
Mining Company Stops Killing Fishes

Table of ContentsBAM Tailings Pond ChemistryBAM Flowsheet DescriptionReagentsEcotoxicologyAction PlanStudy ObjectivesTask and DeliverablesMitigation MeasuresMitigation MeasuresResultsData ReviewStandards AnalysisEcotoxicology TestingFindings and RecommendationsMitigation and MonitoringLessons Background: As we learned in Part 1, Bigass Mining (BAM) Company had just finished construction and had started mining and milling operations. The BAM tailings management facility (TMF) was designed as a non-discharge facility but was discharging. The TMF

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World Bank & Extractive Industries – Mining

Table of ContentsWorld Bank BackgroundMakeupRoles of the five World Bank Group InstitutionsExtractive Industries Review ProcessInitiationMakeupObjectiveFindings and Recommendations of the Extractive Industries ReviewPrefaceExecutive SummaryPro-poor GovernanceEnvironmental and Social Components of WBG InterventionsHuman RightsInstitutional PrioritiesA Synopsis of the Independent Extractive Industries ReviewIndustry Comments to the Extractive Industries ReportWorld Bank Draft ResponseComments to the Draft Management ResponseWB Chairman’s SummaryFuture World Bank Background Makeup The

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Design Selenium Removal Plant – Mine Water Treatment

Table of ContentsLoading to the Alumina to the AdsorbersBackwashing the Fixed Bed AdsorbersSelenium and Silica Adsorption CapacityEmpty Bed Contact Time (EBCT)Alumina RegenerationRegenerant Solution Disposal One objective of this study was to determine the critical parameters needed for designing of a plant to remove selenium from the mine leachate. While development of a full-scale engineering design was beyond the scope of

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Zeolites to Remove Heavy Metals from Water

Table of ContentsFormColorRefractive IndexRing MembersCrystal StructureCrystal SizeCrystallinityEffective Pore DiameterCrystal Void Volume (cc/cc)Packing DensitySiO2/Al2O3 RatioMOH’s HardnessMoisture as PackagedpH of 1 % DispersionStabilityIon Exchange CapacityAmmonia Exchange CapacityTypical Chemical AnalysesExchange SelectivitiesExchange of Heavy Metal IonsTreatment of Mining and Metallurgical Effluents and Processing WastesConclusions Most natural zeolites now being produced are used in low tech applications such as horse stall deodorizers, aquarium filters, and

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Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems

Table of ContentsHow a Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems WorksStep 1. Discharge CharacterizationStep 2. Discharge ClassificationStep 3. Net Alkaline DischargeStep 4. Net Acidic DischargeBenefits of Passive Mine DrainageApplications A Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems helps treat contaminated coal mine drainage to meet EPA and State water quality requirements. Approach A model (fig. 1) is presented for selecting, designing, and sizing

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How to shock a well for bacteria

How to properly shock a well for coliform or e.coli bacteria is a question that comes up on a daily basis. So I’ll go through a few steps on how to do it correctly. Step #1 Flush well for 10 minutes, longer if well is over 150ft deep. Step #2 Size your well. Your well depth will determine how much

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Waste Water Treatment of Leach Waters

Table of ContentsTreatment/Process EvaluationTreatability TestworkAnalytical ResultsChemical StabilizationField Pilot ProjectPilot ResultsFull-Scale PlantSystem Features Environmental issues impact every aspect of industrial development and production today. Mining, although removed from many of the harsher environmental standards and costs felt by other industries since the advent of RCRA legislation, has found itself under increasing scrutiny by state and federal regulators. This is particularly so

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Controlling Acid Mine Drainage

Table of ContentsProblem DefinitionMining PracticesTreatment Mining activities were typified by surface exploratory drilling identifying ore distribution and extension of underground workings to the lead and zinc deposits outlined. Exploration holes were either left unplugged or plugged at the surface with a section of a telephone pole. Low grade ore and waste rock were discarded in rained out portions of drifts.

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Hard Rock Mine Hydrogeology & Acid Water Drainage

Table of ContentsAcid Water ProductionHydrogeology of Hard Rock MinesMining Features Related to Water Movement in the Active MineAbandoned Hard Rock MineNeed for Hydrogeologic Planning Man’s activity in developing, operating, and abandoning a mine often affects the quality of the ground water and surface water. Acid water drainage from mines is an example of an impact from mining that results in

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Synthetic zeolites and oxidant resistance

Ion Exchange Resin Manufacturing To understand the parameters involved we need to know the ingredients and how they can affect physical and chemical stability of the finished resin. The main ingredients used to make strong acid cation (SAC) resins are styrene (S)(also known as ethenylbenzene, vinylbenzene, and phenylethene), divinylbenzene (DVB) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Since this is a two-step process,

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Mechanism for Ion-Exchange Media Degradation

Ion Exchange resins break down due to physical attrition or chemical attack here we will focus on the mechanisms by which cation resins break down. Physically, resins shrink and swell during exhaustion and regeneration cycles. For strong acid cation resin commonly used in commercial/industrial softeners the volume change is in the 5-7% range. This “shrinking and swelling” often referred to

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Water Quality for Cannabis Greenhouses

Table of ContentsThree things to know about water quality for cannabis growthWater TemperatureWater pHWater TDS Off the radar grow-ups have a history of being just that “off the radar”, low key often clandestine operations without much regulations or standards. When medicinal cannabis became legal in Canada in 2016 and recreational use in 2018 it brought about regulations and standards that

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Perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) from Solid Matrices

Table of ContentsAbstractSpikingExtractionResults:Conclusion: Recent studies suggest that toxic and highly persistent poly-and perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) are much more prevalent in tissue and soil than in water. The increasing length of perfluoroalkyl chain in PFAS is correlated strongly to lower solubility/higher adsorption behaviour of a particular PFAS molecule in the environment. This poses a significant challenge to developing analytical methods, especially

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Acid Coal Mine Drainage

Drainage of acid mine water into surface streams of coal mining areas is one of the most serious problems of stream pollution, since there is no known method that completely prevents its forming and no economically feasible treatment after it has formed. The mine acid problem differs from other pollution hazards because acid production does not end with cessation of

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Riffle Sample Splitters

Stainless steel construction SEALED RIFFLE SAMPLE DIVIDER A riffle splitter with a hopper a feed gate at the bottom of the hopper is called a precision splitter. By eliminating the potential bias resulting from differing pouring motions, a increased accuracy of up to 1% is achieved. This simple sample riffle is made of stainless steel. 14 slot of  13 mm

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Vezin Sampler

The Vezin Sampler can be used for primary or secondary sampling. It is a fully enclosed unit containing a rotating sample cutter that passes at constant speed through the falling stream of slurry or free flowing solids entering it. One of the 60 Automatic Samplers recently installed at the Quebec Cartier Mining Company. Vezin Samplers SPECIFIED FOR QUEBEC CARTIER MINING

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Metallurgical Plant Sampling Techniques

Table of ContentsConcentrator Slurry SamplingMineral Processing Sampling MethodsHand Sampling of PulpMechanical SamplingThe Flowsheet and the Circuit’ Sample Points Concentrator Slurry Sampling In milling operations sampling is essential to proper control. This can only be based on the results obtained through sampling the various materials throughout a plant. Sampling of the feed, concentrates, tailings and other products give data indicating the effectiveness of the

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How to Assay Ores Concentrates and Bullion

Table of ContentsProcedure for Obtaining Ore SamplesProcedure for Sampling Bullion and ScrapDescription of Testing TechniquesChemical AnalysisFire Assay AnalysisOptical Emission Spectrographic AnalysisX-Ray AnalysisAtomic Absorption AnalysisNeutron Activation AnalysisBullion AssayPrices and Fees Many mineral samples are sent to Government agencies with the request that they be assayed or chemically analyzed. It should be emphasized that there are no Federal agencies, except for the

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Manganese Extraction by Carbamate

The widespread occurrence of manganese in low grade oxide and carbonate ores not amenable to mechanical concentration has led to extensive investigations of hydrometallurgical methods for producing a pure manganese compound suitable for further treatment. Manganese carbonate is the preferable compound. This product when fully crystalline and of not too fine crystal size is easily filtrable and stable in air.

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Procedures for Determining Pelletizing Characteristics of Iron Ore Concentrates

Table of ContentsLaboratory Procedure for Firing PelletsPellet Quality DeterminationsResults of Laboratory Pelletizing Tests In most routine experimental work on products and processes, methods of operation and product evaluation are established from accurately controlled laboratory tests. With particular emphasis on the pelletization of fine iron ore concentrates, standardized procedures of laboratory production and product testing have been established at Cleveland-Cliffs Iron

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Kerosine Flotation

Table of ContentsDevelopment of Fine Coal Cleaning ProblemExperimental Cell Installations, BessieFlotation of Raw Coal, Kimberly PlantCell CapacityReagentDewatering In cleaning coal it has long been recognized that methods which give excellent results for the coarser sizes may give poor or even no cleaning for the finer sizes. Effective cleaning of the fines, therefore, is usually a separate and distinct problem. For

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Bowl Concentrators

Bowl concentrators have been used only to a limited extent in small placer operations. The two most popular designs were the Ainlay and Knudsen bowls. There is little difference in design and operation between the two, except for riffle design and minor variations in bowl size and shape. They were used primarily as cleaners, but have fallen into disuse due

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Depolarizing Magnetite Pulps

Table of ContentsExperimental WorkExperimental DataAnalysis of Data In classification of pulps bearing magnetized ferromagnetic particles, depolarizing is of great importance. If size separation is to be effective, particles must be individual rather than in flocs. Depolarizing is also practiced in heavy medium separations in which ferrosilicon or magnetite is the medium. Properties of Ferromagnetic Materials: Experimental work, described below, has

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Portable XRF Analyzer & Price List

See many used XRF Analyzer Models and their prices.  Here I list the price of a Portable XRF Analyzer (AKA handheld XRF spectrometer) depends on functionality and Brand.  Used models can save you as much as 70% over new ones. REVIEW XRF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BY BRAND: Olympus/Bruker/Niton/Oxford/Spectro Visit our XRF Discussion Forum Olympus offers a variety of configurations when it comes to

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