
Making Zirconia by Zirconium Chlorination

Preparation of ZrO2 from ZrCl4: The products of chlorinated zircon which consist mainly of zirconium tetrachloride and silicon tetrachloride are collected under the afore-mentioned conditions. This collected ZrCl4 is calcined at 900°C for 1 hour to produce commercial grade of ZrO2. Fig. (5) shows that a maximum recovery of ZrO2 of – 92% is obtained from the collected ZrCl4 resulting from

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Hydrophobic Particle Aggregation & Flotation

Table of ContentsTheoryHydrophobic Agglomeration of Fine Molybdenite In view of the poor floatabilities of fine particles their treatment prior to flotation becomes essential and aggregation is a means for improving the recoveries. Many of the variables which govern the flotation process also influence the aggregation mechanism and may be classified into physical, chemical and geometrical. Earlier investigations report the effects

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Evaluate Spiral Concentrator Circuit Performance

Circuit analysis can be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of various configurations of unit operations in mineral and coal processing circuits. This powerful tool, has regretfully seen only limited application in the analysis of coal processing circuits. Strictly speaking, this method can only be applied if particle-particle interactions do not influence the probability that a particle will report to

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Desliming Cyclones

Analysis of the feed to several plants revealed that the material finer than 44 µm (325 mesh) and even 70 µm (200 mesh) was usually very high in ash content (>30 %) with a considerable amount of superfine size clays. Due to the high ash content and the poor dewatering ability of the minus 44 µm coal when recovered, it

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SAG Mill Expert System Grinding Circuit

The original process control interface consisted of a series of stand alone 4-20 ma controllers requiring the operators to dial in set points for the numerous processing parameters. In many cases these controls were set to their manual mode of operation with the operators making all the dynamic process changes. This procedure was very time consuming and labor intensive with

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Inline Pressure Jig

Figure 1. Flow of material through Inline Pressure Jig. The feed is introduced through the feed pipe and distributor 1. The feed slurry is turned around in the distributor and flows out into area 2. which is called deceleration chamber. Due to the large volume of the deceleration chamber the flow rate drops below a velocity capable of supporting the

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Centrifugal Slurry Pump Wear

Over the last fifteen years numerical methods have been developed to enable the calculation of Centrifugal Slurry Pump Wear. The solids and slurries involved vary tremendously, and with the limitations of the calculating methods, total accuracy cannot be obtained. However, by calibrating the results with field data, the calculated data has proven to be quite useful in predicting the difference

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Pressure Filtration Theory

Table of ContentsFiltration ProcedureEffect of PressureEffect of Solids Concentration The pressure filtration of flocculated suspension was described as a compressional theology model far evaluation of filtration data. Others divided the filtration process into two stages as compact formation (stage 1) and compact consolidation (stage 2) stages. They developed a conventional engineering approach for analysis of stage 2. In this study,

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Altair Centrifugal Jig

During the past decade, several enhanced gravity concentrators have evolved to commercial scale as a result of the need to achieve efficient gravity-based separations for the treatment of ultrafine particles. The initial interest in enhanced gravity separators (EGS) was for the recovery of fine gold, which represents a low product flow rate application whereby the concentrated gold stream represents 1%

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How Ferric Ions Affects Xanthate Adsorption – Collection

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the possible role of Fe3+ ions in the flotation of sulfide minerals, specifically on activated sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Experimental Sample: Specimen-grade Chalcopyrite  & sphalerite was obtained from the Ward’s Natural Science Est., Inc. It contains 0.035% Fe, 0.012% Cu and <0.001% Pb by weight, and has a resistivity of 101° ohm-cm.

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XRD Mineralogy & XRF Analysis

Table of ContentsBrittlenessCavingQ & A I want to start with a basic introduction with the XRD and XRF technology and how they are similar, and how they differ. So, what is X-ray fluorescence? Very simply put, X-ray fluorescence uses an excitation source to excite elements, electrons within an atom. This excitation will eject an electron from its orbital and there

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Bruker Handheld XRF

This is a general safety information regarding Bruker’s handheld X-ray fluorescence XRF analyzers. Proper training is vital for compliance, safe operation and understanding of the operator’s responsibilities associated with handheld XRF analyzer use. The term radiation is used to describe forms of energy emitted as particles or electromagnetic waves. There are two types of radiation: non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation

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Gold Testing

There are several supplies that we sell for gold testing and I wanted to give you an overview of the kinds of things that you can expect to use and need and talk about the basics of gold testing. So, what I’ve got in front of me are some beginning supplies. We’ve got our testing solutions that can help you

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Niton XL3T XRF Analyzers

Table of ContentsNiton XRF Analyzers GPS GeologyHandheld XRF for Mining Welcome to a brief handheld XRF positive material Identification Analyzer tutorial. For complete operating and maintenance guidelines, you should always refer to the operator’s manual. These instruments use X-ray fluorescence to allow users to identify the elemental makeup of alloys and numerous other materials, to determine heavy metal content in

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X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy XRF

In X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy an X-ray source is used to irradiate the sample with X-ray radiation. If the energy of this radiation is sufficient, then it will interact with the atom’s inner shell electrons causing them to be kicked out. Almost immediately, a relaxation process takes place where one of the outer shell electrons fall into the inner shell. As

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How HandHeld XRF Works

So, most of you who are attending today are affected in some way by regulations of consumer products or hazardous substances in consumer product manufacturing. Today we’ll be giving you two of the big regulations: RoHS and CPSIA. We’ll talk about how as a manufacturer or importer subject to regulation you can set up a testing plan to help mitigate

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XRF X-Ray Fluorescence

Table of ContentsFundamental XRF Principle of OperationHow X Ray Fluorescence WorkHow XRF Works + Working Principle X-ray fluorescence or XRF is an analytical technique that has been used for many years to determine the elemental composition of a wide variety of materials. Examples include metal alloys, minerals and petroleum products. X-rays form part of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are on

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Principle of XRF & XRD

But first, I want to start with a basic Principle of XRD and XRF technology and how they are similar and how they differ. So, what is X-ray fluorescence? Very simply put, X-ray fluorescence uses an excitation source to excite elements, electrons within an atom. This excitation will eject an electron from its orbital, and there is a transition at

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Autoclave Design and Scale-Up

Table of ContentsFactors Affecting Autoclave SizeScale-Up Assuming Homogenous SystemSample Test Data Commercial pressure leaching autoclaves have been in operation since mid 1950s. Historical production data suggest that these early autoclaves were originally designed with excess capacity (Berezowsky, Collins, Kerfoot, and Torres, 1991). Process development initially consisted of tests in batch autoclaves. While in some cases this stage had been followed

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Melting Gold Alloys for Casting

Table of ContentsMetals used in AlloyingGas and Electric MeltingDefects in IngotsSurface DefectsIngot ProportionsPorous IngotsDeoxidizersUse of Deoxidizers in Sterling SilverUse of Phosphorus in Gold AlloysCalcium Boride in Gold AlloysCasting TemperatureEffect of ImpuritiesSulfur in White Gold The problem of scrap is probably of greater importance in the production of gold, silver and other precious metal alloys than is the case for base

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Infographic List

30 Ghana Gold Facts  Asteroid Mining  Mining & iPhone Recycling  Ocean Floor Mining  How Moon Mining Works  Mining Minecraft Diamond  Mining the Arctic Minerals  7 Dangerous Minerals  7 Top Rare Earths  Mining the Moon  5 most colourful minerals  5 minerals hard names  5 Rarest gemstones  5 More elements for life  Elements life depends on 15 Largest Mines in World  12

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Effect of P80 Grind Size on Flotation Collector

Flotation Performance in Function of Collector Type & Dosage at Fixed Grind Size: The drop-off in measured plant recovery due to excessive collector dosage has been described. In the above publications, a rate model was used for describing experimental cumulative recovery versus time data of the form: r = R { 1 – [1/(Kt)][1- exp(-Kt)]} where r is the cumulative recovery

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Thickener Process Control Strategy

The objectives of thickener control are varied, but in most instances, the objective is to dewater the slurry, reclaim the clear overflow for reuse in the process, and produce a thickened or more dense underflow, which can either be rejected, in the case of tailings, or used as feed for subsequent unit operations. The general Process Control Strategy for a

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Flooded Bed Scrubbers & Silica Removal

Silicosis, a debilitating and potentially deadly lung disease, develops through inhalation of excessive levels of respirable crystalline silica dust. In underground coal mines, continuous miner operators have historically been at a high risk of overexposure to silica, with over 25% of compliance dust samples exceeding the permissible exposure limit. Flooded-bed scrubbers are fan-powered dust collectors utilized on continuous miners to

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