
Jaw Crusher Working Principle

Table of ContentsJaw Crusher TerminologyJAW CRUSHERSDouble-Toggle Jaw CrushersSingle-toggle Jaw CrushersSizing Jaw CrushersForced Feed Jaw CrushersBulldog Jaw CrusherTraylor Jaw CrusherJaw Crusher Foolproof A sectional view of the single-toggle type of jaw crusher is shown below. In one respect, the working principle and application of this machine are similar: the movable jaw has its maximum movement at the top of the crushing chamber, and minimum movement

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Use of Bleaching Clays in Water Purification

Table of ContentsAdvantages of Bleaching ClayUse of Clay at AtlantaConclusionAcknowledgments Bleaching clays have been used extensively in the oil-refining industries for a number of years. Their use in water purification is relatively recent and less extensive. They are frequently classified as (1) those naturally active and (2) those active after artificial activation with acid. Fuller’s earths fall within the general

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Wilfley Table

The Wilfley table is a truly remarkable gold concentrating table first built on a preliminary scale in May, 1895. The first full-sized table was built by Mr. A. R. Wilfley, and was used in his own mill in Kokomo Colo., in May, 1896. The first table sold for installation was placed in the Puzzle mill, Breckenridge, Summit county, Colo., in August,

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Ball Mill Grinding

Table of ContentsBall Rod and Pebble MillsBall LoadsScreens and FlakinessUnits of SurfaceBatch and Continuous Grinding ComparedBatch Ball Milling at Various Speeds and Ore ChargesBest Wet  and Dry Batch Ball MillingSelection of Volume of Ball Loads in Continuous Dry Open Circuit GrindingNonferrous Media and Steel Balls ComparedSillimanite BallsTetrahedrons and Spherical Balls ComparedBattered Reject Balls and New Spherical Balls ComparedMills of Different

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How to Remove Quartz & Impurities from Refractory Clays

Table of ContentsPhysical and Chemical CharacterBeneficiationDetermination of Firing PropertiesLaboratory InvestigationsSandy Flint Clay A. P. G. 1Physical and Chemical CharacterBeneficiationWet-Table and Wet-Cyclone ConcentrationDetermination of Firing PropertiesSandy Flint Clay H.-W. 2Physical and Chemical CharacterBeneficiationWet-Table and Wet-Cyclone ConcentrationDetermination of Firing PropertiesSandy Plastic Clay A, P. G. 3Physical and Chemical CharacterBeneficiationWet-Table and Wet-Cyclone ConcentrationDetermination of Firing PropertiesPyritic Plastic Clay A. P. G. 10Physical and

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Fine Grain Lead Zinc Sulfides Flotation

Table of ContentsThe OresPhysical CharacterChemical DescriptionLaboratory StudiesNabob OreHighland Surprise OrePend Oreille OreLiberal King OreSidney OreDouglas Ore This investigation has shown that lead and zinc sulfide minerals, in pulps containing particles all less than 9 microns in size, may be selectively recovered by froth flotation. All but one of the samples yielded lead concentrates-containing at least 57 percent Pb. Selective recovery

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Explosives Explosions and Flames

Table of ContentsResearch and Technologic ActivitiesExplosion, Flame, and. Combustion ResearchCombustion StudiesIgnition StudiesResearch on Explosion Hazards in Operations Involving Flammable Gases and LiquidsDetermination of Flammability Characteristics of Individual CompoundsExplosives Research and TestingApplied ResearchFundamental Explosives ResearchEvaluation of Explosives and Blasting DevicesExperimental Coal Mine and Dust Explosions ResearchExperimental Coal MineDust Explosion Galleries and ChambersDust Explosion LaboratoriesMeetings and ConferencesExplosion, Flame and Combustion ResearchExplosives Research

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Spectrograph Analysis of Tungsten

Table of ContentsScope and Outline of MethodEquipmentExperimentalEffect of Germanium Added to TungstenVolatilization StudiesX-Ray Analyses of ChargesDetails of the MethodPreparation of Standards and SamplesProcedureOperating ConditionsResults of Analyses One of the main advantages of this method for estimating impurities in tungsten is that the analysis is performed on the metal. Ideally, samples and standards should be of the same particle size, between

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How to Separate of Tantalum from Columbium

Table of ContentsMaterialsExperimental Procedure and ResultsSmall-Scale TestsInitial CoextractionSeparation of Tantalum from ColumbiumProcedure for High-Columbium MaterialsProcedure for High-Tantalum MaterialsAssay Procedure for Equal Amounts of Tantalum and ColumbiumSeparation of Tantalum from Columbium in Special CasesReuse of SolutionsRecycling Feed SolutionsReconditioning Methyl Isobutyl KetoneRate of Transfer TestsLarge-Scale TestsApparatusProcedure and Results for Mixer-Settler ColumnStepwise Tests, Mixer-Settler Column with Gravity Feed SystemStepwise Tests, Mixer-Settler Column With

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How to Operate a Blast Furnace

Table of ContentsExperimental FacilitiesExperimental OperationsDiscussion of Results The experimental blast furnace has attracted increasing interest during the past decade as a practical means for investigating a broad range of blast-furnace smelting problems. Under experimental-furnace conditions, information can be obtained with less expenditure of time and raw materials and, therefore, at lower cost than comparable information could be obtained under industrial

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Phosphorus Pentoxide Content Determination Method

Table of ContentsMaterials and EquipmentDescription of MethodDetermination of Best Fitting CurvesAccuracyPossible Improvement The precipitate method described herein is advantageous because of its rapidity and relative simplicity. This method eliminates the standardization of reagents, second filtration, washing of precipitate, and dissolving of ammonium phosphomolybdate precipitate, all of which are required in the titration step of the usual alkalimetric method. The precipitate

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Nuclear Reactor Simulation

Table of ContentsDescription of the LoopInduction-Heated Simulated Nuclear Reactor (ISR)Helium-Recycle CompressorDust FilterHelium-Purification SystemPerformance of ISR System During 1,000-Hour TestInduction-Heated Simulated Nuclear ReactorHelium-Recycle CompressorHeat ExchangerDust FilterHelium-Purification System Construction of a 250-p.s.i.g. helium-recycle system to operate with gas temperatures as high as 2,500° F. appears feasible. More development work is required, however, on heat exchangers and compressors. Many problems inherent in large

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Determination of Lithium In Lithium Minerals

Table of ContentsApparatusPreparation of 2 M Citrate Buffer Stock SolutionStandardizationPhotometric Analytical ProcedureInterferencesAccuracy and Precision A simplified, routine method for determining lithium in lithium-bearing rock is presented. The sample is decomposed by repeated treatments with nitric, hydrofluoric, and perchloric acids. Since this procedure does not appreciably dissolve beryl, interference by beryllium (the principal interfering cation) is minimized for most samples. The

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Asbestos Mining Methods and Costs

Table of ContentsMethods of Prospecting and ExplorationMethod of Estimation of Tonnage ValueDevelopment And Mining (General)Old Regal WorkingsNew Regal WorkingsNavajo WorkingsDevelopment DetailsStope MiningUnderground TransportationAuxiliary OperationsPercent Extraction and Production RatesVentilationMine DrainageSupervision and Labor DistributionWage Contract RatesSafety PracticesThe Chrysotile MinesHistorical Data on Methods and CostsMilling and GradingCost for Year of 1957 This is one of a series of reports prepared by the Federal

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How to Make Boron by Electrolysis

Table of ContentsTheoretical ConsiderationsExperimental Procedures and ResultsCell DesignAnode MaterialsCathode MaterialsOperation of the Electrolytic CellTemperatureCathode Surface and Length of ElectrolysisComposition of Fused-Salt BathsElectrolyte AlkalinityInert-Atmosphere CellAnalytical ResultsConclusions Because an economic method for preparing pure boron has not been developed, a program was started by the Bureau of Mines to evaluate existing techniques or to develop new methods for preparing the pure element.

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Smelting Taconite in Blast Furnace

Table of ContentsRaw Materials UsedBlowing-in FurnaceSmelting Operation Using Plus 10-Mesh OreSmelting Operations Using Plus 4-Mesh OreDiscussion of ResultsSmelting with Basic SlagHeat Balance for Taconite Ore SmeltingProduction Costs Crude Minnesota taconite was charged in the Bureau of Mines experimental blast furnace so that smelting characteristics of such highly siliceous raw materials could be studied and smelting costs compared with those of

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How Susceptible are Organic Compounds to Tritium Exchange Labeling

Table of ContentsMechanism of Tritium ExchangeApparatus and ReagentsProcedureLabeling Organic Samples with TritiumPurification and TrappingDecontamination of EquipmentRadioassay of SamplesResults This report describes the preparation of tritium-labeled organic compounds to be used by the Federal Bureau of Mines in studying the role of certain gasoline constituents in gum-forming mechanisms. The gasoline constituents that have been investigated boil within a range of approximately

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Spectrophotometry Determination of Copper in Tungsten Metal Powder

Table of ContentsReagents and ApparatusProcedure A spectrophotometry method for the determination of small amounts of copper in tungsten metal powder using the principle of solvent extraction has been developed. The metallic sample is dissolved in hydrogen peroxide, tartaric acid added, the pH adjusted, and the excess peroxide destroyed by boiling. Copper is reduced to the cuprous state, and the reagent

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Variables Affecting the Probability of Ignition by Explosives

Table of ContentsThe DataExperimental Procedure of Individual ShotsStatistical Designs as Part of the ProcedureThe Up-and-Down TechniqueRandomizationInterpretations of the AnalysisFirst Analysis Leading to Tentative ConclusionsSecond Analysis Leading to Final Conclusions The principal official test performed by the Bureau of Mines to determine the permissibility of coal-mine explosives, commonly referred to as the gallery test, has been in use at the Bruceton

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How to Recover Thermal Energy from Molten Salts

Table of ContentsSpecific Experimental ObjectivesExperimental EquipmentExperimental ProcedureExperimental Results and DiscussionHeat TransferSteam Turbine OperationChemical Reactions and Chemical Composition of Effluent GasesCorrosion Rates of Materials of ConstructionSalt EntrainmentPipe Plugging One objective of Project Gnome is to study the feasibility of a phase of the Plowshare program recovering thermal energy from an underground nuclear explosion. The test will be conducted in an underground

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Uranium Mining

Table of ContentsLabor and Living ConditionsDescription of DepositsExplorationMesa No. 2 MineContract-Mining OperationsMesa No. 2-½ -MineMesa No. 1-¾ Mine This report is one of a series published by the Federal Bureau of Mines to describe methods and costs of mining uranium on the Colorado Plateau. The Navajo Uranium Division of Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., mines uranium from several deposits of carnotite-type

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Bacterial Copper Leaching

Table of ContentsSampling, Culturing, and Isolating BacteriaIdentifying Bacteria Among several suggested new processes for treating marginal ores in the United States, none is more intriguing than the possibility of extracting metals from low-grade materials by the action of microorganisms. One phase of a Federal Bureau of Mines investigation toward developing such a procedure was to isolate and identify specific chemosynthetic

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Dry Filter Cake using Radiant Heat – Reduce Moisture

Table of ContentsTheoretical ConsiderationsTest ApparatusTest ProcedureSynthetic SlurriesThickener Underflow ProductFroth Flotation ConcentrateEconomic Considerations This report stems from a study by the Bureau of Mines of the possibility of reducing coal filter-cake moisture by applying radiant heat directly to the filter cake while under vacuum during the drying phase of the filter cycle. One disk of a 4-foot-diameter vacuum filter was equipped

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Titanium Gadolinium Phase Diagram

The results of this investigation indicate that the titanium-gadolinium phase diagram is composed of a single eutectic reaction and a peritectoid reaction at the alpha-beta transformation. The eutectic isotherm has been established at 1,240 ± 10° C. and extends from approximately 1 pct. gadolinium to beyond 99 pct. gadolinium at this temperature. The solid solubility of gadolinium in beta-titanium appears

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