Determine Gold Content By the Microscope
The use of the microscope also is a real advantage in estimating the weights of minute buttons of gold where there is no undue risk in sampling, and where an error of say 1 in 20 on the quantity of gold is tolerable. For ores with copper, lead, zinc, &c., as well as for tailings rather poor in gold, this
CUPELLATION & Silver Assaying
Table of ContentsSilver Loss in CupellationEffect of Varying LeadEffect of Varying SilverRemarks on Cupellation of Silver The process is as follows:—The cupels, which should have been made some time before and stored in a dry place, are first cleaned by gentle rubbing with the finger and blowing off the loose dust; and then placed in a hot muffle and heated
Assaying Lead Determination Method Pb
Table of ContentsDRY ASSAYWET ASSAYGRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATIONVOLUMETRIC METHODSDetermination of Lead in a Rich GalenaDetermination of Lead in Poorer Lead OresMOLYBDATE METHODCOLORIMETRIC PROCESSDetermination of Lead in Commercial Zinc The chief ore of lead is galena, a sulphide of lead, common in most mining districts, and frequently associated with blende and copper-pyrites. It always carries more or less silver; so that in the
Assaying Antimony Determination Method
Antimony occurs in the native state, but is rare; its common ore is antimonite, the sulphide (Sb2S8). Jamesonite and other sulphides of lead and antimony are frequently met with. Sulphide of antimony is also a constituent of fahlerz and of many silver ores. Antimonite occurs generally in fibrous masses, has a lead-like metallic lustre, is easily cut with a knife,
Assaying Bismuth Determination Method
Bismuth is nearly always found in nature in the metallic state; but occasionally it is met with as sulphide in bismuthine and as carbonate in bismutite. It is also found in some comparatively rare minerals, such as tetradymite, combined with tellurium, and associated with gold. In minute quantities it is widely distributed: it is a common constituent of most copper
Assaying Thallium Determination Method
Thallium is a rare metal, found in small quantities in some varieties of iron and copper pyrites, and in some lithia micas. It resembles lead in appearance. Its compounds resemble the salts of the alkalies in some respects; and, in others, those of the heavy metals. It is detected by the green colour which its salts impart to the flame.
Assaying Cadmium Determination Methods
Table of ContentsGRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATIONVOLUMETRIC METHOD Cadmium occurs in nature as cadmium sulphide in greenockite, CdS, which is very rare. It is widely diffused in calamine, blende, and other zinc ores, forming, in some cases, as much as 2 or 3 per cent, of the ore. Oxide of cadmium forms the “ brown blaze ” of the zinc smelters. Sulphide of
Assaying Zinc Determination Methods
Table of ContentsWET METHODSGRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATIONVOLUMETRIC DETERMINATIONDetermination of Zinc in a Sample of BrassDetermination of Zinc in BlendeDetermination of Zinc in Silver PrecipitateGASOMETRIC METHODColorimetric Method Zinc occurs in nature most commonly as sulphide (blende); it also occurs as carbonate (calamine) and silicate (smithsonite). Each of these is sufficiently abundant to be a source of the metal. The metal is known in
Assaying Cobalt Determination Methods
Occurs less abundantly than nickel. Its chief ores are smaltite and cobaltite, which are arsenides of cobalt, with more or less iron, nickel, and copper. It also occurs as arseniate in erythrine, and as oxide in asbolan or earthy cobalt, which is essentially a wad carrying cobalt. It is mainly used in the manufacture of smalts for imparting a blue
Assays for Titanium
Table of ContentsTitanium DetectionTitanium SeparationGRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATION of TitaniumVOLUMETRIC Titanium Assay METHODTUNGSTEN AND TUNGSTATESSolution and SeparationGRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATIONDetermination of Tungstic Acid in WolframNIOBIC AND TANTALIC OXIDES Titanium only occurs as a mineral in its oxidised state, or as titanic oxide (TiO2). It is a substance which has little commercial value, and is generally recognised as one of the rare bodies; although, in small
Tungsten Assaying
Table of ContentsFerrous Oxide and AluminaOxides of Zinc and ManganeseLimeMagnesiaSoda and Potash The ammonic carbonate filtrate from the silica is evaporated to dryness, ignited strongly over the blowpipe, and weighed. The residue is tungstic acid, WO3. The tungsten may be conveniently reported in this form, although it is probably present as a lower oxide. The acid filtrate from the silica
Separating Minerals by Electromagnetic
Table of ContentsMagnetism Applied to Ore DressingField of Magnetic SeparationMagnetic Separation as a ProcessPrinciples of Magnetic Separation and Preparation of the Ore for TreatmentPresentation of the Ore Mixture to the Magnetic FieldAttraction of the Magnetic ParticlesRemoval of the Attracted Particles from the MagnetsNecessity of Making a Middling ProductCleaning Magnetite ConcentrateTreatment of Fine MaterialFeeding DevicesRequirements a Magnetic Separator Should FulfillCapacityCost of
Electrostatic & Magnetic Separators
Table of ContentsVibrating-Deck Mineral Shape SeparatorIllustrative TestsSeparation of Vermiculite from GangueCleaning of Graphite Flotation ConcentrateElectrostatic Mineral Shape SeparatorIllustrative TestsBeneficiation of VermiculiteSummaryProgressing Field Magnetic SeparatorIllustrative TestsConcentration of Magnetite Ore The gradual depletion of high-grade mineral deposits and the necessity for development of lower-grade deposits, together with the increased demand for nonmetallic minerals, has increased the importance of the ore-dressing field during
NON Chemical Gold Recovery
Setup an iCON i150 IGR100 Gravity Gold Plant and get some NON Chemical Gold Recovery. Here we’ll be guiding you step by step in putting together and operating an IGR100 Plant. The IGR100 Plant is a modular self-contained gold recovery system. It uses classification and enhanced gravity to assure recovery of the finest gold material and the largest gold nuggets. The
Chalcocite Copper Ore Deposit for In Situ Leach Mining
Table of ContentsMineral Park GeologyTurquoise Mountain Test SiteGroundwater ChemistryBorehole Televiewer SurveyBorehole Hydrogeologic TestingBorehole Straddle-Packer TestsBorehole Pumping TestsDiscussion of Test ResultsEquivalent Porous Media Hydrologic Modeling Mineral Park Geology The Mineral Park mine is located in the central part of the Wallapai mining district of northern Arizona. Mineral Park is a copper-molybdenum deposit within and adjacent to a Laramide quartz monzonite porphyry
Effect of Lift and Climate on Heap Leaching Efficiency
Table of ContentsSolution GradeReagentsOverall Heap HeightSolution Breakthrough – Multiple LiftsGold-in-solution Inventory in HeapMetallurgical FactorsClimatological EffectsSanta Fe Pacific Gold – Mescruite MinePikes Peak Mining Company – Cripple Creek and VictorPeqasus – Zortman-Landusky Individual Lift Height The height of each lift, or bench, of ore placed on the leach pad determines the area of liner required for a given amount of ore
Reagent Conditioning to Improve Flotation Selectivity
Table of ContentsDescription of SamplesConditioner 1Conditioner 2Conditioner 3Conditioner 4Mixing Energy EffectConditioner ConfigurationResidual Clay Effect Reagent conditioning is recognized for its effect on flotation. Among the individual conditioning parameters that were identified to significantly affect the phosphate grade and recovery were reagent dosage, pH, solids content, conditioner configuration, conditioning time, mixing intensity, and the presence of residual clay (Davis, 1992). However,
Design of a Bulkhead Underground Leaching Stope
Table of ContentsBulkhead Design MethodologyReinforced Concrete FlexureReinforced Concrete Beam Bending StressCritical Section Bulkhead Shear StrengthLow-Pressure Grout Bulkhead ThicknessBulkhead Construction and Concrete Placement ProcedureBulkhead Depth Based on Hydraulic PressureCorrosion Resistant Design This method may be economical for certain low-grade deposits by minimizing the transport of material to the surface for the recovery of valuable mineral. Application of the in situ stope
Size-by-Size Effects – Flotation Column Cleaning Circuit
Table of ContentsOverall and Stage PerformancesSize-by-size Performance PT Freeport Indonesia operates two parallel concentrators for copper-gold flotation at their Tembagapura operations in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Overall and Stage Performances Freeport staff used the assays from the survey samples along with the material balance program BILMAT to obtain a consistent circuit balance. These results are summarized in Table 1. Pyrite
Mineralogical from a Smelting Reduction Ironmaking Pilot Plant
Table of ContentsAISI-DOE Direct Ironmaking Pilot Plant Design and ProcessCyclone DustSludgeBuild-UpsSummary of Build-up Character The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has conducted major cooperative research efforts with the United State Department of Energy (DOE) and industrial organizations since the autumn of 1988 on the development of a process for direct steelmaking. This research has been inspired by the fact
How to Determine the Height of Column Flotation
Table of ContentsSelection of Recovery Zone HeightChemical Kinetic Approach to Column SizingA Mass Transfer Approach to Column SizingColumn Throughput Pneumatic flotation units are fast replacing conventional flotation cells in both scavenging and cleaning duties. One such unit that has received wide acceptability in industry is the flotation column. While many consider column flotation to be a recent development, its roots
Optimising Mixing in Anionic Conditioning Phosphates
Table of ContentsMaterials and MethodsResults and DiscussionConditioning and FlotationMinimum power requirements for complete suspension of slurriesCorrelation of mixing with flotation recovery The process design emphasizes maximum recovery of phosphates in the anionic flotation stage to eliminate further processing of the underflow. The flotation performance of phosphate ore in the anionic flotation stage is determined to a large extent by anionic
Flocculation in Flow through Pipes & In-Line Mixers
Table of ContentsIn-Line Pipe Flocculant Mixer TestHow to dilute flocculant before addition It is common industrial practice to add polymeric flocculants directly into slurry streams during flow through pipes. However, very little information is available on the specific requirements for such polymer addition systems and their design and operation appear to be largely intuitive. In-Line Pipe Flocculant Mixer Test The
Pressure Oxidation Circuit
Table of ContentsPartial OxidationOxygen UtilizationAutoclave Operating ConditionsLime/NeutralizationCyanide ConsumptionDissolved Oxygen in CILElectric Solution HeaterGold Pressure Oxidation Plant Control SystemPlant Flow sheetSupervisory Control SystemApplication to Neutralization Circuit Mineralogy unique to the Lone Tree deposit allowed for the design of a partial oxidation process that takes advantage of the heterogeneous nature of the pyrite morphology. Partial oxidation has resulted in an autoclave plant