
Hydrosizing Industrial Minerals

The unit consists of an elongated box set on end, with the height being approximately 3 to 4 times greater than the base width. A baffle plate is secured inside the box at the bottom and sides and at an angle so as to leave a small opening at the top. The baffle rises to a height of approximately one

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Ultrafine Separation by Hydrocyclones

Over the past quarter of a century, the success of the hydrocyclone as a classifier in closed circuit grinding installations has permitted the introduction of the cyclone into virtually all fields of wet industrial processing. Research and experience gained in these applications have established the optimum cyclone sizes and designs necessary to provide the required performance. Although cyclones are used

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Hydraulic Mining

In evaluating the quality of coal, Storm King Mines carried out two years of exploration drilling. This drilling has established in-place reserves in excess of 500 million tonnes in seams greater than 1 meter thick, having an energy content in excess of 2.84 x 10 7 J/kg.k. During the Fall of 1981, SKM conducted its first hydraulic mining tests. Utilizing

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High-Intensity Roll Separator Using Permanent Magnets

Table of ContentsDevelopment of the PERMROLL SeparatorComparison with Induced Roll SeparatorsPERMROLL Tests High-energy product permanent-magnet materials of rare-earth cobalt alloys are being used in applications where space or weight are at a premium cost. New applications like friction-free bearings are also made possible. However, such magnet materials have not been commercially used in magnetic separators until now due to the

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Grinding Mill Cost

A comminution circuit is an important integral part of a mineral processing plant. Nearly 40% of the capital cost and 30 to 40% of the operating cost are taken up by the crushing and grinding circuit. Therefore, considerable care should be given to the design and selection of this circuit. Autogenous, semi-autogenous, and conventional grinding circuits have all been used

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Grate Kiln System

Table of ContentsProcess Design ImprovementsMechanical Design ImprovementsCoal Firing The economics of pellet plant operation, in terms of fuel and power consumption, flexibility in the selection of the cheapest fuel source, system availability, maintenance costs, and the simplicity of process design, contribute to the determination of building and profitably operating a pellet plant. Design innovations, supported by actual field data, have

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Ways to Recover Gold from Cyanide Heap Leach Solutions

Table of ContentsTechnology StatusCarbon in Column (CIC)Solvent Extraction (SX)Direct Electrowinning (DEW) Cyanidation of gold and silver ores by conventional mining and milling techniques has been practiced for over a century. During the past decade, heap leaching has emerged as a viable process for treating certain gold and silver ores. The rapid development of heap leaching for gold and silver ores

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Fluid Energy Grinding & Drying

Table of ContentsTotal Concept Size Reduction SystemsGeneral Design and Application ConsiderationsJet Mill Feeding Considerations High pressure fluid energy grinding, or jet milling, is a versatile method of continuously fracturing solids into fine particles to gain substantial increases in exposed surface area. Applications in the minerals industries include calcium carbonate, talc, barytes, mica, diatamaceous earth, bauxite, rutile, coal, kaolin, sepiolite, diamonds,

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Low Solubility Mineral Flotation

Table of ContentsPossible Methods or Achieving Selective SeparationExperimental Material and MethodsMineralsChemicalsZeta MeterFlotationExperimental ResultsPotential Determining IonsStereo-specific CollectorsFlotation Rate DifferencesActivation and DepressionConclusions The objective of this study is to evaluate methods to improve the selectivity in flotation of the slightly soluble minerals, typified by calcite, fluorlte and scheelite. The separation of minerals within this class has long been one of the most

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Remove Copper from Moly by Ferric Chloride Leaching

Table of ContentsProcess ChemistryGeneral Flow SheetSolution Regeneration The Anaconda Minerals Company operates a molybdenite and copper producing mine and mill facility near Tonopah, Nevada. Included with the milling facility is a ferric chloride leach plant for removal of copper mineralization from the molybdenite concentrates. Discussed are the engineering and construction schedules associated with the leach plant. The chemistry associated with

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Vanadium & Uranium Extraction

Table of ContentsExperimental StudiesAcid Agitation LeachingRoast-Leach TestsAutoclave Leaching Addition of vanadium to iron and steel gives improved product properties such as increased strength, improved machinability, reduced distortion, simpler heat treatment, better weldability, increased wear resistance, better control and uniformity of hardness penetration and gradient, smoother and better finishes, and reduced flaking or spalling of carburized surfaces. Consequently, vanadium-steel alloys are

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Gold Project Ore Processing Plant Engineering Design

Table of ContentsProject DescriptionEngineering DesignNon-Process Facilities The pouring of the first dore bar on April 21, 1983, marked the conclusion of an engineering and construction project which brought about the revival of mining in Mercur Canyon, 105 km (65 miles) southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. Previous mining activity in the canyon had ceased at the beginning of World War

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Solvent Extraction Electrostatic Coalescence

The solvent extraction unit of both systems contained four extraction and four stripping stages through which aqueous and organic phases flowed continuously and counter-currently. Each stage of the United Nuclear system consisted of a conventional mixer-settler. Each stage in the extraction circuit of the C-E Natco SX pilot utilized a throttled centrifugal pump for fluid transport while mixing was achieved

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Electrolytic Method for Recycling Scrap Batteries

Table of ContentsHow the Method WorksTest Results Objective To devise an economical, environmentally acceptable method for recycling scrap lead-acid batteries. Approach A combination electrorefining-electrowinning method for recycling lead metal and sludge from scrap batteries was devised which produces a 99.99 + percent pure lead product and eliminates the lead and sulfur oxide emissions that are the normal by products of

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Dewatering Fines

The continuous vacuum filtration is the solid-liquid separation process that is nowadays most frequently used in the beneficiation industry all over the world. After a development time of several decades, the various filter types such as drum filter, disk filter, plate filter and belt filter can be considered as a sound fractional design ensuring a trouble-free operation. Nevertheless, the vacuum

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Dewatering Talc Slurry

Table of ContentsDescription of Samples TestedLaboratory Batch Dewatering Tests of Talc SlurryInitial Testing of FlocculantsDewatering of Talc Slurry with Hercofloc 1027Continuous Dewatering Tests of Talc SlurryTrommel Dewatering TestsStatic Screen and Belt Dewatering TestsEnviro-Clear Dewatering TestsLaboratory Clarification Tests on Talc Waste WaterClarification of Talc Waste Water by Sand Filtration Talc, a hydrated magnesium silicate, is a major constituent of soapstone, which

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Dewatering of Fine Particle Clay Waste with Flocculant

Table of ContentsDewatering of Ultrafine Bentonitic WasteDewatering of Coal-Clay WasteDewatering of Phosphatic Clay WasteConclusions The processing of ores for the recovery of minerals such as phosphate (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1975), potash (C. E. Jordan, 1977), bentonite (S. G. Amplan, 1975), and coal (R. E. Zimmerman, 1978) generally results in the production of ultrafine waste materials, which respond poorly to

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Sedimentation Pond Design

Table of ContentsSedimentation Pond Design CriteriaSedimentation Pond Design ProceduresError Analysis In the preliminary phases of mine planning it is often desirable to quickly estimate approximate sediment basin construction costs based on readily available physiographic data for a large number of proposed sedimentation ponds. A procedure is presented whereby sediment basin embankment volumes, disturbed areas, and principal spillway pipe lengths can

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Large Screen Unit Design

The trend in new process plant design is moving towards the multi-screened large capacity modular design. As a result, multiplicity of process equipment will be minimized by the use of fewer, but larger units of higher capacity, or units specially designed for such circuits. One of the essential pieces of equipment in any process plant is the vibrating screen. Single

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Derrick Screens

General widespread interest in fine coal cleaning circuits did not occur in the United States until the mid 1960’s. Up until this period the relatively low price for which bituminous coal was sold did not justify for many operators the capital and maintenance costs associated with the beneficiation and drying of fine coal. However, with current growing interest in this

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Copper Moly Separation Depressant Roles

Table of ContentsExperimentalResults and DiscussionSummary and Conclusions Bulk and differential laboratory flotation tests have been carried out using a synthetic mixture of chalcopyrite and molybdenum ore. In addition to boiling and roasting, six different depressants are tested so that the best conditions of separation can be identified. These reagents include sodium cyanide with and without zinc sulfate, potassium ferrocyanide, sodium

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Crushed Pellets

Table of ContentsBlast furnace operation test using crushed pelletsResults of blast furnace operation test with crushed pellets At the Kakogawa works of Kobe Steel. Ltd., the agglomeration facilities are composed of a pelletizing plant and sintering plant. This aim is to utilize raw materials efficiently and stabilize the raw material resources. Therefore at Kakogawa works, the blast furnaces (BF) have

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How to Control Acid Mine Drainage with Surfactants

Objective Reduce or prevent acid mine drainage from coal refuse piles and surface mines by inhibiting the growth of acid- causing bacteria. Approach A dilute surfactant or detergent solution is applied directly to coal refuse piles or overburden using a hydroseeder or road watering truck. The surfactant treatment can be used either as a preventive measure to avoid a potential

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