Laboratory Flasks/Erlenmeyer/Pyrex Glass
FIXANAL, Standardized Solution Apparatus—A method of preparing correctly standardized solutions for volumetric analysis without titration. The method depends on the use of sealed capsules containing the proper amount of accurately standardized reagent to make up 1000 ml. and an apparatus for releasing the contents into a standard 1000 ml. volumetric flask. To prepare a solution, for example, of 0.1 N-sodium
pH Ranges for Sequential Cu Pb Zn Flotation | Separation
To understand froth flotation, first read that article and come back to read about sequential flotation of Copper, Lead and Zinc. Given a baseline amount of frother and collector, these curves are the approximate/relative rate of flotation recovery of Copper (Chalcopyrite/Bornite/Chalcocite/Covellite/Tennantite/Enargite/Tetrahedrite /Freibergite ), Lead (Galena) and Zinc (Sphalerite) as well as iron (pyrite/arsenopyrite) minerals VS pH. With a slurry’s natural
Cyanide Antidote Kit
FIRST AID, CYANIDE ANTIDOTE KIT, Braun—Arranged according to the recommendations of the Committee of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa, appointed to investigate cyanide poisoning. Accidental poisoning by cyanide will occur despite the greatest care, and death is liable to follow unless the proper antidote is at hand and administered at once. Everything required is provided including
Effect of Collector and pH on Pyrite Depression
The curves below show how pH 5.5-6.5 is where conditions are optimum for iron depression. Shown on the previous chart but not these curves is this same pH 5.5-6.5 is also the optimum for Pb depression. Note on the graph how iron recovery increases as collector dosage increases. Even at optimum pH 6, over dosage of collector will negate flotation
Laboratory Vacuum and Pressure Filter
Table of ContentsLaboratory Vacuum FilterLaboratory Pressure FilterLaboratory Pressure Counterbalanced FilterPressure Filter PaperFilter Papers The handling of wet pulp samples presents a problem to every ore dressing and metallurgical laboratory. The use of proper size and type filters with required vacuum equipment will simply and efficiently eliminate many of the difficulties. Laboratory Vacuum Filter Laboratory Vacuum Filter is available for all sizes of laboratories and
Platinum Anodes and Cathodes
PLATINUM ANODES AND CATHODES For best results, we recommend the use of the anodes and cathodes listed here. The paddle form anode is recommended where considerable agitation is required. The loop anode is made of No. 16 platinum iridium wire insuring the rigidity required for successful rotation at high speed. When making copper and lead determinations simultaneously, the gauze anode
Electrolysis Apparatus
BRAUN ELECTROLYTIC APPARATUS for making electrolytic determinations of copper, lead, antimony, cadmium, nickel, tin, zinc, and other metals was the pioneer in its field and for twenty years it has maintained its worldwide leadership. Many of the original sets are still in satisfactory operation. The latest, improved design, the Model CB, like its predecessors, is substantially constructed for maximum efficiency and
Distillation Apparatus
DISTILLING APPARATUS, Gas Heated, Barnstead, 1 gallon size—The gas burner is of the type approved by the U. S. Bureau of Standards and the American Gas Association, and is built directly into the still and entirely encased. The gas mixer is of the latest Venturi type and is provided with an adjustable orifice adaptable for all gas conditions. Full provision
Dissecting Kit and Tools
DISSECTING SET—Consists of a one-fold, lined leatherette case, containing the following instruments: Scalpel 32 mm, edge Needle Forceps Pipette Scissors Celluloid Ruler Needle DISSECTING SET—Consists of a two-fold, lined leatherette case, containing the following instruments: Scalpel 45 mm edge Cartilage Knife Scalpel 25 mm edge Hooks and Chains Forceps Blowpipe Scissors Celluloid Ruler Tenaculum FORCEPS, Dissecting—Fine; curved, fine file-cut points. Length, 110
Evaporating Dish
DISH, Evaporating, Porcelain, Coors—With lip. Numbers 000 to 4A, inclusive, glazed inside and outside with exception of rim. Larger sizes glazed inside and partly glazed outside. DISH, Evaporating, Silica—Glazed. Deep form, round bottom, with lip. Superior to porcelain. Very durable. May be heated over direct flame, and will not condense moisture on the surface while cooling. DISH, Clay, Roasting—For roasting ores in metallurgical
DESICCATOR, Scheibler—Of heavy glass, with wide rims. Cover and rims are ground true to insure an accurate tight fit. DESICCATOR, Fruehling and Schultz—Of clear, heavy glass, with ground-on cover and knob. Without porcelain plate. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on one side, without feet. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on one side; supported by three small feet. DESICCATOR PLATE, Porcelain-Glazed on one side. With numerous small
Glass Graduated Cylinder
CYLINDER, Hydrometer—With lip, heavy glass. On foot. CYLINDER, Graduated, Exax Blue Line—On foot, with pour out, heavy glass, numbered up and down. Calibrated at 20° C. CYLINDER, Mixing, Exax Blue Line—Graduated and stoppered, on foot, heavy glass, numbered up and down. Calibrated at 20° C. GRADUATE, Glass, Single, English Scale, Exax Blue Line—Mounted on base with foot. The graduations are fine but distinct
Fire Assay Cupels
Fire Assay Cupels: Calmix, Machine Made—Under the process of manufacture, the material used produces a cupel uniform in density and power of absorption with a firm and glossy surface that will not crack nor check. They embody the following advantages : Need no initial drying. Absorb more lead than bone ash. Greater absorbing power permits the use of smaller cupels. Greater
Laboratory Disk Pulverizer – Bico
Table of ContentsDisk Pulverizer Grinding PlatesINSTALLATIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL DISK PULVERIZERROCK PULVERIZER DISK PULVERIZER MODEL: Type UA, Braun (now BICO)- The Braun BICO Type UA Disk Pulverizer, while particularly adapted for metallurgical samples, is also rendering excellent service in industrial laboratories. Bearings: UA 55 and UA 56 babbitted bushings are removable and replaceable and can be rebabbitted in any convenient shop or new bearings
Fire Assay Crucibles
CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Coors— High form. Glazed inside and outside, with exception of outside bottom surface. Without covers. CRUCIBLE COVER, Porcelain, Coors- For use with No. 23810 FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Coors—Low form. Glazed inside and outside, with exception of outside bottom surface. Without covers. FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE COVER, Porcelain, Coors- For use with No. 23815 FIRE ASSAY CRUCIBLE, Porcelain, Gooch, Coors—With perforated
Laboratory Condensers and Corks
Laboratory Condenser Allihn – With sealed-in bulb condensing tube. Length of jacket, shoulder to shoulder, mm. Laboratory Condenser Allihn, Pyrex Glass- With sealed in bulb condensing tube. Laboratory Condenser, Liebig- With loose inner tube. Complete with rubber connections. Length of jacket, shoulder to shoulder, mm. Laboratory Condenser Tube, Pyrex Glass- With enlarged top. For No. 23125. Laboratory Condenser, Liebig- With inner
Laboratory Gold Shaking Table
CONCENTRATING TABLE —For running concentrating tests on a small scale, this Laboratory Concentrating Shaker Table is an indispensable unit. The action of this table duplicates the commercial units, and field results can be authentically reproduced. In fact, it is used as a pilot table for continuous operation in many large tonnage plants. BUY A MODERN LABORATORY GOLD SHAKER TABLE A
Laboratory Burette Clamp and Holder
CLAMP, Burette, Castaloy—Of strong corrosion-resistant Castaloy, with nickel plated brass screws and wing-nut, and bronze spring. The position of the jaws and holder is fixed. With round jaws. Jaw opening, maximum: small size, 1½ inches; large, 2½ inches. CLAMP, Utility, Castaloy—Of strong, corrosion-resistant Castaloy, with screw, wing-nuts, pins and spring of nickel plated brass and bronze. Can be extended 7/8 inch in length and locked
Laboratory Burners
BURNER, Oil, Vesta Braun—Low pressure oil burner primarily designed for firing assay furnaces. Any oil from 22 to 24 degrees or lighter may be used, and about one gallon of oil per hour is consumed. The air should be furnished at about 4- ounce pressure and directly connected motor-blower outfits are best suited. Or, if desired, a belt-driven blower may be used. Complete with air and oil valves. Air pipe, 2½ inches.
Laboratory Gasoline Burner
BURNER, Gasoline, Blast, Barthel—Gives a very powerful blast and is adjustable to a light flame. Tank has 1-pint capacity. Burner gives a temperature of about 1400° C. with a blue smokeless flame. Complete with burner, tank and connecting tube. BURNER, Laboratory, Gasoline Blow Torch—Produces an intensely hot blue flame, which can be regulated from a small pointed flame to a brush flame. Tank
Rainwater Management
NPDES permits were established under the Clean Water Act; this act that’s our Congress passed in 72 and it’s had a number of different changes along the way. But really what it was trying to do is, everybody’s heard about the Rivers on Fire where one caught on fire and that’s been used as the example and then we’ve had
Calculate the Size of RainWater Storage System
One of the most important elements of designing a proper drainage system is determining how much rainwater is falling on your property and what to do with this volume of water. Here is a list of a few things that you will need: Paper A pen or pencil A tape measure A calculator. Now that we have calculated the rain
How to Calculate Rainwater Property Runoff
Let’s teach you how to calculate and store your property’s rainwater runoff. One of the most important elements of designing a proper drainage system is determining how much Rainwater is falling on your property and what to do with this volume of water. Here we will also provide you with the tools needed to design a custom drainage system for
Maintenance Management KPI’s
Schedule Compliance Definition: “Schedule Compliance” measures scheduled maintenance jobs against unscheduled jobs. It is the total maintenance work hours scheduled divided by the total scheduled and unscheduled hours worked for a given period of time. Scheduled Work is defined as: Any maintenance job or task that has a start date and time formally agreed to by both the Operations and Maintenance