
Litmus Paper for pH Measurement

Litmus paper is paper treated with a blue dye that turns red when in contact with acids. The measurements are taken from the degree of color the paper turns, the deeper the red, the greater is the degree of acidity. Vice versa for alkalinity, the darker the blue, the more alkaline the substance is. A pH-meter on the other hand

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Controlling Flotation Reagents

A flotation operator has two areas of control over his circuit, physical, and chemical. By physical controls I mean things such as the density, grind and the pulp levels of the cells. The chemical controls are normally only the amount of reagent flow, the type of reagent, and the point oe addition. To verify the operator’s effectiveness, assays are performed on

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How Ore Variability & Mineralogy Affects Flotation

The third item on our list is ORE CHANGES. An ore change is recognized by a difference in the color of the froth, a change in the type of bubble and the amount of color that is in the froth. However these changes are not an indication of just the content of the ore fluctuating. Every one of the variables

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How Flotation Density Affects Recovery Performance

The next way that density effects the circuit is in the dispersal quality of the air and reagents. If the density is heavy, the chemicals may not be mixed thoroughly throughout the ore due to the poorer agitation. This may cause mineral losses due to the mineral not being able to come into contact with all of the chemicals or

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How Mill Tonnage Affects Flotation and its Reagent Dosage

The first item on our list that an operator will be concerned with is the TONNAGE. There is a misconception common amongst operators to the effect that when reagents are added to the ore being processed, you are treating the mineral, or the amount of mineral that is in the ore. That is not correct. You treat the entire volume

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How to be a Flotation Operator – Job Description

The problem that most flotation operators have in learning their job (after reading the Job Description) isn’t with the flow sheet or the mechanical equipment. It is how to recognize the effects that the variables have on each other. The main operating tool that any operator has to use is their own five senses and a healthy dose of curiosity. By

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Flotation Conditioners -Modifiers -Activators -Depressants

This branch of chemicals will prepare the mineral surface so other reagents will be able to collect the metal. For Conditioners and Modifiers, it may be simply cleaning the surface of the particles, as in the case of removing oxidization, or it may be a chemical that these are the chemicals that bind the mineral to the air bubble to

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Pumps & Pumping Tutorial Papers and Articles

What Constitutes HIGH ENERGY in centrifugal pumps Considerations in Hot and Cold Alignment and Couplings Harmonic Free Magnetic Soft Starters For Large Capacity High Voltage Induction and Synchronous Motors Driving Pumps and Compressors Corrosion in Pumps Short Course on Centrifugal Pump Operation for Operators Influence of Impeller Leading Edge Profiles on Cavitation and Suction Performance Experimental Evaluation of High Energy

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Flotation Collector Manufacturers

There are several Flotation Collector Manufacturers, but may half-a-dozen really good ones.  What makes a quality may Flotation Collector supplier is the dependability and consistency of the product.  Yes price matters but trusting what you buy it worth a few pennies extra. Now would you select as a Flotation Collector Manufacturer depends on what you need.  If you need a ‘designer collector’ or a

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Flotation Collectors

Table of ContentsWhat is a Flotation CollectorFlotation CollectorsFlotation Promoters Simply said; a Flotation Collectors is a chemical used to make the surface of minerals, which is metallic, hydrophobic or in layman’s term ‘afraid of water’ or ‘water hating’ as others like to say. This chemical used will behaved, in a way, as a wax would when you applied it to your

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Work Index and Sample Size

In mineral processing, is the Bond work index of an ore different if the determination is made at a finer grind size? Is rock hardness is independent of testing size? The answer to this question is that generally no, the size that the index is measured at does not effect the Bond work index value.  Bond work index (BWi) is a measure

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Lead Depression in Bulk Cu/Pb Flotation Concentrate (Reverse)

A series of tests were completed with bulk copper and lead flotation with the depression of lead and flotation of copper. This alternative utilized MBS as the primary depressant in both the bulk and reverse circuits. The challenge of this scheme is that the lead concentrate will be the tailings of the reverse circuit and will likely always be of poor quality.

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Clay Depressant

A Clay Depressant commonly used in South Africa to help produce a cleaner froth flotation concentrate is: Product: Oxfloat 108 Preparation: Make 1% solution in water. Add product to water into stirred beaker to prevent lumping. Allow sufficient time to dissolve. Dosage: Dosage varies widely depending on Clay content and ore characteristics. 30 – 150 g/t.

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Jameson Flotation Cell

The Jameson Flotation Cell Technology is owned by GlenCore.  The heart of the technology is the machine’s ability to create small uniform air bubbles. Learn more at or by watching this video of a Jameson Flotation Cell operating principles.

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How Froth Flotation Works

To start with I will give you a simplified description of how selective froth flotation works, lets start over again with a description of the equipment and why it works. When the grinding circuit is finished with the ore it will be ground very fine and the density of the slurry will be between 30% to 45% solids. This is very important

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Hydrocyclone Feed Pump & Pressure PSI vs Operating Parameters

For a hydrocyclone to work at peak efficiency the volume of slurry and the feed pump delivery pressure must remain constant. If the cyclone feed pump is allowed to SURGE, the up and down pressure will cause poor separation at the point of high and low operating pressure. There is a cycle to a surging pump box that causes this pressure

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SRL Pump Performance -Lubrication & Gland Water Packing

As far as performance of SRL pump is concerned, it may be equipped with a VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE or the SIZE RATIO between the drive sheave on the motor and the one on the pump may be changed to increase or decrease RPM of the pump. To obtain maximum performance the distance between the impeller and the lining is critical.

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SRL Pumps -Operating and Troubleshooting

SRL Pump stands for Soft Rubber Lined, which means that it is designed to pump a slurry and is lined with soft rubber. There are other forms of lining that may be used for different types of acidic or highly abrasive slurries and of course companies experiment with different materials trying to increase the life of the liners. But rubber

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Troubleshooting Hydrocyclones

Here is a simple Table for Troubleshooting Hydrocyclones. Other Hydrocyclone Troubleshooting Tips: Underflow is too wet Apex is too large Vacuum control valve is open too far Inlet pressure is too low Pump is cavitating Underflow is too dry (cone is plugging) Apex is too small. Vacuum control valve is closed too far. Percent solids is too high. Too many fines in

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Diaphragm Pumps

Table of ContentsAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm PumpAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm Pump CapacityAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm Pump Stroke 5 ” and 6″Adjustable Stroke Diaphragm Pump CapacityLowhead Diaphragm PumpLowhead Diaphragm Pump CapacitySuction-Pressure Diaphragm PumpSuction-Pressure Diaphragm Pump CapacityAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm PumpDiaphragm Pump Working PrincipleStroke AdjustmentDiaphragm LifeDiaphragm Pump CapacityHeight of LiftDiaphragm Pump SpecificationsAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm Pump 2 inch sizeAdjustable Stroke Diaphragm Pump 3 and 4 inch sizesDiaphragm Pump’s Pumping Capacity

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