
Limestone Flotation Circuit

Table of ContentsLimestone and the Reason for Its BeneficiationFactors Governing Selection of FlowsheetOperating Problems From time to time since the initial installation of an experimental flotation section in 1940, Permanente Cement Company has made efforts to beneficiate the low-grade limestone fraction which occurs in its deposit at Permanente, California. Limestone and the Reason for Its Beneficiation The Permanente deposit is

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Copper-Nickel Ore Processing

Table of ContentsFlotationRoastingLeaching and Solution RecoveryIron RemovalCopper Solvent ExtractionNickel ExtractionPossible Plant Flowsheet A nickel-copper sulphide concentrate was treated in a pilot plant at Warren Spring Laboratory during 1961, by a hydrometallurgical roast-leach-solvent extraction process devised to cleanly separate the metal values, and produce acid sulphate liquors containing the metals. It is shown that 86 percent of the nickel and 95

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Beneficiation Beach Sands by High Tension and Magnetic Dry Processing

Table of ContentsFlowsheetPrinciple of Operation of the Carpco High Tension SeparatorDiscussion of Mineral Values and Saleability The author describes the actual processing of the government stockpile of chromiferous sands located at COQUILLE, OREGON, during 1955 and 1956. A general history of the stockpile is given, along with a background of the geology and origin of these sands. The flow sheet

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Rock Drillability

Table of ContentsExperimental ProcedureLaboratory DrillingField DrillingResults and DiscussionLaboratory ExperimentsField ExperimentsA Statistical Technique to Study DrillabilityConclusions Costs of boring holes in rock have always been a major item in mineral exploration, development, and extraction and in rock excavation in industries other than mining. Efforts to reduce the costs have been made by the drilling industry for many years. Rock drillability studies

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Pure Phosphoric Acid from Hydrochloric or Sulfuric Acidulated Rock The Imi Process

The Israel Mining Industries Institute for Research and! Development has developed, during recent years, a number of new processes for fertilizer materials. Their phosphoric acid processes, however, are capable of producing an acid of far higher quality than that normally associated with fertilizer grade acid. Unground phosphate rock is fed into the first of a series of three dissolvers along

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Sludge Production Control from Wet Phosphoric Acid Processing

The accumulation, handling, and utilization of sludges formed from wet process phosphoric acid is one of the major problems in the industry. The purpose of this paper is to explain some of the considerations and techniques that can be employed to provide some measure of control over the problem. An acid made from a Central Florida phosphate rock is used

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Pneumatic Stowing – Backfilling Technique

Table of ContentsPneumatic Conveying of Stowing MaterialPneumatic Stowing InstallationStowing MaterialRetaining of Stowing Material Pneumatic stowing was first introduced in longwall mining in the middle twenties. Since that time it has advanced through many stages of development, particularly abroad, which have greatly improved its efficiency and contributed to its growing use. Pneumatic stowing originated in coal mining but has also been

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Grinding Circuit Control

Table of ContentsPersonnelHardwareComputerPlanning There is much interest in the automation of entire comminution circuits. At the present technological level it is possible to automate a circuit but to date it has not been done. To successfully automate a circuity a number of problems must be solved. Not all of them are engineering problems. The purpose of this paper is to

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Bedded Deposit Mining Methods

Table of ContentsClassification of Methods of Mining Bedded DepositsTransference of Roof LoadsRoom-and-Pillar Mining – Partial ExtractionRoom-and-Pillar Mining – Pillars ExtractedComplete Extraction – Longwall Mining The planning of an underground mine for successful extraction of a bedded deposit in sedimentary rocks requires the integrated evaluation of many interdependent problems. The development and coordination of feasible solutions are the responsibility of the

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Magnetic Mechanical Separator

Over a considerable period of time great interest has been shown in selective dry concentration of fine ferromagnetic particles, although it is only recently that new permanent magnetic materials have been made available to permit building of such permanent magnetic separators. It is well known that the conventional drum separator does not efficiently separate fine materials. The centrifugal force on

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Lock Hopper Slurry Pump

Table of ContentsThe principle of the “Lock Hopper” PumpTechnical problems inherent in the designExperience on the first Unit The pumping of abrasive and sometimes corrosive slurries is normally carried out at modest heads (say 100 ft) with specially designed centrifugal pumps. When heads become higher than this, two or more pumps are used in series but ultimately the system requires

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Kaolin Mining and Processing

Kaolin is an important industrial mineral because it exhibits desirable properties in many applications and because of its relatively low cost. Approximately 2,000,000 tons of kaolin from Georgia and South Carolina are processed and used commercially in the United States each year. Strictly defined, the name kaolin is applied to a group of hydrous aluminum silicates of which the mineral

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Hydraulic Backfilling a Method of Ground Support

Table of ContentsGround Pressure and BackfillHydraulic BackfillingCharacteristics of Hydraulic Backfill Material as SupportSegregation in Fill Material Problems of mine backfilling and fill material deposited underground, the characteristics and relationship between the deposited fill material and overlying ground, and the practical applications and limitations of hydraulic backfilling as ground support are discussed. Ground Pressure and Backfill There are many theories explaining

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Dyna Whirlpool Process

Table of ContentsDescription of Dyna Whirlpool Separator/ VesselOperating ControlsAdvantages of Dyna Whirlpool ProcessPilot Plant Test Results The success of Heavy Media Separation, the static sink-float process, is evidenced by the operation of an estimated 300 installations treating many millions of tons per year of a wide variety of mineral products ranging in value from gravel to diamonds. The static heavy

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Concentration of Tin Ore by Selective Oil Agglomeration

Table of ContentsExperimental WorkContinuous Agglomeration Agglomeration, as used throughout this report, refers to a mineral dressing process in which the desired mineral, namely cassiterite, is selectively separated from the gangue minerals by attachment to a crude oil. This process is analogous to flotation except that the sought after mineral is collected by crude oil rather than air bubbles. The ore

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Oxided Copper Ore Leaching

Table of ContentsLeachingWashing of the SolutionsPrecipitationRegeneration of Leaching Solution The principal characteristics of the process is that when applied in medium or in great degree, it only needs unelaborated raw materials such as sodium chloride and calcium carbonate, or of medium elaboration, as sulphur which is found in large quantity in the North of Chili however, the system may be

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Control of Flotation Recovery using Regression Analysis

The concentrator of Bonneville Ltd. at Wendover, Utah, processes a feed obtained by solar evaporation of a brine containing sodium and potassium chlorides with minor amounts of impurities. Salable potassium chloride concentrate is produced from this feed in two steps: flotation with amine reagents to concentrate the potassium chloride, and washing of the concentrate with fresh water to reach final

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Comminution in Brittle Solids Resulting from Hypervelocity Impacts

Comminution is an old art. Unfortunately the analysis of the unit operations has been handicapped by the lack of both theoretical and experimental information. Two types of information are needed, one an understanding of what happens when a particle breaks in a brittle manner; and two, an understanding of what happens when the daughter fragments pass through the mill. Recently,

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Crushing and Grinding Circuit Automation

Table of ContentsPrimary CrushingFine CrushingGrinding Control Systems Most modern crushing and grinding facilities are automated to some degree. Some, of course, have a very minimum of automatic control whereas others utilize very complex control equipment. However, with very few exceptions, there has not been a new basic control philosophy applied in this field in the past seven years. The philosophy

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Placer Gold Analyzer XRF

Table of ContentsExploration of Alluvial/Eluvial Gold DepositsEluvial DepositsAlluvial DepositsExploration ObjectivesExampleMapping The GradesProduction Planning HiGrade DPI is a novel analysis method for placer gold that relies on the distinct color of gold. Analyse surface or drill samples from a placer claim . Determine the gold grade and properties. Produce instant printable reports for each sampling location of the claim. The pan

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Solid Fuel in Pelletizing Shaft Furnace

The use of solid fuel in shaft furnaces to indurate iron ore pellets was originally considered a necessary evil, which the industry worked long and hard to eliminate. Since then changes have taken place in furnace design and operating practices that have led us to our suggestion that solid fuel additions could again be used. In essence, what has happened

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Merrill Crowe Laboratory Testing Procedure

Table of ContentsTypical dosagesGeneral InformationStandard SolutionsPregnant Solution SampleFiltrationAssaysDeaerationHeat MethodChemical MethodVacuum MethodVariable Analysis Efficient Merrill Crowe precipitation of gold and silver is dependent upon the proper control of certain physical and chemical properties of the solution. The most important of these properties are listed below: Suspended solids: such as ore slime and precipitates of calcium carbonate, with hydrates of aluminum, magnesium

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Tailings Disposal and Liquefaction

Table of ContentsTailings DisposalLiquefied Tailings DepositsReduced Liquefaction Susceptibility One of the many responsibilities of mining engineers and mill superintendents is to provide for the safe and economic disposal of wastes (or tailings) remaining after a mineral has been extracted from an ore. The cost of disposal of these tailings exerts a considerable influence on the minimum grade of ore extracted

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How to Recover Molybdenum in Oxidized Ore

Table of ContentsDescription of the OreExperimental Work.Recovery of Molybdenum from Solution A study of some variables affecting the recovery of molybdenum from oxidized molybdenum minerals was made. The effects of variations in contact time, temperature, pulp density, particle size, and solvent concentration on the recovery of molybdenum using acid and alkaline solvents were investigated. Chemical analyses, screen analyses and microscopic

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