Pruebas de ciclo cerrado y su procedimiento
Una prueba de flotación de ciclo cerrado (locked cycle test en inglés) es usualmente efectuada al final de un programa de pruebas de flotación de laboratorio, y tiene como objetivo principal confirmar las mejores condiciones de flotación obtenidas en la etapa de pruebas abiertas. Para lo cual se busca evaluar la dosificación de los reactivos de flotación (depresores, colectores, espumantes,
Mesa de Concentración Gravimétrica – Uso y Funcionamiento
La mesa de concentración gravimétrica suele usarse a escala industrial para limpiar concentrados gravimétricos impuros, y a nivel laboratorio para evaluar la presencia de minerales pesados. El caso más común de uso es el tratamiento de metales preciosos, y de minerales de estaño como la casiterita. Es importante indicar que la concentración gravimétrica ha sido considerada como el primer método
Indice de Trabajo de Bond y su Procedimiento
El índice de trabajo de Bond se ha usado por muchos años para indicar el consumo de energía de un molino de bolas para obtener un tamaño de partícula deseado, usualmente expresada como el pasante bajo una malla especifica como la 150 o la 200.el valor del índice de trabajo de trabajo es una característica de cada mineral y de
Conceptos Básicos de Flotación de Minerales
El proceso de flotación de minerales está basado en procesos fisicoquímicos que ayudan a explicar la afinidad de algunas partículas al aire (esta característica es llamada hidrofobicidad), y también de la afinidad de otras partículas minerales por el agua (esta característica es llamada hidrofilicidad). El objetivo del proceso es tratar de obtener un producto comercial llamado concentrado, el cual básicamente
Mineralogy Point Count Procedure
The point count procedure was to select an appropriate magnification for the micro mount ranging between 100 – 1000 times normal, and then setting a 10×10 square graticule randomly on the field. Mineral grains which were intersected by the graticule cross hairs, were identified and recorded and entered directly into the computer using a binary code. Binary assemblages were
Types of Anionic Collectors of Sulphides
Collectors for sulphide minerals : Anionic collectors are most commonly used for sulphide minerals. By reference to the table (below) it will be note that they are all structurally similar, each having a single sulphur atom double bonded to either a carbon or phrosphorus atom, hence all of the sulphide minerals can be floated with varying success by any of
Cassiterite Flotation – Tin Oxide
Table of ContentsFlotation of Tin Ore SlimesDirect Tin Flotation The nominal size range for cassiterite flotation is between 2 and 100 microns. The top size is variable depending upon the liberation of the cassiterite particles. Cassiterite grains coarser than 100 microns are difficult to float whilst grains finer than 2 microns give selectivity problems. Hence the feed for cassiterite flotation
Froth Flotation of Tungsten Ore
Table of ContentsFlotation with Phosphonic & Arsonic Acids CollectorsAdvanced Flotation with Ramification-Carrier Flotation ProcessCentrifugal separator – flotation – magnetic separationMagnetic Separation / FlotationShaking Table / Centrifugal Separator / Belt SluiceB-M Separator / Crossbelt Concentrator Scheelite (CaWO4) and Wolframite ((Fe,Mn)WO4) are the principal minerals of tungsten, but other important minerals include ferberite (FeWO4) and huebnerite (MnWO4) will also respond to froth
Laboratory Flotation Testing
Table of ContentsPlanning the lab flotation test:Flotation ReagentsFlotation Equipment PreparationSample OriginBatch Laboratory Test PlantContinuous Laboratory Test Plant Batch Laboratory Flotation Testing starts from the 3 fundamental types of flotation processes or methods which can be classed as either: Bulk flotation Differential flotation Sequential flotation While all flotation processes are selective or differential in that one mineral or group of minerals
Causes of Dam Failure -Video
This shows an good video example of the cause of tailings dam failures.
How to Charge Rods into a Rod Mill
Rods are loaded or charged into a Rod Mill using a mechanised charger. The rod charger with extendable boom moves rods safely inside the trommel/trunnion before charging with a typical 30 seconds or less cycle time per rod. How you charging a rod mill is best explained by the video below. and sells them.
Overflow VS Grate Discharge Ball or Mill – Why Retrofit
Table of ContentsTypes of Ball Mills Ball Mill GrindingExample of Plant Capacity GainsBall Mill SpecificationsCompare Type of Mill DischargeGrate Discharge Ball Mill CapacitiesGrate Discharge Ball Mill Arrangement & Dimensions Allow me to compare: Ball mills can be of the overflow or of the grate discharge type. Overflow discharge mills are used when a product with high specific surface is wanted, without any respect to the particle
Column Leaching Procedure
1) For better Column Leaching, Agglomerate ore if required. The procedure is to cure for recommended time period. During this time the ore should be kept damp via a wet cloth spread over it. 2) Load ore into the column. This should be done with the column on an angle, and the ore poured gently in to prevent packing. The nylon mesh
Cyanide Gold Extraction Process
Here is a method on how to conduct a cyanidation bottle roll test AKA Cyanide Gold Extraction Process: Riffle out 400 grams of the ore. Grind to pass 200 microns (“13-15 minutes for hard rock ores;” 10 minutes for oxidized ore) grind at 35% solids. Wet screen. Retain and dry fractions. Settling overnight of – 45um will be required. Decant and
Cyanide Bottle Roll Leach Test – Leaching Procedures
Table of ContentsLaboratory leaching procedures“Old” Gold Leaching Method List Equipment Required to Perform of a Standard Bottle Leach Test Winchester bottles, with tops Plastic tape to seal tops of bottles Flexible air lines for possible aeration requirements Magnetic or mechanical stirrer for agitation Timer, pH meter, thermometer and weighing device Leachants, i.e. acid, alkaline or neutral solutions, or specific solutions
Sulphide Leaching
Methods of leaching sulphide ores can be: in absence of oxidizing agents in presence of oxidizing agents Bacterial leaching Absence of oxidizing agents Acid leaching: Dilute acids dissolve some metal sulphides with liberation of H2S, e.g. ZnS + 2H+ ^ Zn2+ + H2S Three types of sulphides can be encountered. Completely soluble sulphides: Zns, CoS, NiS, FeS Slightly soluble, e.g.
Cassiterite & Wolfram and Scheelite Leaching – Oxide
Natural cassiterite on account of its crystalline nature is extremely difficult to dissolve in acids or alkalies. Artificial cassiterite on the other hand is amorphous and soluble in acids. Cassiterite can easily be reduced however to Sn, which soluble in acids or alkalies. Pressure leaching has been applied to cassiterite concentrates using Na2S and NaOH solution at 4000C Tin is
Gold Metallurgy and Leaching Process
Leaching, often gold, is the process of extracting a soluble constituent from a solid by means of a solvent. In extractive metallurgy, of gold, it is the process of dissolving a certain mineral (or minerals) from an ore or a concentrate, or dissolving certain constituents from materials such as a calcines, mattes, scrap alloys, anodic slimes, etc., to achieve either one
Gravity Separation of Heavy Minerals
To perform Gravity separation of heavy minerals in the range 600 microns to 12 microns and to simulate gravity recovery performance on a sample hoping recovery and grade achieved can by higher than in plant operation, will let you analyze the grade/recovery curves permitting a relative assessment of performance. You will use a superpanner as it is a completely integrated
Laboratory Magnetic Separator & Test Procedure
This Laboratory Magnetic Separator is a high intensity dry device which uses a rotating iron disc to concentrate the magnetic field and remove the magnetic particles from the non-magnetic. It essentially consists of an electromagnet (the applied current is controlled by a rheostat) which produces a magnetic field across the air gap and a belt which passes through the air gap.
Magnetic Separation Method
Magnetic separation is a process used to separate materials from those that are less or nonmagnetic. All materials have a response when placed in a magnetic field, although with most, the effect is too slight to be detected. The few materials that are strongly affected (magnetised) by magnetic fields are known as “Ferromagnetics”, those lesser (though noticeably) affected are known
Heavy Media Analysis – Ericsson Cone Separator
Where large samples (both in top size and weight) have to be examined it is not practical to use heavy liquids (being both expensive and time consuming). A laboratory heavy media separator may be used which simulates the action of a heavy liquid bath. Here is a schematically shows an Ericsson cone separator. Sized fractions of particles in the range of
Specific Gravity Distribution (Tolerance) Curves
The three types of curve described so far completely define the behaviour of the material in a heavy liquid under ideal sink-float conditions. In practice, we wish to use the data to predict the performance of a commercial process such as D.M.S., Jigs, Tables, etc. In these processes, the S.G. of separation will vary between certain limits about a mean
Characteristic of Elementary Assay Curve
The incremental assays obtained for each S.G. are plotted against the average cumulative % weight of sinks and floats. This curve shows the assay of the richest particles in a float or sink. If it is used in conjunction with the cumulative assay of floats or sinks curve, it indicates the spread of assay values obtained in a given product. A