
Electroslag & Electric Arc Furnace Processes

Table of ContentsExperimentalMaterialsEquipmentMelting ProceduresIngot TestingResultsElectric-Arc-Furnace-Melted IngotsElectroslag-Remelted IngotsForged and Rolled BarMicrocleanness and MicroporosityMechanical PropertiesTensile PropertiesImpact PropertiesMicroscopyOpticalScanning Electron MicroscopyDiscussions and Conclusions Demand for pressure vessel steels for use in power generation and energy transport applications is increasing in the United States. Coupled with the increased demand is the requirement for higher quality steels that are better able to withstand temperature extremes and

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Electrorefining Copper

Table of ContentsApparatus and Experimental TechniquesRotating Electrode CellsSingle Channel CellsMulti-channel CellResultsRotating Electrode CellsRing ElectrodesCylinder ElectrodesSingle-Channel CellSynthetic Electrolyte TestsTankhouse Electrolyte TestsComparison with Industrial Refining CellsMultichannel CellInitial Electrolysis StudiesFiltration and Settling of Anode SludgeOperational Parameters for the Multichannel CellConclusions This report discusses Electrorefining Copper research conducted to increase the rate, deposit purity, and overall efficiency in industrial processes used to electrodeposit and purify

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Table of ContentsCoal Flotation with Non-Ionic SurfactantsExperimental Materials and MethodsResults and DiscussionSummary and Conclusions The flowsheet in this study illustrates the general practice in the United Kingdom. A large number of coal preparation plants have been established by the National Coal Board during the past 10 years. The primary consideration is to achieve a maximum recovery of low ash coal.

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Laboratory Air Classifier

LABORATORY AIR CLASSIFIER OFFERS DRY SEPARATION DATA ON SMALL-SCALE One of the problems confronting many laboratories handling dry grinding and separation problems is the proper method of sizing the products. To meet this need, our Equipment Company has developed the Laboratory Air Classifier for dry materials. The unit is available in two sizes. The Model “C” which is shown in

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Laboratory Solvent Extraction and Stripping Units

Laboratory Solvent Extraction and Stripping Units Evaluate Process Prior to Commercial Size Installation The Laboratory Solvent Extraction and Stripping Units provide a completely visual control of the solvent extraction process. There is great flexibility in regulating speed of agitators, recirculation of the organic phase or aqueous phase. The system provides counter-current flow. No pumps are needed. With controlled rates of

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Uranium Solvent Extraction Process

Table of ContentsUranium GeologyUranium MiningUranium Test WorkDesign and Construction of Uranium Processing PlantWaterPowerMillingCrushingGrinding Uranium Leaching Uranium Countercurrent Decantation WashingClarification of Pregnant LiquorSolvent Extraction & Stripping of UraniumPrecipitation and FiltrationUranium Drying and PackagingLaboratory Uranium Geology The ore occurs as uraninite adhering to the outside of sand grains in the Wind River formation which rest unconformably upon Cretaceous shales. The ores are relatively low in clay content and generally regarded

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Recover Concentrate from Thickener Overflow

SRL Pump More Than Pays For Itself in Recovery Of Flotation Concentrate From Thickener Overflow Problem: Froth building up on surface of concentrate thickener tends to carry mineral values to waste. Solution: A small combination sump and overflow box was installed at the base of the thickener tank and a 2″ x 2″ SRL Pump was connected to the conical

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Coarse & Fine Free Gold in Arsenopyrite, Pyrrhotite, Pyrite

This study deals with an ore containing coarse and fine free gold associated with arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and graphite in a quartz and slate gangue. The sulphides and graphite constitute 10 to 12% of the ore. Treatment required utmost economy. The flowsheet was developed from batch and pilot tests with the required flexibility to permit initial operation as a 50

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Quenching Unit

Susquehanna-Western, Inc. Uses Spiral Classifier For Quenching Unit A 36″ x 19′-10″ Spiral Classifier is used for quenching an 800°F calcine at the Karnes County, Texas, uranium mill of Susquehanna-Western, Inc. The coarse —1½” x 0″ hot calcine is fed directly to the Spiral Classifier at the rate of 12.5 tons per hour. The classifier is inclined only slightly so

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Ceramic Shaft Sleeve For SRL Pump

Ceramic Shaft Sleeve For SRL Pump Increases Part Life By Several Times That of Steel Sleeves One of the problems of concern to operators of centrifugal slurry pumps is the wear of shaft sleeves and the deterioration of packing material in the gland. This matter has also been under study by the Engineering Research and Development Department of EQUIPMENT COMPANY

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DIAPHRAGM PUMP WITH AUTOMATIC STROKE ADJUSTMENT ACCURATELY CONTROLS DENSITY OF THICKENER DISCHARGE is through his aggressive leadership of our Research and Development Department that many new and improved machines have been developed. Exacting control of thickener underflow density is a critical point in many operations. Normally it is desirable to maintain the highest possible underflow density to provide maximum removal of

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Acid Leaching – Copper Ore Treatment Method

Table of ContentsAcid Leaching Process FlowsheetCHEMISTRY OF COPPER DISSOLUTIONPREPARATION OF THE COPPER ORESTORAGE AND FEEDING THE ORECOPPER LEACHINGCHARGING THE TANKSCOPPER PRECIPITATIONACID SUPPLYPRODUCTION OF SULPHURIC ACID The treatment of copper ores, both oxides and sulfides by means of flotation, hydrometallurgy or other processes has been well established for many years. Flotation has been applied generally to the treatment of sulfide ores,

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Fine Coal Recovery

Fine Coal Recovery and Mine Backfill Preparation: The coal mines in the Sunnyside, Utah, area have been mined continuously since 1896 and prospered as Bee Hive oven coke producers until 1924. The introduction of natural gas for firing reverberatory copper furnaces curtailed the market for Bee Hive oven coke and the mine production fell drastically. Some of the mines were abandoned

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Mine Backfill Plant

Table of ContentsScreening and Grinding SectionBackfilling Underground Backfill Preparation Plant: Mine roof support problems were a major concern that necessitated the use of backfill to supplement conventional means of support. Roof supports account for at least one-half the cost of mining at Sunnyside. Roof bolts and round timber are used for roof support, plus yieldable steel arches for severe ground, air

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Designing Small CCD Cyanide Plant

The world demand for gold and international economic pressures for an advance in price have accelerated interest in gold and silver production. Many opportunities exist throughout the world for small cyanide plants both for production and pilot operations, especially in areas not easily accessible, and where labor and local costs are on a level for profitable operation. Ores not fully

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An important potash producer in Europe uses this simple, useful unit for sampling the pulp in their thickeners. It is particularly applicable to any potash operation and its low cost will appeal to many other plants where thickener density must be sampled. The unit is operated manually and the depth from which the sample is taken is shown on a

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Rod Mill & Ball Mill Grinding Circuit

This Rod Mill —Ball Mill grinding team is in operation at a new 500 ton-per-day, base metal, selective flotation mill. Preliminary Grinding Tests Without Charge Mill size and specifications are determined by experienced engineers who study your grinding problem in detail and take into account the effect of grinding on your total milling circuit. Laboratory testing facilities are available to

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The recovery of silver minerals occurring in a lead- zinc sulfide ore is efficiently accomplished using the above flowsheet. The process consists of selective flotation to produce a mixed silver-lead concentrate for maximum smelter return and a separate zinc concentrate. Over-grinding of silver minerals is detrimental to efficient flotation recovery, so the Unit Cell is used in the grinding circuit

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Laboratory Gas Generators

There are many forms of these, and to describe them would of itself fill a volume. A simple generator for hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide or hydrogen is shown in Fig. 106. The acid is held in the bottle, which is provided with a tubulature. The iron sulphide, etc., is in the calcium chloride jar, B. The acid flow is regulated

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Laboratory U-tubes

Gases, Drying and Absorbing.—For this purpose U-tubes, potash bulbs, calcium chloride tubes and calcium chloride jars are used. U-tubes, Fig. 103, are made in a number of forms and are suited to drying gases by the use of calcium chloride, anhydrous copper sulphate, sulphuric acid, etc. Figs, a 103 and b 103 are good forms where the gas has merely

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Laboratory Flasks

Laboratory Flasks may be obtained in some fifteen or twenty different forms, of which the Erlenmeyer and the globe are most used in analytical laboratories. The Erlenmeyer is shown in a, Fig. 102. It is an excellent flask in which to filter by suction (see Chapter III.), for titrations, where precipitates are to be formed in a flask by shaking,

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Laboratory Carboys

These are used in laboratories for the storage of solutions, and acids, ammonia, etc., are received in them. The problem with them is usually how to get the contents out of them. One of the easiest ways is to place the carboy in a Stevenson’s tilter. This consists of a pair of rockers so fixed that the carboy can be

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Laboratory Aspirators

The simplest form of aspirator consists of two large bottles, a, Fig. 98, both of which are tightly stoppered with rubber stoppers. Through each of these stoppers pass two tubes, one reaching from a few inches outside to within a fraction of an inch of the bottom of the bottle, the other reaching to just inside the stopper. The two

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