
Cut Off Grade Calculation Optimization

Table of ContentsTraditional Cutoff Grades in Open Pit MiningHeuristic Cutoff Grade Optimization TechniquesOptimizing The Cutoff Grades By Lane’s ApproachAlgorithm for Determining Optimum Cutoff Grades Cutoff grade is defined as the grade that is normally used to discriminate between ore and waste within a given orebody. Although the definition of cutoff grade is very precise, the choice of a cutoff grade

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Kaolin Pigments

Table of ContentsPerformance of Kaolin-Based Pigments in End-ApplicationsFunctional PropertiesKaolin Performance in High Coat Weight ApplicationsKaolin Performance in Low Coat Weight ApplicationsPerformance of Kaolin-Based Pigments as Additives in Coating Applications Kaolin is a white, naturally occurring, hydrated aluminum silicate that is formed by the weathering of feldspar. Commercially significant deposits of paper grade kaolin are located in Georgia and South Carolina

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Mine Dewatering System Design

Table of ContentsDesign of an Optimal Dewatering SystemSimulation of Ground-Water LevelsOptimization of Dewatering System Using MINOSResults Dewatering of a surface or underground mine can be a significant production cost. Total costs include both the capital costs for wells, pumps, and water-disposal facilities and the operating costs for pumping, treatment and disposal of the water. Such costs are minimized when the

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How Slurry Transport inside a Tumbling Grinding Mills

Table of ContentsThe Numerical MethodAnalysis of Porosity in the Ball ChargeMotion of Balls through the Porous BedHoldup ComputationsDiscussion The transport of slurry within the ball mill depends on the peripheral velocity and porosity of the ball charge. Residence time distribution and mill hold up are often used as indicators of the mode of transport. In this work, the transport problem

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Recover Manganese from Bioleaching Solution

Table of ContentsOreMediaColumn OperationChemical AnalysisManganese RecoveryMicrobial PopulationsIntegrated Bioleaching-Recovery Systems Diminishing worldwide reserves of high-grade ores requires research be conducted to develop methods to recover metals from low-grade ores. Low-grade ore deposits are often unprofitable to mine and process because of the rising costs of energy and expense to protect our environment. Biological processing can be quite selective, is environmentally benign,

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Soda Ash Roasting of Antimony & Arsenic Gold Concentrate

Table of ContentsRoasting:Arsenic Leaching:Arsenic and Sulfate Precipitation:Antimony Reduction:Antimony Oxide Production:Arsenopyrite – Soda Ash RoastingArsenic LeachingArsenic Precipitation The ability to process complex precious metal sulfide concentrates containing antimony and arsenic, in an economic and environmentally safe manner, is an important problem facing the mining industry in the United States. Preliminary experiments have been performed to evaluate the possibility of treating a

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Control Copper in Carbon Adsorption and Gold Recovery Circuits

Table of ContentsCircuit DescriptionMillingCarbon Adsorption Electrowin RefiningCarbon Adsorption DetailsHeap CircuitHot Strip Acid Washing RegenerationElectrowinningCopper EffectsCopper Recovery MethodsCarbon AdsorptionRegenerationCold StrippingCarbon Advance RateAcid WashingElectrowinningHigh Cyanide Addition The American Girl Mining Joint Venture is an equal partnership between Eastmaque Gold Mines, Ltd. of Vancouver, BC Canada and MK Gold Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morrison Knudsen Corporation of Boise, Idaho. Underground mining

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In-Situ Resource Recovery Testing

Table of ContentsMethodsPre-operational TestingOperational TestingPost-operational TestingResults and DiscussionSolution Flow and BalancePregnant Leach Solution GradeAcid ConsumptionCopper Production and Recovery RateFuture Resource Recovery Testing In-Situ mining at San Manuel, initiated in 1986, has evolved from a system utilizing an underground collection gallery to recover gravity drainage pregnant leach solution to a system primarily utilizing well-to-well leaching and recovery. This shift in production

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Oleate Adsorption at Calcite VS Fluorite Surfaces

Table of ContentsIn-Situ FT-IR/IRS BackgroundIn-Situ FT-NIR/IRS ProcedureSpectra CollectionVacuum Flotation ProcedureContact Angle ProcedureMLRS ProcedureSpectral CollectionSurface Tensiometry ProcedureResults and DiscussionFlotation and Contact AngleMultichannel Laser Raman In-situ Fourier transform infrared/internal reflection spectroscopy (FT-IR/IRS) has been extended to study oleate adsorption at a calcite surface. The birefringent and transmission limitations of calcite were overcome by using an appropriately designed optical setup and a near-infrared

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Computer Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants

Table of ContentsModified plant simulationFirst Phase Decreasing the “Granza” Flowrate at the Shila PlantTechnical conclusions for decreasing the “Granza” flowrateSecond Phase Increasing the Shila Plant CapacityValue of the Partnership Approach to an Optimization Study Steady-state simulation is now an operational tool used to assist mineral processing engineers in the design, adaptation and improvement of mineral processing plants. Since 1988, the computer

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Precious Metal Recovery Methods

Table of ContentsComminutionGravity ConcentrationFlotationOxidationAgitated and Vat LeachingHeap LeachingSolution Concentration and PurificationZinc PrecipitationElectrowinningZinc Precipitation From Hot Carbon EluatesTailings DisposalDetoxificationReclamation Process Selection Trends A general trend in precious metals extraction technology has been the treatment of ores with progressively lower grades. The lowest cost treatment, dump leaching of material at run-of-mine size, has been increasingly applied. For example, Zortman-Landusky (Montana) is successfully

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Flotation Tank Cells

Table of ContentsBubble Particle ContactFroth HandlingOutokumpu HG Flotation CellThe “Virtual Column” Concept The use of tank cells over the years has provided a means for low cost, space efficient, extra capacity in existing flotation circuits. In some cases, new plants have selected tank cells as the machine of choice. Typical tank cells use high efficiency impellers for mixing, which results

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Build an Ultra-fine Grinding Mill

The sample was dried at a low temperature for two days. Then it was crushed in stages using a jaw crusher and simultaneously screened with a 50 mesh sieve. The resulting coarse fraction was further ground in a roller mill to a minus 50 mesh size. Thereafter, the mono-dispersed feed sizes required were prepared from the minus 50 mesh material.

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Pyrrhotite Cathodic Decomposition

Table of ContentsElectrode Potential MeasurementsMicro-Flotation TestsSurface AnalysesMicro-Flotation Tests Grinding with steel balls often adversely affects the flotation separation of sulfide minerals. This is due mainly to the galvanic interactions among different sulfide minerals and steel grinding media. Since rest potentials of sulfide minerals are much higher than those of steel balls, they are always cathodic to grinding media materials. ½O2

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Gold Milling Operations at Snip Mine

Table of ContentsMetallurgical TestworkGravity CircuitCyanidation CircuitFlotation CircuitDesign Criteria Exploration and staking in the area commenced as early as 1929. The original Snip showing was located by Cominco geologists in 1965. The property changed hands in the 1970’s but was reacquired by Cominco in 1980 only to be optioned to Delaware Resources cum Prime Resources in 1986. Exploration drilling and underground

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In-Situ Leaching

Table of ContentsSupergene HydrogeologyCurrent Design TechniquesDrilling Methods and Well CompletionPump Determination and SettingComparison of In-Place Leaching and Oil Field Waterflood TechniquesStages in the Selection of Deposits for In Situ Leach Operations The in-situ leaching project at San Manuel was initially designed to utilize gravity flow leaching to recover oxidised copper from partially rubblized and supergene mineralized rock that was spatially

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Flotation Column Gas Holdup & Sparger Systems

Table of ContentsVertical Cloth Sparger SystemHorizontal Cominco Sparger SystemHorizontal Cloth Sparger SystemMulti-Cell Conductivity ProbeHorizontal Cominco Sparger SystemHorizontal Cloth Sparger System The nature of the gas distribution system as well as the hydrodynamics of rising swarms of bubbles can create various profiles. Three radial gas holdup profiles have been identified: parabolic, saddle-shaped and W-shaped. Radial gas holdup profiles have been measured

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In-Line Static Mixer Flotation Contact System

Table of ContentsCopper Ore FlotationFlotation ProcedurePhosphate Ore FlotationFlotation Procedure Conventional froth flotation is one of the most widely used mineral beneficiation processes. Unfortunately, long residence times are often required to achieve complete flotation. These slow flotation kinetics have been associated with the hydrodynamics within the flotation cell. While flotation cell manufacturers have optimized the mixing hydrodynamics, little effort has been

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Industrial Box Furnaces

Our heavy-duty box furnaces are designed for an intensive and continuous use. Equipped with a ramp to set point digital indicating controller, our high temperature furnaces allow you to reach and accurately maintain the desired temperature. In order to minimize the heat up and cool down times, our furnaces are insulated with the best refractory bricks. The temperature control accuracy

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Assay Furnace

Table of ContentsASSAY FURNACE FEATURESHIGH QUALITY REFRACTORY BRICKSASSAY FURNACE DIMENSIONSASSAY FURNACE HEAT CURVE PROFILE As a dealer of a top Brand of manufacturers of ovens and furnaces, well known in the mining industry for the design and production of custom-built equipment. Knowledge of this industry has enabled us to design an improved assay furnace. Technologically advanced, this furnace has several

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High Pressure Filtration

Table of ContentsAustralian Coal Washery Trials TestTrials Tube Press Test DescriptionSeries 1 – Test ResultsCycle 1 – Filtration Without Air PurgeCycle 2 – Filtration With Air PurgeSeries 2 – Test ResultsCycle 1 – Filtration Without Air PurgeCycle 2 – Filtration with Air PurgeEffect of Varying Feed Solids ConcentrationDiscussion of Test ResultsSpecial Process FeaturesDenver Laboratory Piston PressDenver Tube Press Trials Test

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Shear Flocculation of Silica

Table of ContentsMathematical Model of Shear-Fl0cculationResults and DiscussionThe Effect of Hydrodynamics on the Kinetics of Shear-FlocculationThe Effect of Surface Chemistry on the Kinetics of Shear-FlocculationMechanism of Shear Flocculation of Silica with Fatty AcidsSample PreparationElectron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) SpectroscopyGas Chromatography (GC)Shear-Flocculation of Silica Shear-flocculation is a term used by Warren (1975) to describe a phenomenon observed when scheelite (CaWO4) was stirred

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Sulfide Ore Concentration and Treatment

Table of ContentsGeologyCove Sulfide MineralizationMetallurgy of Cove Sulfide DepositMilling CircuitLead FlotationPyrite FlotationReagents Geology The ore deposits are hosted by the platform carbonate and lesser siliclastic sedimentary rocks of the Triassic Star Peak Group. The McCoy gold deposit is a proximal skarn developed principally in limestone of the upper Smelser Pass Member of the Augusta Mountain Formation. The Cove gold-silver deposit

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