
VSI Crusher Vertical Shaft Impactor

In a vertical shaft impact crusher, the aggregate feed is introduced into a shoe or pump spinning on a vertical axis. The aggregate feed is thrown centrifugalLY against a series of anvils, pockets of aggregate particles (i.e., autogenous), or a combination thereof. Vertical shaft impact crushers produce a small reduction ratio and arc often used for crushing tines. In hammer mills

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Sand Washing Machine

A high quality spiral sand washing machine for you sand wash plant.  The spiral sand washing machine (XL series) is able to wash and separate the soil and other impurities in sand and gravel aggregate. I he enclosed structure, adjustable overflow weir plate, and reliable transmission parts increase the cleaning and dehydration effect, which can be applied to road, hydraulic,

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Dense Medium Cyclone

Table of ContentsCyclone Configuration and Operating ConditionsHeavy Medium Cyclone Performance From the early 1960’s until the mid 1980’s, dense medium cyclone circuitry design technology did not change appreciably. The basic design, which was both highly flexible and highly efficient, was consistent with technology developed by the Dutch State Mines (“DSM”) in the mid 1940’s. During this period, the “typical” dense

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High Performance Jaw Crusher

Table of ContentsJaw Crusher Liners & Cheek PlatesComplete Sample Preparation Station (Option)Example Jaw Crusher Product The 911MPEFC250 is a Fine Jaw Crusher for pre-crushing of extremely hard up to brittle materials down to < 2mm in one step: End fineness 90% < 2mm Very Powerful Infinitely, reproducible gap adjustment Easily change of jaw plates and side liner Various infeed hopper: removable,

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Mixer Mill – High Energy Ball Mill

Table of ContentsFeatures and BenefitsGrinding jars for Static Mixing ApplicationsStainless steel Micro vialsFast clamping jars forMicro vial holder for cell disruptionIce bath for cryogenic grindingMicro Ball MillOperator Convenience & SafetyWhen to use a high energy ball millMicro Ball Mill Grinding and Mixing examplesCryogenic Ball Milling A Superior Mixer Mill engineered for rapid and reproducible sample preparation procedures. This High Energy Ball

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Air Jet Sieving Machine

The 911MPE Air Jet Sieving Machine is a powerful aspiration unit with variable throughput of 0-99 mBar ensures that the material is quickly dispersed and can pass the test sieve. The aspiration unit is equipped with an automatic cleaning system for the filter. This allows that many sieving procedures can be done before replacing the cartridge. An Air Jet Sieving Machine is

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Comparison of Continuous Countercurrent Decantation and Filtration in Soluble Recovery

Table of ContentsContinuous Countercurrent DecantationFiltrationChoice of a SystemOperational Problems and their Cures In extractive metallurgy, separation of insoluble solids from solutions is an important economic factor in almost all flowsheets. This separation step can employ sedimentation, filtration (vacuum and pressure), or centrifugation. Since practically all systems require a relatively complete separation, multiple unit, countercurrent thickeners or vacuum filters are generally

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Concentrate Slurry Pumping System

Table of ContentsGeneral Slurry Pipeline BackgroundPipeline DevelopmentSystem Description Operating Performance Exploration on Bougainville for copper by Conzinc Riotinto of Australia (CRA) began in 1963 and by 1968, through geophysical, geochemical and diamond drilling methods, an orehody containing nearly one billion tons of ore grading approximately 0.48% Cu. and some gold had been outlined. Bougainville Copper Ltd., the company operating the mine,

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Pollution Reduction and Product Recovery by Centrifugal Dewatering

The requirements for controlling air and stream pollution are a most timely subject for all concerned people. The coal industry has taken great measures to reduce both types of pollution. To help eliminate stream pollution and the hazards created by tailing ponds, the coal industry is using centrifugal dewatering equipment. Use of centrifugals to dewater fine refuse for disposal would

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Batac Jig for Cleaning Fine and Coarse Coal Sizes

Table of ContentsDescription of the Batac JigPerformance of the Batac Jig The cleaning of coal by the use of jigs is one of the oldest methods of separating coal from its impurities. Although in many situations jigs have been replaced by other methods, by far the largest percentage of coal today is still being cleaned by some form of jigs.

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Add Steel to Convert AG Autogenous Mill SAG Mill

Table of ContentsOperation of the Autogenous MillsSteel Ball Grinding EvaluationFull-Plant Production Metallurgical evaluation of autogenous grinding of Anaconda’s Berkeley Pit ores indicated that tonnage throughput increases, at a finer flotation feed size, were possible by converting autogenous mills to steel ball mills. In addition, initial test work showed that the improved grind resulted in slight recovery gains in subsequent flotation

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Submerged Vat Leaching VS Trickle Leaching

Table of ContentsVat LeachingShortcomings of Vat LeachingTrickle Leaching Leaching is defined as a form of extraction in which a valuable constituent is removed from a solid body by mass transfer to a solution which, for the purpose of this discussion, is considered to be an aqueous medium. Historically, leaching has been applied to the recovery and purification of many elements. The

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Sublevel Caving

Table of ContentsCaving theories and definitionsResearch and developmentPractical points of view Sublevel caving has created through its possibilities of standardizing and mechanizing operations and equipment. Other advantages are that the method can be adapted to orebodies of different shape, size, strength etc., and especially that working conditions can be made safe and relatively comfortable since all work is carried out

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Storage of Sulphide Bearing Tailings

The problem is typified in the tailings of the uranium operations of Elliot Lake, Ontario, where mining started some 20 years ago. The approach to tailings disposal paralleled the practice for other hydrometallurgical plants treating gold and base metal ores. Impoundment areas were designed to retain solids, and a clear and neutral overflow was considered satisfactory practice. Now experience has

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Solvent Extraction of Uranium using a Gas-Bubble Extractor

Solvent extraction is widely used in hydrometallurgical processing of uranium for purification and upgrading leach solutions prior to recovery of metal values. Conventional solvent extraction processing utilizes mixer-settler units to achieve mixing of the aqueous and organic phases. Use of mixer-settlers permits continuous treatment of feed, but the processing rate is restricted by the time required for phase separation after

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Size Reduction Mineral Liberation Model

Success has been achieved in developing mathematical models of rod mills, ball mills and recently to a limited extent autogenous grinding mills. There is also considerable activity in the development of mathematical models of various mineral concentration operations, such as flotation, magnetic separation and electrostatic concentration. However, at present there is a technological gap which hinders the integration of both size

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Overcome Environmental Problems in Sinter Plants

Table of ContentsDescription of Sintering ProcessFeatures of Conventional SinteringTechnology of the Improved Sintering Process The continuous sintering process was invented more than 60 years ago by two metallurgists, Arthur S. Dwight and Richard L. Lloyd, who saw a need for automation in mineral processing. Their specific objective was to beneficiate copper ore by desulfurizing and agglomerating it for copper blast

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How to Scale-up a Hydrometallurgical Leach Recovery Process

Table of ContentsKinetics ModelReactor Model Several hydrometallurgical leach processes have been recently proposed for the recovery of copper from copper concentrates. These include the Cymet Process of Cypress Metallurgical Processes Corporation, the Arbiter Process of the Anaconda Company, and the Treadwell Process of Treadwell Engineering Company. These processes and similar processes for recovery of other minerals, have several phenomenological similarities

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Metallurgical Grade Fluorspar Briquets – How Process

The Oglebay Norton Company has traditionally been a supplier of metallurgical grade fluorspar gravel to the American steel industry and, in the early sixties, fluorspar pellets were entered into the market. The gravel has been imported from Mexico, the pellets were produced by the Minerva Company in southern Illinois. Use of waterglass or tall oil requires a double drying operation;

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Predicting Particle Size Distributions in Open & Closed Circuit Mills

A size-continuous breakage kinetics model is postulated and supported with industrial grinding mill data. It is shown that the kinetics parameters include the effects of possible classification at the mill discharge. The estimated parameters were then used in the kinetics model to simulate the behavior of a grinding mill in open and closed circuit operation. While material transport and kinetics

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Potassium Salt Flotation from Salt Lake Evaporites

The U.S. Bureau of Mines and Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemical Corp. developed a froth flotation process for concentrating potassium salts from Great Salt Lake solar evaporites containing about 5 percent K. The crude evaporites, which were predominately halite (NaCl) with smaller amounts of kainite (KCl·MgSO4·2·7H2O) and schoenite (K2SO4MgSO4·6H2O), were conditioned in a saturated brine solution, thus converting nonfloatable

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How to Use Ore Grindability to Evaluate Plant Performance

A number of methods to simulate the Bond work-index parameter are used and several of these methods have been reported in the literature. Smith and Lee used batch-type grindability tests to arrive at the work index. They made comparisons, at various grind sizes, with work index values using the standard Bond grindability tests. Another method for simulating the Bond work

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Analyse Mechanical Air Separator Selectivity Curves

Basically, a mechanical air separator is constructed with an inner shell and an outer shell. Material fed to a rotating plate is dispersed within the inner shell. Air, pulled in from the outer shell, passes upward through the descending curtain of dispersed feed, elutriating intermediate and fine material out of the feed. The elutriated particulates enter a section containing rotating

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Leaching of Telluride

The plant has a capacity of 1200 tons (imperial) per day. The mode of the occurrence of the precious metals is complex, and the physical nature of the ore highly variable. The incidence of primary fines, at times up to 40%, is a major problem. Immediately after grinding in circuit (cyanide) solution, a telluride concentrate is produced. The remainder of the

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