Gyratory Screens

Gyratory Screen Separators impart a combined gyratory and vertical motion and arc used for fine-screening applications, wet or dry, down to 40 pm, including laboratory use. The basic components consist of a nest of sieves up to around 2.7 m in diameter supported on a table that is mounted on springs on a base. Suspended from […]

Computer Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants

Steady-state simulation is now an operational tool used to assist mineral processing engineers in the design, adaptation and improvement of mineral processing plants. Since 1988, the computer applications team of the Mineral Technology Department of BRGM has been developing and distributing a simulation software, now in use in more than twenty countries, by universities, research […]

Wet Screening

Immediately after operations commenced in 1972, Freeport experienced a crusher availability that was less than 50%. It was obvious that a change needed to be made. Primary wet screening was selected to remove the fines which caused plugging of the secondary and tertiary crushers and blinding of the tertiary screens in 1972. Today Freeport’s concentrator is […]

Cone Crusher

Cone Crusher - 911Metallurgist

From the discussion so far it is obvious that two energy factors determine a crusher’s productivity: (1) Total power drawn affects the quantity produced of any given size or range of sizes. (2) The energy applied, previously defined as the crusher’s Power Rate (kilowatt-hours per ton of feed) will determine the size reduction. This has […]

Crushing Finer to Reduce Grinding Cost

This new high energy or power rate crushing brings a different perspective to comminution flow sheet selection. Generally, up until the early 1960’s the classical flow sheet for a beneficiation plant was primary crushing followed by two stages of cone crushing in closed or open circuit, making feed for rod mills, followed by ball mills. The […]

Allis Chalmers Corporation

The Allis-Chalmers Corporation was founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1847 as the E. P. Allis Company, which had an initial interest in manufacturing components in the grinding of flour. As such, its roots were started in reducing material size, which is covered by the generic term, comminution. The Corporation evolved by a series of mergers […]

Crushing Simulation

In the context of this paper a simulation model for a size reduction device is an equation or equation set which allows the calculation of the product size distribution from the device for a specified size distribution of feed. The model might be expressed as a simple algebraic expression, as a matrix equation, or as […]

Crushing SAG Mill Critical Size Material

The relationship between the grinding power consumption and the product size distribution has been widely studied since it is a subject of major interest for plant design and optimization. The conventional approaches, generally of empirical nature, have led to the formation of equations such as Bond’s, which has been used in sizing most of the […]

Crushing & Grinding Circuit Design – Comminution

The rising costs for and the possibility for limited availability of electrical energy are emphasizing the continual conflict faced in the selection of comminution circuits used in preparing ores for concentration, namely; capital cost vs. operating cost. Frequently, the circuit with the lowest capital cost is not the most efficient in the use of electrical […]

Compression Tests Iron Pellets

Compression Tests Iron Pellets - 911Metallurgist

A number of compressive tests were conducted on iron ore pellets obtained from the Samarco pelletizing plant located at Ponta Ubu, Brazil. These pellets are formed by disk pelletizing of a mixture consisting of hematite iron ore, (particle size less than 50 µm) water, and lime; they are hardened in a traveling-grate furnace and the […]