
Taber Abraser Test

Table of ContentsTaber Abraser Equipment and SpecimensTaber Abraser ProcedureAbrasion Resistance Test of Refractory Materials The Taber Abraser is a commercial wear tester designed to test the abrasive wear resistance of flat specimens of a wide variety of materials including coatings, paints, metals, plastics, paper, textiles, ceramic tile, and etched or printed material on glass. The wear condition can be classified

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DSRW Abrasive Wear Test

Table of ContentsDSRW Equipment and SpecimenDSRW ProcedureDSRW Results and Discussion The dry-sand, rubber-wheel (DSRW) abrasion test apparatus simulates low-stress, three-body abrasive wear. This type of wear occurs in the mining industry in linkages, pivot pins, and wire ropes, which suffer slow wear from the sliding and rolling action of abrasive fragments of rock and ore trapped between metal surfaces. Because

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Wear Testing Laboratory

Table of ContentsDescription of Tests and EquipmentAbrasive Wear The laboratory wear testing capabilities are described. Wear tests are used to support the group’s research efforts toward reducing the wear of equipment used for mining and minerals processing and any wear involving a loss of strategic or critical materials. The emphasis is on abrasive wear because it accounts for most of

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Potash Feldspar Recovery Process

Table of ContentsDescription of SamplesLaboratory Batch Flotation TestsThe Citric Acid-Sodium Carbonate-Fatty Acid MethodThe Sulfuric Acid-Petroleum Sulfonate MethodThe Hydrofluoric Acid-Dixanthogen MethodVariation of the Citric Acid-Sodium Carbonate- Fatty Acid FlowsheetSample COBSample NMASample COCMicroprobe StudiesConclusions The known domestic reserves of potash feldspar of the quality needed for dinnerware and sanitaryware, as well as for electrical and other industrial porcelain products, are not likely

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How to Reduce Pumping Cost

The prime objective of this paper is to call attention to possibilities of reducing the cost of pumping, generally by reducing inflow into the mine area. A surprising number of ways have been used to do it. To show the potential benefits of reducing pumping this paper emphasizes both the un-quantified and the obvious costs. Now both are multiplied by

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Make Alumina using Hydrochloric Acid

Table of ContentsMaterials, Equipment, and ProceduresLeachingFiltering and WashingEvaporation to 25 Wt-Pct AlCl3OxidationSolvent ExtractionReaction of Iron Strip Solution with ClayEvaporation to 30 Wt-Pct AlCl3Sparging With HCl GasFiltering and Washing AlCl3·6H2OCalcinationAcid AdjustmentResults and Discussion20-cycle 36-pct-HCl Sparge Run10-cycle 26-pct HCl Sparge RunHydrochloric Acid Process in Summary Al2O3 used as feed for electrolytic cells in the production of aluminum metal is obtained in the

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Platinum – Palladium Flotation

Table of ContentsGeneral Geology and MineralogyFlotation Test Equipment & ProcedurePreliminary Flotation TestsOptimization of Rougher Flotationwith Mercaptobenzothiazole Collector and Sulfuric Acid ModifierEffect of Recycling Water in Rougher Circuit on FlotationLarger Scale Rougher Flotation TestsCleaning of Rougher ConcentratesPlatinum – Palladium Flotation Summary An exploration program initiated by Johns-Manville Corp. resulted in the discovery of significant occurrences of platinum-group elements in the Stillwater

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Chlorination of Titanium Carbide

Table of ContentsExperimental Procedures and ResultsPreparation of TiC From PerovskitePerovskite-to-Carbon RatioEffect of Grinding on TiC LiberationSeparation of TiC from H2O SlurryPreparation of TiC from IlmeniteLaboratory TestsLarger Scale TestsPreparation of Titanium SlagCarbiding of Titanium SlagChlorination of TiCFluidized-Bed ReactorFused-Salt Bath ReactorDonflestic Titaniferous Ores The purpose of the Bureau research described in this report was to devise a procedure for producing TiCl4 from

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Potash Refining

The Sylvinite ores mined in conventional mines contain Sylvite (20 to 30% K2O), Halite, sometimes Carnallite and 1 to 5% insol. Liberation, in some cases, is substantial at 1 cm (3/8 inch), and virtually complete in all cases at 14 mesh. The separation processes include dissolution of the Carnallite, and removal of the insols, followed by mechanical separation of Sylvite

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Cone Crusher Plant Design

The trend in the design of fine crushing plants is in the direction of the horizontal arrangement with all crushers on a single floor. Conveyors from the coarse ore bin or stockpile, feed the scalping screens which are usually double decked. When the feed to the fine crushing plant contains less than 15 percent passing 19MM (¾ In.) and less

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Portable Jaw Crusher

Table of ContentsRotary Jaw Hard rock Crusher ConceptModel PerformancePrototype Design SpecificationsSummary of Rotary Jaw Crusher AdvantagesRotary Jaw Crusher Principle and Model PerformanceBasic Hardrock Crusher DesignNon-Choking Outer Jaw DesignFeed SystemsElevating Chain Conveyor and Ring Bar GrizzlyVibratory Feed ConveyorThe Scale ModelScale Model PerformanceConclusion of Model TestsPrototype DesignBasic Rotary Jaw CrusherStructuralRotor AssemblyTable IV Rotary Jaw Crusher SpecificationsCrusher Adjustment, Discharge SettingDrive SystemTramp Iron ReliefRing Bar GrizzlyJaw

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Pit Dewatering

Steady-State Pit Dewatering Simulations: Steady-state simulations of the observed potentiometric surface of the aquifer were used to calibrate the model. Calibration is the procedure by which initial input parameter values are adjusted to produce a more accurate simulation of the observed potentiometric surface. Initially, the field values of hydraulic conductivity, aquifer recharge, streambed permeability, and hydraulic head were used in

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Pellet Cold Bonding

Table of ContentsTheoretical foundation of the cold bonding pellet methodStudy of cold bonding pellets in laboratory This paper describes the production of cold or low temperature bonding method using sponge iron powder as a binder for iron bearing material after balling. Development of cold bonding pellet methods Theoretical foundation of the cold bonding pellet method  The bonding mechanism of cold bonding

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Overland Belt Conveyors

Table of ContentsMechanicalProfileSectionsBelting TakeupsPulleysIdlers The answer to the question of how to economically move bulk materials for the industrial plant is an important facet of plant engineering. Should it be by rail, truck, tramway, water, belt conveyor, or a combination of these methods? Each system is different, and must be examined. Proximity to navigable water, terrain, availability of land, distances, life,

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Ferrocyanide Methods of Analysis & Assay Procedure

Table of ContentsQUALITATIVE DETECTIONQUANTITATIVE DETERMINATIONReagentsFerrocyanide Assay Procedure QUALITATIVE DETECTION Because of the distinctive colors of the precipitates formed, various cations have been proposed for the qualitative detection of the ferrocyanide ion. Since interference frequently occurs, some care is usually necessary. As an illustration, the following condensed procedure serves for the detection of the ferrocyanide ion in the presence of ferricyanide

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Ferrocyanide Toxicity

It is generally agreed that the ferrocyanide ion is of a low order of oral toxicity, even in relatively large dosage. Kobert states that potassium ferrocyanide in alkaline solution is nontoxic. In Precis de Toxicologie it likewise is asserted that this salt is nonpoisonous and that it is useful as a diuretic. There is recorded a case of ingestion of

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Ferrocyanides Usage & Applications


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Hydroferrocyanic Acid

Table of ContentsPHYSICAL PROPERTIES of Hydroferrocyanic AcidHydroferrocyanic Acid CHEMICAL PROPERTIESReaction with Sulfuric AcidEsterificationComplex Formation PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of Hydroferrocyanic Acid Hydroferrocyanic acid is most conveniently prepared by the treatment of an alkali metal ferrocyanide with a strong mineral acid. A typical preparation would involve the treatment of a saturated aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The acid separates as a

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Recycling Municipal Waste Garbage

Table of ContentsSolid Waste Energy Recovery System – Waste Energy Recovery Returns ProfitDirect Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste Versus Separation of CombustiblesPreparing Densified Refuse-Derived Fuel on a Pilot ScaleAluminum Scrap Recovered from Full-Scale Municipal Refuse Processing SystemsTest Results and Application in Commercial Municipal Solid Waste PlantsProgress in Producing Detinned Steel from Urban Refuse Magnetic FractionsMonroe County Resource Recovery FacilityPromising Applications

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CuSO4 Copper Sulfate Crystallization

Table of ContentsCompositions of Saturated SolutionsCuSO4 Copper Sulphate CrystallizationExperimental Results and DiscussionCrystallization of Anhydrous Copper Sulfate CuSO4 Crystallization for Typically Acidic Extraction: A small body of acid-leachable copper ore or a small existing stream of copper-bearing acidic mine water is often unable to justify a plant to produce cathode copper. Electrowinning is capital intensive, and small reserves are generally considered higher

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Mine Waste Leaching

Table of ContentsFormation and Transport of Acid or Toxic LeachatePyrite Oxidation ModelMobilization of MetalsAcid and Metal Transport ModelField Sampling and Laboratory Waste Leaching ProgramScope of SectionSite SelectionSample CollectionLeach Testing MethodsApproachColumn Leaching MethodEPA Extraction ProcedureASTM Leach Test (Water Shake Extraction Procedure)Methods for Chemical Analysis of LeachatesResults of Laboratory Waste Leaching ExperimentsPurpose and Scope of SectionEvaluation of Column Leach TestComparison of Column,

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Waste Mine Tailings Characterisation 

Table of ContentsQuantities of Wastes GeneratedBases for EstimatesWastes from Mining CoalWastes from Mining Metal Ores and Non-metal MineralsCharacter of Mine Tailings WastesPurpose and Scope of DiscussionWastes from Mining CoalWastes from Mining Metal Ores and Non-metal Minerals Any critical evaluation of the potential for contamination of groundwater by leachates from mining wastes must include consideration of the waste quantities and locations,

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Mine Tailings Disposal Methods

Table of ContentsMining Coal Tailings DisposalOverburdenWaste RockCoal Preparation-Plant RefuseTailings Disposal of Mining Metal Ores & Industrial MineralsOverburdenWaste RockMill Tailings As discussed previously, the primary types of solid wastes generated by the mining industry are overburden and waste rock from surface mining, waste rock from underground mining, bulk tailings from metal-ore and non-metal mineral beneficiation and milling processes and refuse from

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Mine Tailings Waste Leaching & Groundwater Contamination

Table of ContentsWaste Tailings Characterisation & Disposal PracticesMethods Commonly Employed for Disposal of Wastes Each year the mining industry generates tremendous quantities of solid wastes as a byproduct of the mining and concentration or preparation of valuable ores, minerals and coal. In addition, the quantities of these wastes generated on a yearly basis is increasing due to: increased production resulting from

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