

Table of ContentsInstallationDorrClone Underflow ControlApplications and LimitationsDeslimingFlorida Pebble Rock PhosphateFine Size Classification This paper presents in a general manner some of the applications of the DorrClone (Dutch States Mines cyclone) in the metallurgical and heavy chemical fields. Technical or mathematical analyses of the design factors and of the mechanism whereby the cyclone effects its separation have been capably treated in

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Pipeline Transportation of Phosphate

Table of ContentsPumping Florida Pebble MatrixPumping Tennessee MatrixHydraulic Transportation SystemTheoretical ConsiderationsPipeline LocationHydraulic Transportation System The pumping of solids in water suspension is an important part of many metallurgical and mining operations. In most cases, it is still in the rule of thumb category for which no universal formula has been developed, and much research is needed. Pumping Florida Pebble Matrix

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Activated Carbon & Cyanidation

In 1939 one of the authors described advances in carbon-cyanidation for the period 1932 to 1939 and included: (1) the dissolution of gold in an ore pulp by cyanide and its simultaneous adsorption by carbon, (2) the stage addition of adsorptive carbon and its movement countercurrent to the flow of the ore pulp, and (3) the recycling of adsorptive carbon.

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How to Operate a Small Scale Mine

Table of ContentsLocation of ClaimsLaborMarkets Any mining engineer with a desire to operate independently, with some financial backing, and with no fear of heavy responsibility and long hours, should be able to make a comfortable living in Mexico. Barring a few inconveniences such as a lack of satisfactory liability or accident insurance, the difficulty of obtaining repair parts for vehicles,

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Rock Breaking Machine

Table of ContentsAnthraciteBituminousCoal-breaking Operations Anthracite Small power-driven, toothed, cast-iron rolls were used first to break anthracite in 1844. Prior to that time, men with hammers, who stood on perforated cast-iron plates, broke the large lumps into commercial sizes. In order to convert run-of-mine into the various sizes required by the anthracite industry, about 20 million tons must be broken, annually,

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Shaft Mucking Machines

Table of ContentsScraper and SlideRiddell MuckerHydro-muckerBoskovich Mucker Hand mucking in shaft sinking operations is no longer necessary because several efficient methods and machines have been devised for this purpose for use in both vertical and inclined shafts. For years shaft sinking was considered the hardest and most dangerous job in mining and, consequently, the turnover in shaft crew was high.

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Loading railroad car, truck, or barge

Table of ContentsDegradation in Storage, Loading and ShipmentLoading PocketsLoading Pockets for Bituminous CoalLoading DevicesLoading ChutesLoading BoomsBox-car Loading The primary purpose of the loading plant is to transfer the finished product from the preparation machines to the railroad car, truck, or barge in which it is to go to market. Secondary purposes of the loading plant are: to prevent excessive degradation

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Method of Preparing Closely Sized Micron and Submicron Fractions

Study of light adsorption, reaction rates, electrophoresis, particle packing, and corrosion is hindered by lack of a suitable method of preparing small amounts of closely sized materials in the micron and submicron range. Most fractionation methods depend on some form of particle movement through a viscous media in which velocity of a particle, relative to the media, is controlled by

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Shaft Sinking

Table of ContentsMain Shaft Sunk by Steel-Shoe MethodAir Shaft Sunk by Drop-Shaft MethodConclusions In shaft sinking for coal mines, the cost item greatly influences the method adopted. This holds true especially when soft material must be traversed. The average life of a coal mine is short. This is due either to the limited area of the coal basin or to

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Interstitial Water Determination

Table of ContentsExperimental ProcedureCapillary Pressure And Pore Radii A knowledge of the magnitude of the irreducible interstitial water in a porous medium is so important to petroleum engineering that its determination has become routine in core analyses. In all geological formations there exists, in the pore spaces of the rock structure, water that is held in a state of equilibrium

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Electrolytic Copper Refinery of Slimes

Table of ContentsCharacteristics of the SlimesTreatment of Slimes ComponentsSilver Refinery Practice The recent increase in anode copper production at the Noranda smelter placed an additional load on the Montreal East plant of Canadian Copper Refiners Limited. The consequent increase in the amount of anode slimes led to a careful consideration of the various methods of slimes treatment. Characteristics of the

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Laboratory Studies on Iron Ore Sintering and Testing

Table of ContentsLaboratory Equipment and UseFuel Content of MixWater ContentSolid Additions to the MixEffect of Cooling Rate on Sinter Some of the variables encountered in the sintering of iron ores and their effect on sinter properties have been investigated at the Jones and Laughlin Ore Research Laboratory in Michigan. Ores requiring agglomeration before blast furnace utilization may be classed as

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Effect of Mill Speeds on Grinding Costs

In my opinion, the effect of mill speeds on grinding costs must be studied along with capital investment and dollars gathered together as profits. Comparing the entire groups of operators with those who have had the opportunity to make slow-speed mill studies, I think you will find the latter small in numbers. Most managers want the equipment worked to its

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Rock Hardness & Drilling

A survey of the technical literature concerned with oil well drilling methods and particularly with rate of penetration by various cutting media on different types of rock provides a mass of conflicting data. This is especially true with respect to, (1) the relative efficiency of diamond, rotary and percussion drilling operations; (2) the costs of the various types of drilling;

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Tramp Iron Detector for Conveyor Belts

The problem of tramp iron removal from moving ore belts is a long standing one. When heavy ore streams are carried on a belt, magnetic pulleys and strong surface magnets fail to remove tramp buried in the ore stream. Tramp iron buried in the ore stream cannot be pulled from the bed by surface magnets and is carried past the

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How to Recover Flake Mica

A new method for concentrating the flake mica either from present washing plant tailings or from new feed has been developed. In this paper, flake mica refers to that which occurs in weathered granites, alaskites, pegmatites, and schists in a form too fine to be considered sheet mica. It ranges in size from 1 in. or more down to 200-mesh

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High Efficiency Desliming Cyclone

Table of ContentsHydraulic Water Cyclone TheoryTest ResultsIndustrial CorrelationsHigh Speed Classification and Desliming with the Liquid-Solid CycloneCyclone Possibilities in DeslimingTest Procedure and EquipmentJudging Desliming EfficiencyTest ResultsHydraulic Water AdditionsDesliming EfficiencyIndustrial CorrelationsDesliming Capacities Ordinarily slimes have been classified as ranging from 75 microns, or 200 mesh, down to colloidal dimensions of less than one micron. At the same time there is general agreement

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Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum

Table of ContentsProduction of AluminaCommercial Production of AluminaAlumina Specifications Metallic aluminum is not found in nature, but the oxides, hydroxides, and especially the silicates are plentiful. The estimated percentage of aluminum in the crust of the earth is about 8 pct while that of iron is about 5 pct. By far the larger portion of this is combined with silica

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Geology Silver Lead Zinc Deposits

Table of ContentsRock FormationsLocal StructureSilver-Lead-Zinc Ores The Avalos unit of the Compania Minera de Penoles, S. A., operates the Alicante, Bonanza, Providencia, Albarradon, San Eligio, Nazareno, Leona, Salaverna, and Santiago mines situated between Avalos rail-road station and Concepcion del Oro on the Coahuila and Zacatecas railroad in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico. Some of these mines are within Penoles property

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Effect Starch on Quartz and Hematite Suspensions

During the course of an investigation of the effects of various starch products on hematite and quartz in regard to their separation by flotation, it was found that whereas most starches flocculated suspensions of hematite in water, they did not flocculate similar suspensions of quartz. However, a derivative of whole corn starch containing approximately one tenth aminoethyl group (—CH2CH2NH2) per

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Electrolytic Zinc

Table of ContentsElectrolytic Zinc PlantLeachingClarification and Residue TreatmentPurificationCell Room OperationCasting Operation I want to emphasize the point brought out: if solutions are absolutely pure, the tank-house troubles are very few. If you have one part in two million of antimony, you will have trouble, and lots of it, in the cell room; that is about the gage you might take

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How to Remove Silver from Lead Bullion

Table of ContentsHistorical IntroductionThe Ag-Pb-Zn Phase DiagramPractical Desilverizing ProcessesDegolding by The Parkes Process In 1947 the author became interested in the fundamental aspects of the desilverizing of lead by zinc, conducted some experimental work, and searched the technical literature for all available fundamental data. Since then a revival of interest in the subject in Europe resulted in the appearance of

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How to Control Dust in Crushing Plant

Table of ContentsExhaust System Design CharacteristicsExhaust System InstallationsSecondary Crushing PlantHousekeeping In 1947 an Industrial Hygiene Department was organized to represent and assist the four western mining divisions in industrial hygiene problems. Department headquarters are located at the Utah Copper Division, Magna Plant, Magna, Utah, with a branch office at the Chino Mines Division, Hurley, N. M. The headquarters staff includes

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Screening Equipment

Table of ContentsScreening MachineryGravity-bar ScreenRevolving ScreensShaker ScreensVibrating ScreensAnthracite Screening PracticeAbrasion and CorrosionMethods of Estimating Size of ScreensBituminous Screening PracticeSizing EquipmentEfficienciesRelation of Size Consist of Feed to Screen PerformanceRelation of Surface Moisture to Screen PerformanceEffect of Overloading on Size Consist of Products Sizing is the process of separating mixed particles into groups of particles all of the same size, or into

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