Estimation of Free Cyanide using Iodine and Potassium
The process of estimating free cyanide depends upon the fact that when a solution of iodine in potassium iodide is added to a solution of a simple cyanide, the reddish-brown color of the iodine solution disappears so long as the cyanide is in excess, since the reaction results in the formation of an iodide of an alkali metal and cyanogen
Combining mineralizers and a group of minerals which it has been impossible to synthesize by the open fusion method, as there is contained in their molecule small amounts of volatile compounds as fluorine, water as hydroxyl, or chlorine; or again the fusion at the point or temperature of crystallization is so viscous as to prevent the formation of crystals, when
Small Jaw Crusher Capacity-Sizing Table
Massive, heavily reinforced, steel frame and bumper. Anti-friction roller bearings throughout. Side bearings sealed in carrier, permits removal of bumper without exposing bearings to dust and dirt. Jaw crushers are stock in most sizes. Sizes: 2¼” x 3½” through 40″ x 48″.
Small Ball Mill Capacity & Sizing Table
Do you need a quick estimation of a ball mill’s capacity or a simple method to estimate how much can a ball mill of a given size (diameter/lenght) grind for tonnage a product P80 size? Use these 2 tables to get you close. No BWi Bond Work Index required here BUT be aware it is only a crude approximation for “most
Hydrometallurgy Articles
Clean and efficient roasting solutions with Outotec’s cutting-edge technology Closed circuit precious metals extraction with recycled halogens Conventional or high capacity thickeners a better choice to make Correlating microstructure with simulated process parameters in MG high-pressure die-castings Critical Aspects of low grade ore benefication Detecting the direction of flow in liquid aluminum using an inverse heat transfer technique Dissolution of
Electrostatic of Minerals and Flotation
The development of every new metallurgical method is accompanied by a host of contradictory statements and widely differing opinions, but it is only by the elimination and correlation of parts of recorded observations that a particular process approaches a state of perfection. The theory of flotation has called forth a number of articles, each writer applying a different hypothesis in
Electrochemistry of Flotation
Table of ContentsELECTRIFICATION OF THE BUBBLERELATIVE CONDUCTIVITYTHE INSULATING FILMACIDITY OF THE PULPCONCLUSIONS If one turns to ‘Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism,’ by Silvanus Thompson and studies the fundamental principles of frictional electricity, as given in Chapter 1 of Electrochemistry of Flotation, a clearer idea of the causes of ‘flotation’ may be obtained. After seeing a few experiments, such as
Cyanide Leaching of Flotation Concentrate
Table of ContentsAGITATION Leach TESTSPercolation TestsCHLORINATION TESTSDirect Cyanidation of Raw OreCyanide Treatment of Flotation TailingComparison of Methods When Charles Butters began to take up the work of flotation in our Oakland laboratory, one of the first points brought to our attention was the treatment of the concentrate produced by flotation; J. E. Clennell was accordingly instructed to undertake the researches
Air Injected Froth Flotation
The manifestation of the force of surface tension is a phenomenon that shows itself as a tendency of any liquid body—we may confine ourselves to a liquid—to assume that shape in which it has the least surface. It is a well-known fact that in the form of a sphere the ratio of surface to volume is at the minimum. Therefore
Surface Tension and Salts in Solution
Surface tension has been threshed out pretty thoroughly by articles appearing in the Journals of the American Chemical Society, beginning in 1908. These articles deal with the drop-weight method (weight of a falling drop) for the determination of molecular weight, critical temperature, and surface tension, and they describe the apparatus used. The work was started by Morgan and Stevens, who
Gold & Silver Recovery from Mexican Ore
Table of ContentsNECESSITY FOR BETTER CONCENTRATIONMETHODS FOR IMPROVING PRESENT CONCENTRATION.LABORATORY FLOTATION TESTSPLANT TESTSSUBMERGED AGITATIONSIMPLE MECHANICAL AGITATIONPRESENT PRACTICECOSTSINSTALLATION OF FLOTATION PLANTINSTALLATION REQUIRED The mill receives 200 tons per clay of crude mine ore. After being crushed to 2-inch size, this ore is passed over a picking-belt, where one ton of high-grade ore and four tons of waste are removed each day.
Flotation of Copper Ores
Pneumatic flotation is already fully established in a number of places and the results in comparison with the other and older schemes fully justify the opinion of your correspondent that it constitutes the most distinct advance in flotation in recent years. The first pneumatic-flotation plant in this country was erected by me in February 1914 for the National Copper Company
History of Flotation Patents
Table of ContentsThe Potter Flotation ApparatusCattermole Flotation ProcessChief Minerals Separation ProcessApparatus for separating metallic particles in oreHoover ore concentration apparatus This is the part of the subject of which we have heard the most; indeed, until recently the literature of the flotation process was closely identified with the records of patent litigation. That is why the scientific principles are as yet so
Molybdenum Roasting
Table of ContentsMolybdenite Roasting with Sulfuric Acid Plant VS Looping Sulfide Oxidation (LSO) with Sulfuric Acid PlantCurrent Multiple Hearth RoastingMolybdenite MHR – AdvantagesMolybdenite MHR – DisadvantagesLSO Looping Sulfide Oxidation DevelopmentMo Looping Sulfide Oxidation – PatentLSO Pilot Plant TestsLooping Sulfide Oxidation – LSOMolybdenite LSOMolybdenite LSO – AdvantagesHigh Energy Looping Sulfide OxidationNEXT – LSO Pyrometallurgy Molybdenite Roasting with Sulfuric Acid Plant VS
Process Air & Plant Air
Process air is supplied to the process by two 150 HP, 1200 nm3/hr, 250 kPa compressors. Each compressor is a totally self-contained package. Each compressor is an electric motor driven, single stage screw compressor complete with accessories piped, wired and baseplate mounted. Under normal operating conditions only one of the two compressors will be used. Compressed air from either compressor
Mining Camp Fresh Water System
Introduction to an EXAMPLE Fresh Water System Water is pumped from the fresh water well to the camp tank which provides pressure and storage capacity for the camp. The camp distribution system is located between the well and the camp tank, such that the pipe between the camp and the tank may have flow in either direction. All the pipes
Diesel Power Generation for Mining Operations
On our EXAMPLE mining operation, the power generation and distribution system consists of four components: Diesel electric generation Diesel fuel system Heat recovery system Power distribution system The system is intended to operate automatically with local control panels in the generating/electrical room, with some remote monitoring in the main control room. Detailed Process and Control Description The diesel electric
Plant Tailings & Reclaim Process Water Startup & Shutdown Procedure
EXAMPLE Operation and Preparation for Start up Ensure the mill is prepared to start up at the design throughput and range of solids content. Walk the tailings line to check for damage to the pipe or overhead wires. Open the sluice gate at the tailings spillage diversion. Ensure the tailings box is free of obstruction. Ensure the flowmeters and alarm are operational.
Plant Tailings & Reclaim Water System Operating Procedure
EXAMPLE Tailings System Tailings from the processing plant are collected in a common tails box and flow by gravity to the tailings pond. The tailings flow at a rate of 51.6 cubic meters per hour and 34% solids. The tailings line consists of five separate sections and each individual section is designed to suit its local topography. Leak detection is provided by
XRF for Better Plant Metallurgy Control
An un-monitored (un-assayed) tailing from a vibrating screen was exiting the system. Operators would eyeball the Zinc content from a handcut while true assays were only provided late the next day as part of the metallurgical material balance. Here I show 4 videos of the new step by step solution we implemented. It used a pizza oven as a drier, a
Preparing Flotation Reagents
The following flotation reagent mixing system is typical for the flotation reagent mixing systems: A-208, Xanthate and Sodium Silicate. The reagent mix tanks, for the above mentioned reagents, are located on the basement floor. Feed chutes from the main operating floor carry dry or wet reagents to each mix tank. Either reclaim or fresh water is added to the mix tank