or mineral and floatable gangue. If […]