
Estimate Recoverable Ore Reserves

The limitations that ore reserve estimators have faced in the past while trying to estimate recoverable reserves stem from different aspects. There are several factors that curtail the effectiveness of the “traditional” geostatistical models: A variogram model is required to derive the VCF; it is well-known that the VCF value itself is greatly influenced by the nugget effect of the

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IR Infrared Absorption Bands of Carboxylate

Carboxylate can interact with metal cations in four different modes, namely ionic, unidentate, bidentate, and bridging as depicted in Figure 9. The ionic type of interactions are usually observed in the alkali metal salts of carboxylic acids. In this case, the carboxylate ion has a symmetrical structure and the two oxygen atoms in the carboxylate group are associated equally with

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Density Separator

Ag-Pb-Zn and Ag-Au Peruvian sulfide ores were used for the pilot plant tests. For these tests, a stream of mineral slurry was directly obtained from the industrial grinding circuit to assure similar particle size distribution in the feed to both the Density Separator and the hydrocyclones. Table 1 presents the chemical analyses and specific gravity (Sp. G.) of the sulfide

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Biological Hydrogen Sulfide Production

The Paques technology for the biological treatment of sulfate and metal containing waste waters or process waters, marketed under the name THIOPAQ, consists of different biological processes complemented with liquid/solid and gas separation steps. The produced hydrogen sulfide can be used in various metallurgical processes. The most important biological reaction is the reduction of sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen sulfide.

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Remove Nitrogen in Mining Effluent Water

Table of ContentsAnoxic Biotreatment Cell ABC ProcessDenitrification Nitrate is normally present in waters associated with mining as a result of blasting activities using ammonium nitrate or dynamite. It may also be present in groundwater and surface water in agricultural areas from fertilizer use. Nitrate is also normally present in municipal and industrial waste streams after the aerobic degradation of ammonia.

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Laboratory Leaching Test Procedure

Laboratory Leaching tests of mine wastes are typically performed using procedures that fall into two basic categories: batch and continuous. These categories are analogous to batch and continuous reactor methods used in metallurgical processing. Batch reactors for leaching tests can be in the form of a closed vessel, a cell, or a column. A continuous reactor for leaching tests usually

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Electrical Separation of Minerals

For characterising the electrical behaviour of chemically conditioned mineral samples and after charging the minerals with the body of the stainless steel mill they are subjected to an electrostatic free fall separator by using a steel feeder. Based on the polarity and the magnitude of the charges acquired by mineral grains they are attracted by the positive and negative electrodes

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DMS Conical Cyclones VS Cylindrical Dense Media Separator

According to the statement made above, in a conventional conical cyclone where both overflow and underflow discharges are axial, a free vortex should form. Actually, a combination of free vortex and forced vortex known as Rankine’s vortex forms. It basically consists of two parts as shown in Figure 3: a forced vortex (b) – equivalent to a rotating solid body

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Reagents to Recover Gold

The industrial processing of ores containing precious metals such as gold is generally very mining site specific. The variety of various mineral processing techniques employed is extensive and includes size reduction, size classification, gravity separation, roasting, cyanidation, chemical and/or bacterial leaching, ion exchange and/or solvent extraction, and froth flotation. Gold occurs in the earth’s crust on the average in very

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Increase Spiral Circuits Efficiency & Recovery

The reasons spirals have become so popular are fairly simple. Spirals are low cost and effective. The new lightweight molded and coated fiberglass units mean low added floor weight which minimizes required support steel. Incorporating multiple starts greatly reduces the required floor space so that more tons per hour can be processed in less building space. Additionally, spirals are easy

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Water Only Cyclone

A hydrocyclone utilizes centrifugal and drag forces to separate materials based on differences in physical properties such as size, density, and shape. For a particle system that contains a mixture of two different-density materials, the separation between two components can be achieved by concentrating the mixture into dense and light fractions. In classifying hydrocyclone separations, density and size effects occur

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Heavy Mineral Processing

Heavy mineral process circuits combine a number of process machinery used in different steps of desliming, classification, separation, beneficiation, enrichment, and dewatering of the desired products. The right choice of equipment has an impact on the technical and economical feasibility of today’s and future projects. Not only the capital investment and operational costs but also the complexity of processing circuits

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How to Improve Ball Mill Grinding

Functional performance analysis of ball milling has been described previously by Mclvor. “Coarse” versus “fine” or product particle cut-off size is first selected, usually equal to some benchmark passing size of the circuit product (e.g., 80%). The function of the grinding circuit is to generate new product size material (or “fines”) from “coarse” particles in the circuit feed as efficiently

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Reduce Copper Loading on Carbon during Gold Adsorption

Table of ContentsCopper Recovery MethodsCarbon AdsorptionRegenerationCold StrippingCarbon Advance Rate Copper mineralogy contributes a significant load of metals to the carbon adsorption circuit. Copper as [Cu(CN)2-] impedes adsorption of [Au(CN)2-]. If in high relative concentration, [Cu(CN)2-] loads faster than [Au(CN)2 ]; occluding adsorption space otherwise occupied by [Au(CN)2], Copper as [Cu(CN)3²-] and/or [Cu(CN)4³-] is weakly adsorbed onto activated carbon. Conversion of copper

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Reduce Kaolin Clay Viscosity

Here, the effects of different dispersion methods on improving the rheology of kaolin slurries are studied. The efficacy of desliming the kaolin slurry on reducing the viscosity of the kaolin crude is also investigated and the results are presented. Finally, the mechanism for the improvements in viscosity with the use of these dispersion methods is explained. Coarse-grained Cretaceous kaolins from

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Remove Mercury during Gold Leaching

Table of ContentsExperimentMethodHow to Remove Mercury from Gold Cyanide Leach SolutionMaterials and EquipmentExperimental Procedure Results and Discussion The gold ores that are currently being processed contain mercury which is not only hazardous to the environment, but also causes serious occupational health and economic problems during gold processing. Some of the mercury present in the ore is dissolved during cyanidation of

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How Temperature Affects Copper Sulphate & Cyanide Adsorption of Xanthates at Mineral Surface

Different parts of the world in which mineral separation by flotation is practiced experience vastly different natural temperatures, and in some districts there is a big difference between summer and winter temperatures. It will be shown in this paper that the temperature is of considerable importance where it is desired to separate pyrite or arsenopyrite from other minerals. It is

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Mill Tailings Sampling Method

Our approach is to let the variability in the samples dictate how many samples should be collected and analyzed, and then to quantify and defend the results by means of standard statistical methods. This approach is illustrated in Figures 1 through 4, in which a distribution of acid-base accounting (ABA) values is shown for increasing numbers of tailings samples collected

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How to Calculate Grinding Mill Operating Efficiency

In grinding, operating Efficiency compares the operating work index of a comminution machine to the Bond work index from bench scale crushing and grindability tests or/and pilot plant tests. Economic Efficiency is comparing the income from production to the planned income from production. Energy as consumed in comminution machines and the required energy as determined, from bench scale laboratory or

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Placer Prospecting

Table of ContentsPlacer Prospecting PracticeDrill BoatsSpecial Drilling ApparatusPlacer Prospecting PracticeExploiting the Property Placer Prospecting Practice Prospecting methods have been developed and well established within the last few years. Sinking pits and shafts generally gives good results, but this work is usually expensive and generally slow and troublesome, owing to the presence of water in most placer ground or to the

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Hydraulic Mining Equipment

Table of ContentsHydraulic MiningHydraulic ElevatorsSuccessful Hydraulic Mining in Colombia, S. A.The Empire Hydraulic ElevatorHydraulic EquipmentDiamond Mining MachineryBoilersConstruction WorkDredge PartsPortable Power PlantsGeneral Plate and Machine WorkFinancing Placer Enterprises Hydraulic Mining Where it is practicable, this is the simplest and most inexpensive method of placer mining. The mechanical equipment requirements consist only of pipe lines and giants. One feature, however, that is

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Placer Gold Dredges

Table of ContentsSteam Electric DredgeSteam Electric DredgeHigh EfficiencyLow Operating CostsDredging Clay and Barren OverburdenDredging Large BouldersA Successful EnterpriseA Resoiling DredgeThorough Prospecting WorkAnother All-Steel DredgeEfficient OperationThe Road to SuccessData That Should Be Given When Writing To UsSpecifications of Empire Dredges Steam Electric Dredge There can be no question that the most efficient and economical method of operating a dredge is to

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Dredge Mining for Gold

Table of ContentsA Modern Idea of ServicePlacer DredgingDredging ConditionsProper Design of DredgeDredging Dry GroundDredging High or Deep GroundDredging Frozen GroundThe Right Way to ProceedAmortizationFreak DredgesA Placer DredgeWood or Steel HullsThe First All-Steel DredgeConstruction WorkSize of DredgeA Typical or Standard DredgeDescriptionA Problem of Great Variations in Digging DepthTin Dredging A Modern Idea of Service Our present plant was designed and built

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