Surfactants & Mine Dust Control & Effect on Flotation

Dust measurements in mines clearly indicated that the major mineral dust exposure is due to loading and transport of the ore from the mining areas. One approach to the solution of this dust problem is the application of water sprays to reduce dust dispersion. Wetting of broken rock is very effective in preventing fine dust […]

Column Flotation Cell Residence Time Distribution RTD

We present the results obtained in a study of the residence time distributions of solids and liquids in two and three phase systems in a column flotation cell. The effects of various flotation parameters on these residence time distributions of the collection and cleaning zones are also reported. The data obtained was fitted to various […]

Froth Washing in Mechanical Flotation Machines

Floatable and non-floatable particles follow different sequence for transport from the pulp to the froth and from the froth out of the cell. For floatable particles, the principal mechanism is true flotation (i.e. bubble attachment and levitatlon). Non-floatable particles arrive to the slurry-froth interface by hydraulic entrainment (i.e. wake carry over), mechanical entrainment (due to […]

Organic Flotation Depressant

These depressants are organic mixtures reacted with inorganic salts. They have found application for depression of oxidized pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite during the flotation of Cu, Cu-Zn, Cu-Pb-Zn and Pb-Zn ores. Some of these depressants have been adapted for depression of zinc during sequential copper zinc flotation. Depressants from the DS series have been successfully […]

Froth Flotation Bubble Collision

Collision efficiencies have been calculated using a two-particle model in a strong force field. The nondimensional equations of motion have been solved numerically, showing the effects of changes in K, W, and particle-to-bubble radius ratio R for both viscous and potential flow. The results of Flint and Howarth have been extended to include higher values […]

Column Flotation Testing Better & Improved Recovery

We investigated column flotation for recovery of a high-grade fluorite (CaF2) concentrate and byproduct concentrates from the Fish Creek fluorite deposit in Eureka County, NV. The recovery scheme consisted of (1) grinding the ore to minus 48 mesh, (2) fluorite rougher and cleaner flotation, (3) desliming the rougher fluorite flotation tailings at 20 µm, (4) […]

Hydrophobic Particle Aggregation & Flotation

In view of the poor floatabilities of fine particles their treatment prior to flotation becomes essential and aggregation is a means for improving the recoveries. Many of the variables which govern the flotation process also influence the aggregation mechanism and may be classified into physical, chemical and geometrical. Earlier investigations report the effects of particle […]

How Ferric Ions Affects Xanthate Adsorption – Collection

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the possible role of Fe3+ ions in the flotation of sulfide minerals, specifically on activated sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Experimental Sample: Specimen-grade Chalcopyrite  & sphalerite was obtained from the Ward’s Natural Science Est., Inc. It contains 0.035% Fe, 0.012% Cu and <0.001% Pb by weight, and has […]

Effect of P80 Grind Size on Flotation Collector

Flotation Performance in Function of Collector Type & Dosage at Fixed Grind Size: The drop-off in measured plant recovery due to excessive collector dosage has been described. In the above publications, a rate model was used for describing experimental cumulative recovery versus time data of the form: r = R { 1 – [1/(Kt)][1- exp(-Kt)]} where […]

How to Recycle Magnesite Chrome in Copper Smelting Furnaces

In accordance with its objective to maximize minerals recovery from secondary domestic resources, Bureau of Mines conducted research on recycling chrome refractory wastes. Since 20 pct of the U.S. demand for imported chromite is used in the production of refractories, primarily for the steel, copper, and glass industries, samples of used chrome-containing refractories from copper […]