Millerite Serapation from Pentlandite and Chalcopyrite
While there are over 45 different nickel minerals, only a few of them are of economic importance to the minerals industry. The principal nickel mineral in nickel sulphide ores is pentlandite ((Ni,Fe)8S9) while the less common nickel sulphides include millerite (NiS). violarite (Ni2FeS4), polydymite (Ni3S4), siegenitc {(Co,Ni)3S4), and heazlewoodite (Ni3S2). As well, often present are nickel arsenides such as gersdorffite
Gold Milling Process -Primitive and Basic
Here is an Ancient Gold Ore Milling Process used in China in the 1800s. We might use it again after WW3. At the time, 1890, the Author said “There is, of course, nothing for us to learn from this imperfect and rudimentary gold-extraction process described here, which is doubtless destined to disappear ere long, before the progress of scientific mining, now
Preparation of Pure Mercury
In the Estimation of Gold and Silver in Mercury and Amalgam, and the Preparation of Pure Mercury one can judge these subjects are so intimately connected that they are best treated together. It is a common delusion that only a negligible amount of gold or silver passes with the mercury through leather or cloth used in straining amalgam, and a
Standard Amalgamation Test
A satisfactory laboratory method for the amalgamation test must secure the following conditions: The individual attention necessary in the separation of mercury must be reduced to a minimum, and the entire manipulation must be as simple as possible. To this end a mechanical agitator must be used, and preferably one which allows of the bottles being introduced or removed while
Free Gold Content by Amalgamation Assay Test
The amalgamation assay consists in subjecting a weighed sample of ore to the action of mercury, and separating the latter after the gold is presumed to have become amalgamated. Preferably the original ore or “heads,” the “tails” after amalgamation, and the mercury which has been separated, are all three assayed, as the results then check one another. It is common,
Crusher Reduction Ratio
I have mentioned the fact that, as the % of voids in the crushing chamber decreases, the production of fines by attrition increases. This is like saying that, as the Crusher Reduction Ratio in any given crusher is increased, the % of fines in the product will increase, even though the discharge setting remains unchanged. Both of these statements are true, but the degree
Effect of Cyanide on Steel and Iron Minerals Leached by Cyanide
The corrosion of black rolled mild steel in sodium cyanide solution is negligible. A piece of steel suspended in a sodium cyanide solution maintained at 0.05% NaCN and 0.001% CaO, in the presence of air, lost 0.002% of its weight in two weeks, this was equivalent to a penetration of 0.76 micron per year.Oxidized iron minerals such as hematite, magnetite, goethite,
Gold Jig & Mineral Processing Jigs
The Gold Jig or Mineral Jigs are important of all types of alluvial gold concentrating device among all gravity separation methods; they are also the most complex and the practice of jigging in mineral processing is often viewed as an art rather than a science. Gold jigging has been referred to as being probably the most complex gravity operation because of its continuously varying hydrodynamics.
Leach Gold using Hyposulphite of Sodium
The fact that gold will dissolve in sodium hyposulphite solutions is known from the lixiviation of silver and gold ores. The gold will dissolve only in small quantities. According to researchers, if gold leaf is treated for a time with sodium hyposulphite solutions of varying strengths,’ solution takes place in every instance, the deviation in quantity being very slight. ‘
Smelting Flotation Concentrate
In the November issue of Teniente Topics, the monthly publication of the Braden Copper Co., Chile, a member of the staff briefly outlines the development of the smelter from 1909 to the present time. Metallurgical difficulties have been many, but were overcome, in spite of being 6000 miles from the base of supplies. The plant now treats 350 tons of
Flotation in Mineral Processing: Recovery and Efficiency
Table of ContentsWhat is OreWhat Ore is Suitable for FlotationStandard Flotation ProcedureFlotation PlantPNEUMATIC FLOTATIONPARALLEL OR SERIESFROTH FORMATIONPULP-DENSITYFLOTATION CAPACITIESCHARACTER OF FROTHFLOTATION COSTFLOTATION THEORIES The FLOTATION PROCESS is one of the commonest methods of extracting the valuable minerals from certain classes of ores, and it is generally more efficient as regards the recovery of the minerals than any other process applicable to
Why do Minerals Float
I was very much interested in reading an article by Charles T. Durell, appearing in the Mining and Scientific Press of September 18, under the caption ‘”Why do Minerals Float?’ However, I find myself unable to agree with Mr. Durell’s line of argument, and for the following reasons: In the first place I believe that Mr. Durell has used loosely
Gold Shaking Table
Table of ContentsList of operating variables of shaker table:Sluicebox VS TableOperation of Shaking TablesCapacity of a Shaking TablesGold Shaker TablePercussion Gold Shaker Table A Gold Shaking Table are basically low-capacity machines used as last step in the gold upgrading process. The shaking table is a thin film, shear flow process equipment, that separates particle grains of its feed material based on the differences in their specific
Flotation Oils
Table of ContentsCOAL-TAR CRESOLSFUEL-OILSGas Oil (stove-oil)Crude Wood TurpentinePINE-OILS, WOOD-TAR OILS, FIR-OILS, WOOD-CREOSOTESAPPLICABILITY OF THE PROCESSMECHANICAL SIDE OF THE PROCESS The work of the past two years at many mills in the United States, Mexico, and South America, has done much to prove the suitability of flotation processes to the recovery of the sulphide ores of copper, and to indicate the
Processing Gold Ore by Flotation
Table of ContentsAPPLICATION OF FLOTATION TO GOLD OREUSE OF FLOTATION OILSGOLD RECOVERY BY FLOTATIONGOLD ORE CRUSHING PLANTEffect of Roasting APPLICATION OF FLOTATION TO GOLD ORE A flotation plant is being erected at the Falcon mine, Rhodesia, to treat ore containing gold and copper. With the exception of the Mt. Morgan, the Etheridge, and the Great Fitzroy mines, Queensland, I have not
How to Improve Cyclone Separation
Good cyclone separation depends upon control of pressure drop, pulp density and apex size. The ‘pressure drop’ may vary but should not change rapidly, and is held at safe levels by keeping an adequate sump level. A falling sump level causes cavitation in the pump and reduction in feed rate; pressure drop in the cyclone falls and solids report increasingly
Crusher Operating Costs: How to Optimize and Reduce
Spending a little extra on drilling and blasting to increase fragmentation will same you multiples ore loading and hauling, then finally crushing. The Experts: SandVik Mining + Metso and Quarry Academy = all agree. The approximate running costs for crushing plants of different capacities up to 4,000 tons per day on the basis of an eight-hour crushing day are easy to calculate. The figures must be
Hydraulics and Fluid Dynamics Tables and Charts
Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science + CRC Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science
Ball Mill Trunnion Bearing Lube System
On a 11’-6” x 22’-0” Ball Mill, the trunnion bearing lubrication system provides continuous low pressure flood oil for cooling and lubrication of the bearings, and high pressure oil for hydrostatic lift of the feed and discharge trunnions during start-up of the mill. System monitors including pressure switches and flow monitors are provided, along with temperature sensors that monitor the condition
VertiMill Sizing Example
Table of ContentsModes of OperationApplications of the Vertimill This was a case study for an expansion of a 2200 TPD SAG Mill operation. The client wanted to increase the plant to 2700 TPD @ 30um. Some plant samples were taken, work indexes obtained and data simulated. As it turns out a single 3000HP Vertimill would get that done. The applications of the