
Continuous Filtration of Precipitates

Table of ContentsContinuous Filters Suitable for PrecipitatesFilter Media SelectionPrecipitation Methods Advances in hydrometallurgy during recent years resulted in greater attention being focused on the various unit operations involved. Some steps, similar to normal beneficiation practice—crushing, grinding, classification, etc. are well known.Others —roasting, leaching—have recently been intensively investigated from both theoretical and practical viewpoints. Less well-studied are such operations as precipitation

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Preparation and Production of Mineral Aggregates

Table of ContentsComminutionPrimary CrushingSecondary CrushingFine Crushing or Coarse GrindingSizingFeeding The preparation of aggregates is a form of mineral processing which has been taken for granted for many years, mostly because of its lack of glamour when compared to the winning of metallic minerals from their ores. Many of the processes and equipment now used in the metallic mineral processing industries

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Alimak Raise Climber at Iron King Branch of Shattuck Denn Mining Corporation

The Alimak Raise Method, using the Alimak Climber, has proven to be a new, fast, economical method of driving raises at the Iron King Branch of Shattuck Denn Mining Corporation, Humboldt, Arizona. In order to fully understand the advantages of the Alimak Raise Climber, it is necessary first to describe the basic machine; second, a complete cycle of a raise

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Wet Scrubbing of Coal Dust from Thermal Dryers

Wet scrubbing of fine coal from Thermal dryers poses a number of problems in adapting the gas cleaning equipment for required clean-up of the fine particulate matter. A wet cleaning apparatus traps the matter suspended in the gas stream in a scrubbing liquid, generally water and a great variety of equipment is used. They include wet spray towers, packed tower

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Search for Heavy Minerals by Equilibrium Concepts

Table of ContentsEstuarine TrapsThe Equilibrium ConceptThe Apalachicola Delta A river delivers a given load of sand, and hence of heavy minerals, into the sea into which it empties. This load is fixed by drainage basin characteristics and processes. Wave energy available for redistributing that load is fixed in an entirely different way. Estuarine Traps Rivers which flow into estuaries, sounds,

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Thickener Design Underflow Pump Arrangement and Automatic Controls

Table of ContentsThickeningLifting DevicesAutomatic ControlsClarificationUnderflow Pumping Arrangements A number of unique thickener mechanism designs with the operating results achieved in various installations are discussed. These unusual designs include new types of raking arms, lifting devices, and feed-wells employed to obtain higher underflow densities and minimum operator control or improved overflow clarity. Thickening The conventional raking arms consist of a relatively

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Rotary Kiln in Magnetic-Reduction Roasting

Table of ContentsWhat is Expected from the Rotary Kiln?Potential Ore Reserves Treatable in the Rotary Kiln Magnetic-reduction roasting is a process in which non-magnetic ore is converted by the action of reducing gases to a state in which subsequent magnetic separation can achieve the best balance between recovery and grade. The principal characteristics of the rotary kiln method of magnetic-reduction

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Coal Processing Methods

Table of ContentsHigh-Temperature CarbonizationConventional Coke ManufactureFerrocokeNew Processing MethodsLow-Temperature CarbonizationGasificationManufactured GasProduction of Liquid FuelsCoal HydrogenationFischer-TropschProduction of High-B.t.u. GasDirect HydrogenationCatalytic MethanationProduction of ChemicalsBriquetting and Recarbonizing to Metallurgical FuelCoal Pretreatment-Destruction of Coking PropertiesManufacture of Smokeless FuelsUse of Coal in Iron Ore ProcessingOther Coal Processing MethodsOxidationOther Chemical ReactionsExtractionActivated Carbon and Other Special CarbonsMiscellaneousCoal Waste Utilization More coal processing is done in foreign coal-producing countries

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Reduce Blasting Noise

Table of ContentsFavorable Conditions for BlastingUnfavorable Conditions for Blasting The public relations problems of users of explosives have greatly increased within the past few years. One reason is that explosives and blasting agents are being consumed in increasing quantities. The principal reason, however, is that more people have become physically affected by blasting. Mines, quarries, and construction sites that were

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Complex Sulfide Sulfation Process Ores Pilot Plant

Table of ContentsPre-Pilot Plant InvestigationsDescription of Pilot PlantResultsPurification of Leach Solutions for Zinc Electrolysis The design, operation, and performance of an integrated pilot plant for recovering zinc and copper from a complex sulfide ore are described. Metallurgical processing comprised selective sulfate roasting in a fluid bed, leaching in a weak sulfuring acid solution, recovering copper by cementation with scrap iron,

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Factors Affecting Ore Leaching

Table of ContentsElements of LeachingRecovery of Uranium from the Top Black Member of Chattanooga Shale by Leaching This work defines and systematizes the physical factors of the problem of leaching and demonstrates for the first tine the utility of macropore volume, micropore volume., specific surface, pore size distribution and permeability as parameters of leaching based on a study of the

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Grate-Kiln System Operation

The Humboldt and its Grate-Kiln System Operation on crude ore is a mixture of cherty specular hematite and magnetite, with minor amounts of martite and sericite. Mineralization varies from coarse to extremely fine grained. The overburden varies from zero to 50 ft. The ore body is approximately 1300 ft. long and varies in thickness from 250-400′. Crushing is accomplished in

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Slurry Mass Flow Measurement

Advances in instrumentation now make it possible to measure accurately flow of such diificult-to-measure liquids as mining slurries. A mass flowmeter, which introduces no restrictions in the line, will measure the mass flow of slurry equal to the volume flow times the mass/unit volume. In the mass flowmeter system a volume flow measurement is electrically multiplied by a density measurement

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Maintenance and Operation of High Capacity Underground Mining Machinery

Modern high capacity underground mining machinery is a complex of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic components which have greatly increased capability over similar components of mining machinery of ten and even five years ago. Looking into the future I feel certain in stating that there will be changes equally great in the coming five and ten year periods. With this premise

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Influence of Block Caving upon Adjacent Mine Openings

Table of ContentsExperimental Procedure and ResultsInstrumentsProcedureTest ResultsDiscussionApplication to Mining Problems The stress distribution around single and multiple underground openings has been determined both from theory and from photoelastic laboratory model studies. These determinations require certain simplifying assumptions: The rock is elastic homogeneous, and isotropic; the opening or openings are in an infinite medium, are subjected to plane stress or strain,

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How to Handle Coarse Ore in a CCD Thickener Circuit

Table of ContentsControl of CircuitFlocculation The use of a series of thickeners for washing of the slime fraction of a leached ore is not uncommon in the uranium industry; however, few ore processing mills have used a thickener circuit for washing leached total ore. The common practice is to wash the sand fraction in classifiers and the slime fraction only

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Methods For Recycling Outdated Electronic Equipment

Table of ContentsElectronic Waste Recycling An OverviewE-Waste – GrowthE-Waste SourcesInformation and Communication Technology SourcesE-Waste – The New Urban MineRecycling MethodsInitial SeparationInitial SeparationsFinal Separations Electronic Waste Recycling An Overview Like most mining ventures under taken by amateurs, processing e-waste can be a quick way to loss all your money. It seems easy, there is a lot of e-waste available with no

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Grinding Iron Ore in a Wet Autogenous Mill

The Cretaceous plant at the Hill Annex mine of the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. was designed with a wet autogenous mill for grinding low grade iron ore so that it could be concentrated by spirals and flotation cells. The plant, on the west end of the Minnesota’s Mesabi Range, went into operation in June 1961, and preliminary operating and

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Fluidized Bed Chlorination of Rutile

Starting with rutile, containing more than 95% TiO2 and of the proper particle size, the commercial production of titanium tetrachloride via fluidized bed chlorination is relatively very simple and economical. As compared to shaft chlorination, it operates at a much higher capacity for given sizing of equipment, and appears more foolproof, requiring less attention. At the end of the campaign

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Coal Flotation Frothers – Yield Selectivity VS Cost

This paper presents the results of a study in which commercially available forms of various reagents were used as flotation frothers. Flotation procedures which would conform in general to those employed in a large number of commercial coal flotation plants were utilized. The reagents employed have been grouped into the following chemical classes; aliphatic alcohols terpines glycols (synthetic water-soluble alcohol

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Dewatering and Processing Kaolin Clays

Table of ContentsMiningThickening The dewatering steps discussed will include gravity settling, centrifugal dewatering, vacuum filtration, and thermal drying. Of these dewatering steps particular attention will be given to vacuum filtration and the variables affecting filtration of these kaolin clays. Kaolin consists essentially of the mineral kaolinite, which is a hydrated aluminum silicate (Al2O3·2SiO2). Commercial deposits of kaolin occur in several

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Vertical Shaft Furnace Design

Vertical shaft furnace design and operation have their roots deep in antiquity. There is substantial evidence to indicate that iron was reduced from its oxides to serve mankind’s needs long before recorded civilization actually prior to 3500 B.C. For at least 5500 years man has been matching wits with Nature to find better methods of extracting this most common, yet

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Merrill-Crowe Plant Design Factors

Table of ContentsClarifying FiltersZinc Dust AdditionFiltration of ProductClean Up and Melting The removal of metal values from cyanide solutions, fortunately, can be done in several ways. The oldest practiced method is, cementation with zinc, or Merrill-Crowe. Clarifying Filters Today the clarifying filtration is done with every kind of filter imaginable. Most of these filters are precoated with diatomaceous earth, DE,

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Coal and the Blast Furnace

Table of ContentsBlast Furnace PracticeSolid Fuel InjectionCalibrationProperties of CoalDiscussion During this period of evolution, man struggled with the only fuel he knew – charcoal. Some 5600 years passed before any attempt was made to use coal as a fuel for the blast furnace. Blast Furnace Practice No one factor can be pointed to as the prime cause of reduced coke

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