
Pra river in Ghana can become chemically contaminated if the government doesn’t act against illegal mining

Ghana’s government is determined to fight the scourge of illegal mining in the country, especially its scientifically proven consequences to the health of the people that live near the mining areas, announced the vice-president. But what can they really do to stop this disaster? According to Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, “the issue of illegal mining is not just a simple one of the

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Iron-ore from space mining might make Earth’s metal market crash

After we recently talked about the project of the company Planetary Resources, which intends to do some space mining after building its Arkyd 100 spacecraft, Mining Examiner found a related statement from Declan Vogt about the possibility of mining asteroids. “The supply and demand of iron-ore and precious metals is globally well balanced; therefore, the mining of these metals in space

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Modal Mineralogy Definition

Modal Analysis is essential in mineral processing and geometallurgy.  It is big business for and others.  

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Mineralogical Analysis using QEMSCAN and its Photomicrograph

A Mineralogical Analysis done using a QEMSCAN can produce Photomicrograph of chalcopyrite (Cpy), pyrite (Py) attached to and locked in sphalerite. (Reflected Light). Photomicrograph showing pyrite attached to and locked in sphalerite. Bornite (Bn) locked in sphalerite (Reflected Light). Photomicrograph of pyrite and chalcopyrite locked in sphalerite. Arsenopyrite (Asp) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light). Photomicrograph of pyrite and chalcopyrite locked in sphalerite.

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Apple accused of using illegally mined tin to produce the iPhone

Apple might have used illegally mined tin from Indonesia to manufacture its iPhones and some other products. At least, that’s what the international environmentalist group Friends of the Earth said recently. According to the group’s website, tin mining on Bangka Island, in Indonesia, has been connected to “the destruction of tropical forests, coral reefs and fishermen’s livelihoods”. They also call “rotten Apple” to the company

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Calculate and Select Ball Mill Ball Size for Optimum Grinding

In Grinding, selecting (calculate) the correct or optimum ball size that allows for the best and optimum/ideal or target grind size to be achieved by your ball mill is an important thing for a Mineral Processing Engineer AKA Metallurgist to do.  Often, the ball used in ball mills is oversize “just in case”.  Well, this safety factor can cost you much in

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Procedure Residual Copper Soluble Analysis -Assay Method -Acid

Table of Contents1.3              Ensure that necessary solutions are prepared in suitable volume.Sequential Copper Analysis Method METHOD for SEQUENTIAL AND RESIDUAL COPPER ANALYSIS PURPOSE:    To determine, through sequential dissolution, the probable copper distribution by copper mineral in a sample. SCOPE: Matrix: Copper ores   Analyte: Copper (Cu)   Range: <1-20%. Accuracy/Precision:    This method is not intended to be accurate since there is

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11 Technologies that will change mining in the next decade

Table of Contents1. Mobile internet2. Automation3. Internet of things4. Cloud5. Advanced robotics6. Autonimous or near-autonomous vehicles7. Energy storage8. 3D printing9. Advanced materials10. Advanced oil and gas exploration and recovery11. Renewable electricity Some emerging technologies are set to completely transform the way mining professionals will operate over the next 10 years. Whether we are talking about improving productivity, saving money or

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Democratic Republic of Congo: one of the capitals of child labor in the mines

The rates of child labor in Africa are simply scary. However, when you combine the factors “Democratic Republic of Congo” (DRC) and “mines”, you get even scarier numbers. Apparently, the International Day Against Child Labor (June 12) is not celebrated in the Congolese ore pits, like any other day. Every minute spent in the mines is dedicated to work, even if

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Mineral Processing Engineer

A Mineral Processing Engineer does after studying at a great school like Both men and women can do this enjoyable career. A good Mineral Processor applies science to the practical world.

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Levin Grindability Index Test Method & Procedure

The Ball Mill Grindability of ores is generally determined by the Bond standard grindability index test method.  However, this test and procedure is not applicable to fine materials such as sands; the grindability of fine materials must therefore be determined by a comparative grinding method, for which a reference material of know grindability is required. Suitable reference materials are not easily

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Three quarters of the world’s mining companies are based in Canada but there aren’t enough overseas laws

Table of Contents1. Griffiths Energy2. Barrick Gold Corporation3. Anvil Mining Did you know that Canada is the home of 75 percent of the planet’s mining companies? That’s right! At least, according to the Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada. After all, it’s Canada that is keeping the mining industry “glued” together, hosting almost 1,300 mining companies that are investing hundreds

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Quick Grind Check -How to Quickly Estimate Grind Size or P80 | Operator Tips

An easy and fast/quick way for grinding operators to get an idea and estimate their grinds is to follow this procedure. Using a calculator an those 2 simple tools will get you a fast P80 or Pxyz. This great simple tool/method lets you estimate the grind size of any stream using a wet vibrating screen (single deck) and a

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Look inside an IsaMill and have a look at an installed IsaMill grinding unit. IsaMill Signature Plot

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Ultrafine Grinding Test Report AKA IsaMill Signature Plot

Here is an energy plot AKA an IsaMill Signature Plot AKA a Ultrafine Grinding Test Report.  This test is performed using a Netzsch Grinding lab mill. I also include links to great articles about this powerful ultra-fine grinding technology. 1) IsaMill- 1:1 Direct Scaleup from Ultrafine to Coarse Grinding 2) The Benefits of IsaMill Testing 3) Industry/Research Papers from Conferences An IsaMill by Xtrata/Glencore

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Optimum Froth Bed Depth Levels

When the pulp levels on all cells appears high (shallow froth bed thicknesses or depth).  This causes unstable froth which constantly produces a low density “run-away” or wet, watery un-drained rougher concentrate rich in mechanically floated (entrained) “other materials” and containing most of the frother (added to flotation feed) itself.  ** Operating at shallow froth bed causes much of the

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Compare Hydroxamate AM2 Rinkalore CTC3 Oxide Collectors

In this series of tests aimed  to Compare Hydroxamate Collectors namely: AM2 Rinkalore and CTC3 we now conclude.  All data indicate the CTC3 is a more selective reagent.  In all tests, metallurgy was improved.  Nowhere were the results produced by CTC3 inferior to AM2. Although AM2’s Lab Recoveries can look “attractive”, the AM2 reagent shows problematic to nearly insurmountable practical issues

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Oxide Flotation Collector | Collector for Copper Oxide Ore

In this flotation tests and evaluation for the best collector for copper oxide “ore” 911Metallurgy continues with material that’s 60% Oxide copper. Sample C: 1.7% Copper about 60% Oxide Cu  Rougher Tests: Both reagents appear to behave similarly as the “blue dots” are seemingly a continuation of the trend started by “red dots”. Oxflo and Axis show that the more %Mass

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Flotation by Hydroxamate: OXFLO’s CTC3 vs AXISHOUSE’s AM2 (Rinkalore)

The order of Hydroxamate flotation testing was first OXFLO for 3 days, then AXISHOUSE’s tests were performed 3 weeks later for 7 days. The results of each “Ore Type” or Samples tested by OXFLO (OxF) and AXISHOUSE (AH or Axis) is graphically displayed and evaluated in this report.  Prior to testing their chemicals, each “Ore Type” or Samples was tested

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Hydroxamate for Copper Oxide Flotation

Table of ContentsOresCollectorsFlotationImportance of Mineralogy and Assay Methods Here is a comparison of two Hydroxamate Collectors used for the flotation of Oxide copper, namely CTC3 from OXFLO and AM2 (AKA Rinkalore) from AXISHOUSE.  This report contains a comparison of the scoping test-work done by both suppliers to determine which one is the best Oxide Collector . Test Summary #1 Flotation

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The earlier versions of OXFLOAT CTC3 had been in production since 1972 and currently Oxflo’s manufacturing partner supplies 700 mt of this product to their local market annually. They have a further manufacturing capacity of 800 mt, taking them to a total of 1500 mt per year. Currently OXFLOAT CTC3 has displaced AM2 at one of the African operations, with

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Pb Oxide Floatability & Selectivity VS Sulphidizer Usage

The use of a sulphidizer is common in oxide flotation recovery. Na2S (Sodium Sulfide) can help “activate” oxide minerals behave as sulfides. The tests performed by both vendors showed noticeable technical differences between both reagents. AM2 constantly requires the use of Na2S as its copper activator while CTC3 does not rely on Na2S. This dependence on Na2S causes AM2 to

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