Laboratory Analytical Balances & Laboratory Scales

Laboratory Balance

The Laboratory Pulp Balance illustrated here is very useful for measuring small quantities of reagents and for general laboratory work. It is furnished in capacities from 100 grams to 3,000 grams. Sensitivity varies from 1 mg. on the smaller sizes to 10 mg. on the large sizes.

This balance can be supplied either as shown or with a glass case for protection against drafts and dust. The bearings are of agate, knife edges of steel, and all brass parts are polished and lacquered. The case is fitted with a level and four leveling screws to ensure accuracy.

Laboratory Pulp BalanceBalance Capacity

Laboratory Balance, (Harvard) Trip Scale

The (Harvard) Trip Scale Laboratory Balance is for general laboratory work and finds particular use in weighing products from screen sizing tests.

The capacity of this balance is 2 kilograms. The single beam type shown at the left is graduated to 10 grams in 1/10 gram divisions. The bearings are agate and are completely housed against dust. The plates are interchangeable and replaceable and are made of molded white opal glass 6 inches square. All the metal parts are cadmium plated to resist corrosion, and beam is of nickel silver.

Single Beam

The double beam type has the upper beam graduated to 10 grams in 1/10 gram divisions; the lower beam to 200 grams in 10 gram divisions. Capacity is 210 grams without extra weights; total capacity is 2000 grams. This balance is of the same construction as the single beam type. Brass metric balance weights are available in ranges from 1 gram to 1000 grams for use with (Harvard) Laboratory Trip Scale Balances.

Double BeamStyle

The (Ainsworth Type T) Analytical Laboratory Balance has a capacity of 200 grams and is sensitive to 1/40 milligram, thereby meeting more exact requirements than general analytical balances.

The beam is of aluminum alloy, 6″ long, with edges of triangular shaped agate. The beam is graduated with 100 divisions each side of the zero center. Two removable nickel- plated pans, 3 inches in diameter, and a rider carrier for each side of the beam are furnished. Two 10 milligram beam riders are supplied. All metal parts are heavily gold plated except for the stirrup drop levers which are finished in black crystallized lacquer. Case is aluminum, finished in black crystallized lacquer with a counterpoised front door and removable rear door, and includes spirit levels and four leveling screws.

A zinc lined case can be supplied for export shipment if desired. This balance can also be provided with a keyboard operated carrier which greatly increases the speed of handling fractional weights up to and including one gram.

Ainsworth Type TBalance

Laboratory Balance, Pocket Assay

The Pocket Assay Balance is an accurate precision instrument designed to fold up into a compact wood case which also accommodates the weights and pincers. When raised, the lid supports the beam from which the saucer shaped pans are suspended. When the box is closed, its dimensions are 6″x 2¾”x 1½”. Weighing capacity is 10 grams, sensitivity ¼ mg. The instrument is furnished with a set of weights, 10 grams to 1 mg.

Laboratory Pocket Assay Balance


Analytical BALANCE Chainomatic Column Antique Analytical BALANCE Chainomatic Column

BALANCE, Analytical, Becker No. 15

An efficient balance for routine laboratory work.


  • Capacity: 200 grams.
  • Pans: Nickel silver. Diameter, 2% inches.
  • Sensitiveness: 1/20 mg. with 100 gram load. 1/10 mg. with full load.
  • Bows: Nickel silver. Width, 4% inches. Height, 8 inches.
  • Beam: Special aluminum alloy of uniform density.
    Maximum strength with minimum weight.
  • Case: Polished mahogany, with glass sides and Length, b inches. top, front sliding door counterpoised, rear door removable. With level and leveling screws.
  • Knife edges: Selected agate.
  • Bearings: Agate planes.
  • Releasing mechanism: Pall-away type. Independent pan arrest.
  • Dimensions: Width, 16% inches; depth, 9%  inches; height, 18% inches.
  1. With Beam Graduated, each side of center by 1/10 mg. to 5 mg.
  2. With Beam Graduated, but mounted on black plate glass base.
  3. With Chainomatic Column, graduated, with vernier, reading from 1/10 mg. to 100 mg.
    Eliminates all weights below 100 mg. With Auto-Dex. Mounted on black plate glass base.

BALANCE, Analytical, Becker No. 8A

—Standard short beam balance for analytical work.


  • Capacity: 200 grams.
  • Pans: Nickel silver. Diameter, 2% inches.
  • Sensitiveness: 1/20 mg. under full load.
  • Beam: Special aluminum alloy of uniform density. Maximum strength with minimum weight. Length, 7 inches.
  • Knife edges: Selected agate.
  • Case: Polished mahogany, with glass sides and top, front sliding door counterpoised, rear door removable.
  • Bearings: Agate planes.  Mounted on black plate glass
  • Releasing mechanism: Arrest arms support points base- With level and leveling screws, move in the same arc as the points of suspension on the beam, when the balance is released, preventing the knife edges from slipping on the bearings. Independent pan arrest.
  • Dimensions: Width, 16 1/4 inches; depth, 9 1/4 inches; height, 18 1/4 inches.
  1. With Beam Graduated, each side of center by 1/10 mg. to 10 mg.
  2. With Chainomatic Column, graduated, with vernier, reading from 1/10 mg. to 100 mg. Eliminates all weights below 100 mg.
BALANCE Analytical Becker No 9 Graduated beam analytical balance-scale

BALANCE, Analytical, Becker No. 9

—A high grade balance with patented beam arrest and with Auto-Dex.


  • Capacity: 200 grams.
  • Pans: Aluminum. Diameter, 3 inches.
  • Sensitiveness: 1/20 mg. under full load.
  • Beam: Special aluminum alloy of uniform density. Maximum strength with minimum weight. Length, 7 inches.
  • Bow: Bureau of Chemistry type. Width, 4 1/4 inches. Height, 8 1/2 inches.
  • Knife edges: Selected agate. Case: Extra large and roomy. Of polished mahogany, with glass sides and top, front sliding.
  • Bearings: Agate planes.
  • Releasing mechanism: Arrest arms supporting points move m the same arc as the points of suspension on the beam, preventing the knife edges from slipping on the bearings.
  • Case: With level Sibling door counterpoised, rear door removable.
  • Dimensions: Width, 19 1/4 inches; depth, 11 3/4 independent pan arrest. inches; height, 20 inches.
  1. With Beam Graduated, with 100 graduations on each side of center, each graduation corresponding to 1/10 mg. with 10 mg. rider, or to 1/20 mg. with 5 mg. rider and Auto-Dex.
  2. With Chainomatic Column, graduated, with vernier, reading from 1/10 mg. to 100 mg. Eliminates all weights below 100 mg and Auto-Dex.

Laboratory BALANCE, Analytical

Ainsworth Type LJ—A medium-priced analytical balance for routine laboratory work.


  • Capacity. 200 grams. Releasing mechanism: Push button pan release.
  • Sensitiveness. 1/10 mg. Pans: Flat aluminum plates, and 3 inch diameter
  • Period of oscillation: 9 seconds. nickel plated brass pans.
  • Beam: Special aluminum alloy. Length, 6 inches.
  • Bows: Width at lower end, 4 inches.
routine industrial laboratory SCALE Analytical scale

Laboratory SCALE, Analytical

Student Model—For student and routine industrial laboratory use.


  • Capacity: 200 prams in each pan.
  • Pans: Aluminum. Diameter. 2 1/2 inches.
  • Sensitiveness: 1/1 o mg. with full load.
  • Bows: Nickel silver. Width, 4 1/4 inches. Height.
  • Beam: Aluminum alloy. Length. 6 1/2 inches. Graduated in white on black.
  • Rider carrier: Improved type.
  • Case: Polished mahogany, with glass top, sides.door and slate base. With level and leveling screws.
  • Knife edges and bearings: Agate.
  • Releasing mechanism: Fall-away type. Independent pan arrest. inches; height, 15 inches.
  • Dimensions: Width. 1 inches: depth, 9 1/4″