
Engineer Sliding Rulers

SLIDE RULE, Pocket, Mannheim—A convenient, compact little rule for the pocket. Made of thoroughly seasoned white celluloid, accurately divided. Measures 1¼ inches wide, 1/8 inch thick and 5½ inches long over all ; with a 5-inch scale on the face. Furnished in soft leather sheath, with directions. SLIDE RULE, Polyphase—The Polyphase has, in addition to the regular scales of the Mannheim, a scale of

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Laboratory Sieve Shaker

The Laboratory Sieve Shaker will quickly and efficiently size laboratory products, thus allowing the determination of various important treatment factors. Results of sizing tests and analyses of sized products will determine such important factors as the following: Size at which valuable mineral is freed from the gangue. Whether tailing losses occur in coarser or finer fractions so that measures can

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Samplers and Sample Cutters

Table of ContentsSAMPLERSThe prominent features are: SAMPLERS SAMPLER, Ore—With scoop. Sampler of tin with handle, scoop of sheet iron with band iron handle. SAMPLER, Ore, Jones—Consists of heavy tin hopper set in iron support; facilitates quick and even sampling and is easily cleaned. Supplied complete with four tin pans, iron scoop and brush. Pan, only—For above. Scoop, only—For Sample Cutter above. Brush, only—For

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Laboratory Test Paper and Test Tubes

Table of ContentsTEST PAPERSBooksVialsSheetsTEST TUBES GOLD TEST NEEDLES—Nine needles containing on their points gold of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 carats fine, numbered and fastened to a ring. TOUCHSTONE—For use with No. 60700 needles. TEST PAPERS Books TEST PAPER, Litmus, Blue—In books of 25 strips. TEST PAPER,  Litmus,   Red—In  books of 25 strips. Vials TEST PAPER,

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Laboratory Thermometers

Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales The value of the Centigrade degree is 1.8 times that of the Fahrenheit degree. Hence to convert ° C. to 0 F. multiply by 1.8 and then add 32° (since 0° C. = 32° F.) To convert 0 F. to ° C., the process is reversed: Subtract 32°, then divide by 1.8. Correction for Emergent Stem Unless

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Laboratory Timers and Clocks

CLOCK, Interval Timer—This clock may be used for various timing purposes in the laboratory. It may be set for any interval from a quarter of a minute up to two hours. It is started by mov­ing the lever at the side, and stops when the alarm rings. The movement is well made and reliable. Polished nickel plated case. 2½ inch diameter

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Crucible Tongs

Table of ContentsCRUCIBLE TONGS Double Bend, Flat Joint, Long NeckDouble Bend, Flat Joint, Long Neck CRUCIBLE TONGS Double Bend, Flat Joint, Long Neck TONGS, Crucible, Double Bend, Flat Joint, Steel—Made from steel wire, with flattened, riveted joint, long neck and flattened, corrugated tips. Double Bend, Flat Joint, Long Neck TONGS, Crucible, Double Bend, Flat Joint—Made from round wire, with flattened, riveted

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Hardware for Metallurgist

ANVIL CLAMP VISE—Specially suited to laboratory shops, has small space for anvil work, clamps to table. Best low priced combined anvil and vise. Width of jaw 4½ cm. opening 4 cm. clamps table tops up to 2 cm. thickness. Be sure to what we think are the best bench vise for the money as of 2022. BRACE, Ratchet Bit, Stanley—With

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Wire Gauze

VIAL, Homeopathic, Flint Glass, Short Form—With flat bottom and lip for cork stoppers. VIAL, Homeopathic, Flint Glass, Short Form —-With aluminum screw cap. not lined. WATCH GLASS—Of thin glass well annealed, with ground edges. WIRE GAUZE, Brass—36 Inches wide. WIRE GAUZE, Chromel—In squares; 16 mesh; of No. 24 wire. WIRE GAUZE SQUARE, Iron—Plain. WIRE GAUZE SQUARE, Tinned Iron, Asbestos Center—The

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Chemicals and Reagents

In presenting the following listing of the chemicals and reagents most generally used in quantity in smelting, refining and assaying, we are listing only a limited number of the many chemical items which we stock in our San Francisco and Los Angeles warehouses. We are direct agents of some of the largest manufacturers of commercial and industrial chemicals, and are in position to

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Sampling for Assaying

Sampling is the most important procedure in arriving at the value of an ore. Improper sampling makes other procedures, including assaying, valueless, as the sample must truly represent the ore from which it is taken. Before sampling, clean fresh faces must be exposed in order to prevent the possibility of salting. Having taken a large representative sample by chiseling 3″ to 6″

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Equipment for Mercury Retort and Condenser

Table of ContentsRUBBER TUBINGMercury Retort EquipmentMercury Retort ProcessVacuumHeatingTimeCoolingMercury Condensation RETORT, Pyrex Glass—With ground-in Pyrex Stopper. RETORT, Iron—Nevada pattern. Oval top with iron delivery pipe. Ground-in cover. This type offers a distinct advantage over the old type as it will hold more and there is space for expan­sion in the cover, preventing possibility of fracture from expansion. The cover is held in place by a heavy

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RADIOSCOPE—An instrument for detecting the presence of radio-activity in waters, ores, etc. by the scintillation method. Any material containing radium constantly throws off emanations which will produce minute flashes of light on striking a screen of phosphorescent zinc sul­phide. The radioscope consists of a suitable glass jar in which the sample is placed, and, if dry, to which water is added.

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Laboratory Respirators

  RESPIRATOR, Automatic, Braun—Wet sponge type. Protects the throat and lungs from dust, poisonous gases and all other impurities. Persons engaged in dry crushing, grinding, cyaniding, polishing, etc. will find this respirator invaluable. Made of flexible rubber, the air being inhaled through a flat, wet sponge, and exhaled through an automatic valve on the side; may be worn constantly without

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Glass Pipettes and Medicine Droppers

    PIPETTE, Medicine Dropper—Straight tip; with cork shaped rubber bulb. PIPETTE, Medicine Dropper—Straight tip; with rubber bulb. PIPETTE, Medicine Dropper—Curved tip; with rubber bulb. PIPETTE, Volumetric or Transfer, Normax—With bulb at center. Graduated to meet the require­ments of the U.S. Bureau of Standards, but without control stamp or certificate. Calibrated at 20° C. PIPETTE, Measuring, Mohr, Exax Blue Line—Calibrated at

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Mechanical Gold Pan

Table of ContentsDenver Mechanical Gold Pans PAN, Gold Washing, Miner’s—Made of polished copper. Diameter 16 inches. PAN, Gold Washing, Miner’s—Made of polished steel. With rolled edges. PAN, Gold Washing, Miner’s—Similar but with copper bottom, for amalgamating. Diameter, 16 inches. PAN, Gold Washing, Miner’s—Similar but with silver plated copper bottom. Diameter 16 inches. PAN, Vanning Plaque, Richard—Made of iron, white enameled. Diameter,

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Muffles and Ovens

Muffles MUFFLE, Clay—Colorado make. Muffles should always be ordered by letter, as, on account of small difference in the size of many muffles, description by letter reduces chance of error to a minimum. If necessary to give other specifications, give outside dimensions. OVEN, Drying, Electric—A substantially constructed and well designed electric drying oven built of asbestos transite with aluminum frame

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Molds and Mortars

MOLD, Bullion or Ingot, Iron-Inside dimensions 1x1x3½ inches. Capacity 20 ounces in gold ; 10 ounces in silver. MOLD, Bullion or Ingot, Iron-With sliding bar to cast any length desired. Inside dimensions 1½x1½x8 inches. Capacity 100 ounces in gold, 55 ounces in silver. MOLD, Bullion or Ingot, Iron-Round corners. The capacities are approximate, and the molds will actually hold more

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Mineral Collection and Test Sets

Packed in carton about 8x10x1¾ inches. MINERAL COLLECTION, Diamond—The specimens average about an inch through and each is in a separate partition. Each specimen bears a number for purpose of identification, correspond­ing to a list on the lid of the box. Complete in neat wooden box about 11¾x6¼x1 5/8 inches. MINERAL COLLECTION, Student—Comprising 300 splendid specimens averaging 1×1 inch in

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Magnifiers and Microscopes

MAGNIFIER, Coddington—First quality. Mounted in nickeled folding case. MAGNIFIER, Doublet—Composed of two piano convex lenses, set in nickeled folding case. MAGNIFIER—In nickeled metal folding case. Diameter of lens, 1¼ inches. MAGNIFIER, Reading Lens—Clear white optical glass lens, accurately ground and highly polished, mounted in nickel rim of sufficient width to protect the lens surface, with handles of ebonized wood. MAGNIFIER, Folding—Brass

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Laboratory Hot Plates

Multiple Unit Electric Hot Plates HOT PLATE, Electric, Multiple Unit, Improved-Provided with three snap switches mounted on the base each of which controls one of three heating coils. At each of the three heats, even temperature is obtained over the whole of the top surface. Each heater is wired to operate on either 110 or 220 volts. The change from one voltage to

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Laboratory Glass Tubing and Glass Rod

GLASS TUBING AND GLASS ROD Our glass tubing and rod is carried in stock in standard factory lengths of approximately five feet. Un­less otherwise instructed, full lengths are supplied, packed in special cases, which are charged extra at cost. Orders for small quantities, which would not warrant the cost of a separate case, are cut to conven­ient lengths to fit

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Laboratory Gas Analysis Apparatus

GAGE, Rain, United States Weather Bureau Type—Consists of a cylindrical container, aluminum finished with copper inner parts, 3 inches in diameter by 13 inches high with a knife edge top. The water drains into a smaller cylinder, multiplying the depth reading ten times. Readings are taken by inserting a calibrated stick. Complete with measuring stick. Extra Measuring Stick Available. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS, Portable Flue

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Muffle Furnaces & Melting-Combination Furnaces

Table of ContentsMultiple Unit Electric FurnacesBraun Gasoline FurnacesBraun Oil Burning FurnacesBraun Gas FurnacesBraun Cylinder Gas Furnaces Multiple Unit Electric Furnaces FURNACE, Muffle, Multiple Unit, Without Rheostat—An efficient and satisfactory furnace for a variety of laboratory operations, including the drying of precipitates, ash determinations, fusions, ignitions, heat treatment of metals and alloys, and experimental test work. The safe working temperature, reached in 30

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