
Drillability Index

Table of ContentsDrilling Strength of RockThe Protodyakonov NumberAnalysisTest Procedure for the CRS and ResultsCorrelation of the CRS With Mechanical PropertiesThe CRS as a Drillability IndexPrediction of Penetration RateConclusions Cost is a major criterion in decision making for selecting operational methods in mining. Knowledge of the operating cost, therefore, provides a sound basis for evaluating the feasibility of plans and for

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How to Dehydrate Magnesium Chloride

Table of ContentsRaw Materials35 Percent MgCl2 BrineSpray-Dried MgCl2Anhydrous MgCl2Organic Amine HydrochloridesEquipmentExperimental ProcedurePreparation of Feed Mixtures35 Percent MgCl2 BrineSpray-Dried MgCl2Operation of TestTests Under Atmospheric PressureTests Under Reduced PressureHandling of ProductsAnhydrous MgCl2 ProductCollected Pyridine HydrochlorideAnalysis of ProductsExperimental ResultsMgCl2 BrineEffect of Temperature at Atmospheric PressureEffect of Time at Temperature at Atmospheric PressureEffect of Temperature at Reduced PressuresEffect of Time at Temperature at Reduced

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How to Recover Copper & Silver Sulfide Concentrate

Table of ContentsMaterials and EquipmentExperimental ProceduresResults and DiscussionCyanidation and ElectrowinningCopper RecoveryConclusions One of the goals of the Bureau of Mines is to insure that an adequate supply of minerals is available to meet national, economic, and strategic needs. To help reach this goal, the Bureau is conducting research to advance minerals processing technology, which includes investigations for recovering metals from

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How to Remove Cobalt and Nickel from Zinc Sulfate Electrolyte

Table of ContentsExperimental ProceduresResultsSolvent ExtractionPrecipitationElectrolysisConclusions The Bureau of Mines strives continually toward its goals of maximizing minerals and metals recovery from primary and secondary domestic resources, and reducing energy requirements of mining and mineral processing. This investigation to improve zinc electrolysis by separating and recovering the currently discarded cobalt and nickel found in Missouri zinc concentrates is among the Bureau’s

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How to Chlorinate Leach Copper Chalcopyrite

Table of ContentsEquipment and Operating Procedures10-cm Reactor15-cm ReactorExperimental Results and Discussion10-cm Reactor15-cm ReactorConclusions The present technology for processing copper sulfide ores involves pyro-metallurgical (smelting) and to some degree hydrometallurgical techniques. Although these techniques are efficient and economical, they cause air and water pollution. Environmental concern has led the Bureau of Mines to investigate an anhydrous chlorination technique to extract Cu,

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How to Extract Uranium from Granite

Table of ContentsDescription of the SamplesExperimental StudiesLeaching With Sulfuric AcidReagent RequirementsEffect of Leaching TimeEffect of Oxidant AdditionAddition of a SurfactantComparison of the Two SamplesLeaching With Carbonate-Bicarbonate SolutionEffect of Oxidant Addition, Temperature, and TimeLeaching With Dilute SolutionPercolation LeachingUranium Extraction and Solution Flow RateOxidation by Exposure to AirConclusions and Recommendations Despite severe slippage in the growth rate of nuclear power, current estimates

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Refractory Coal Flotation

There is a wide difference in the floatability of coals of different rank, and even of the same rank, depending on whether they have been freshly mined or allowed to oxidize. Also, differences in floatability, presumably due to oxidation, may occur within a particular seam because of ground water percolating through the coal bed or because of the proximity of

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Copper Arsenic Smelting

Table of ContentsSmelting Copper Concentrates in an 800-Kva Electric FurnaceMaterials Used for Smelting in the Electric FurnaceEquipment Used During Smelting TestsOperating Procedures for the Smelting TestsResults of Smelting TestsDiscussionConclusions Copper smelting practice has not changed much over the last century. Little attention has been paid to the gas-fired reverberatory furnace because it has traditionally represented only about 10 percent of

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Electrowon Copper Manufacturing

Table of ContentsAcknowledgmentsExperimental ProcedureRound-Robin Chemical AnalysisMaterial Source and DescriptionAnalytical ProceduresLead-Doped CopperMaterial PreparationMelting and CastingHot RollingMaterial CharacterizationChemical AnalysisMetallographyImpact TestingResultsRound-Robin Chemical AnalysisLead-Doped CopperMechanical PropertiesMetallographyAs-Cast, Columnar, Coarse-GrainedMechanical PropertiesMetallographyHot-RolledMechanical PropertiesMetallographyDiscussionRound-Robin Chemical AnalysisLead-Doped CopperSummary and Conclusions One aim of metallurgy research within the Federal Bureau of Mines is the advancing of metals and minerals processing technology to foster the overall goal of maintaining an adequate

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Plastic Flow Under Biaxial Tension

Table of ContentsInstability in Simple TensionInstability under Direct Tensile Loading in a PlaneInstability in Thin Walled Tubes Subjected to Combined Axial Loading and Internal PressureInstability in the Circular Hydraulic Bulge TestSummary and Conclusions During the course of an investigation of the plastic flow of aluminum aircraft sheet under combined loads, several problems arose in which analyses of the conditions leading

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How to Reduce Zinc Sulfide with Iron

Table of ContentsTheoretical ConsiderationsMaterialsBatch Reduction TestsSemicontinuous TestsConclusions In the quest for technological improvements in the extractive metallurgy of zinc, some efforts have been made to develop a one-step pyrometallurgical process for direct reduction of zinc sulfide to metallic zinc. The earliest endeavors were those of Eulenstein in 1912 and Peterson in 1913 who both attempted to reduce zinc sulfide with

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How to Recover Lead from Lead Chloride by Electrolysis

Table of ContentsInvestigation of VariablesExperimental ProceduresElectrolyte Composition and TemperaturePbCl2 ConcentrationCurrent Density and Electrode SpacingMetal PurityCell DesignEffect of Impurity BuildupConclusions The earliest known specimen of lead, dating from 2000 B.C., is a figurine found near the Dardanelles at the site of the ancient city of Abydos. Since that time, the method for producing lead from its most abundant mineral, galena, has

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Lead Chloride Electrolysis

Table of ContentsInvestigation of VariablesExperimental ProcedureElectrolyte CompositionTemperatureCurrent DensityElectrode SpacingMetal PurityConclusions During electrolysis, metal was produced from solid lead chloride in contact with the cathode rather than from lead in solution. Relatively high current densities—up to 300 amp/ft²-were possible when operating in this way. Primary lead is now usually produced from sulfide concentrate by a smelting process that involves sintering, blast

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Copper Cementation Kinetics – Revolving Drum Reactor

Table of ContentsTheoryExperimental Procedure and ApparatusResults and DiscussionExperimental PrecisionPretreatment of the Iron SurfaceThe Fluidized Cathode EffectThe Effect of Initial Copper ConcentrationAnalysis of a Typical ExperimentIonic StrengthSurface Area and Iron CompositionAtmosphereThe Effect of pHThe Effect of TemperatureConclusions A kinetic investigation of copper cementation on iron was made to study the effects of deposited copper on the reaction rate. Both the copper

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Ferric Chloride Brine Leaching of Galena Lead Concentrate

Table of ContentsEffect of Operating VariablesParticle SizeFeCl3/PbS Weight RatioTemperatureAcidityProposed Process for Recovery of Metal Values from Galena ConcentrateFeCl3/NaCl LeachRecovery of ByproductsConclusions Domestically produced primary lead is won from lead sulfide concentrates by a smelting process consisting of sintering, blast furnace reduction with carbon and refining. Unfortunately, this pyrometallurgical practice creates gaseous sulfur oxides and particulate lead, which must be controlled

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Conveyor Design for Mining Machines

Table of ContentsSummaryConveyor DesignMain Frame (Joy Loader)Swing ConveyorHydraulic Drive SystemTest Program and ResultsSurface TestingUnderground TestingConveyor PerformanceNoise MeasurementsConclusions and RecommendationsGeneral Arrangement Drawings and Cost EstimateAppendix AAlternate Conveyor Design For Mine Machinery Phase I ReportIntroduction and BackgroundSummaryTechnical DiscussionConveyor ConceptsTest ConfigurationTest ResultsRecommended Design It does not appear likely that this conveyor-system function requirement can be avoided. The emphasis on the continuous miner performance

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How to Recover Lead from Battery Scrap

Table of ContentsBattery CompositionFirst Phase using Pure ChemicalsHydrometallurgical Conversion of PbSO4 to PbOReduction of Lead Reaction ProductsSecond Phase Using Battery MaterialReaction of Ca(OH)2 with Battery MaterialReduction of Reacted Battery MaterialSeparation of Reduced LeadReduction of Battery Plate MaterialSmall-Scale Tests Demand for lead for transportation uses (1) has continued to grow as requirements for batteries have increased. The quantity of lead used

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Recovering Gold from Scrap Electronic Solders by Drossing

Table of ContentsMaterials Equipment and Procedure for DrossingResults and DiscussionSeparation of Aluminum Dross from Treated SoldersRecovery of Gold from Aluminum DrossPurification of Treated Solders For several years, the Bureau of Mines has been actively involved in developing techniques for recovering and recycling metals and alloys from industrial scrap, including waste materials generated by the electronics industry. Among the latter materials

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Recovering Aluminum from Copper Leach Liquor by Ion Exchange

Table of ContentsSingle-Contact TestsEquilibrium Characteristics of the Resin-Leach Liquor SystemContact TimesDistribution IsothermsLoading CharacteristicsStripping CharacteristicsMultiple-Cycle TestsHydrogen-Form Resin—H2SO4 EluantSodium-Form Resin—NaCl EluantEstablished Conditions with Dump Leach LiquorSelectivity Tests With Specialty ResinsDiscussionConclusionsAppendixPreparation of Synthetic Leach LiquorProcedure for Multiple-Cycle TestsTest results:Procedure 2-Recycling of 80 volume-percent of eluateProcedure 3—Elimination of washing stepProcedure 4—Elimination of washing step—Recycle of 80 volume-percent of eluateProcedure 5-Recycle of 80 volume-percent of

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Ferric Chloride Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrate

Table of ContentsProcess DescriptionLeachingCopper PrecipitationFerric Chloride RegenerationSulfur RecoveryEconomicsCapital CostsOperating CostsProfitabilityTechnical Evaluation Most copper is produced from chalcopyrite concentrates by smelting. While smelting is both simple and efficient, it converts the sulfur in the feed concentrate to sulfur dioxide. To meet the ambient standards for this pollutant, as established by the Clean Air Act, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

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Understanding the 5 Water Sources – Know your Water

Identifying a water source is the first step in water filtration, understanding the source allows us to break it into categories. Here are the main five water sources: Municipal Ground water (well) Surface water Lake River Stream (creek) Shallow well Rainwater Seawater Municipal supply: This can be confusing for some, the city of Los Angeles draws well water for their

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Water in Mining

Table of ContentsWhy Mining needs Water & How is Water UsedWhat are the Sources of Water for MiningMine Water Treatment Processes Why Mining needs Water & How is Water Used Water plays an important role in most mining and extractive processes. Understanding the main uses of water, the quantity and quality of water that arc required for each use, and

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We’re in Compliance, but the Fishes are Dead

Table of ContentsBAM Tailings Pond ChemistryBAM Flowsheet DescriptionReagentsEcotoxicologyAction PlanStudy ObjectivesTask and DeliverablesReceiving Water Aquatic ResourcesMitigation MeasuresDownstream EnvironmentMitigation MeasuresWater Quality Limits and Parameters Assessment The Water Diaries STORY 1: BIGASS COMPANY IS IN COMPLIANCE, BUT THE FISH ARE DEAD Background BAM (BigAss Mine) completed construction in the early 00’s and started mining and processing. BAM is located somewhere south or east

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How to Read a Water Report

Here is the importance of understanding your water report, this applies to well water, lake water and of course city water quality report. You don’t need a science degree to understand the principles of a water report, start by narrowing it down to the main objective. Today we’ll focus on how to read a well water analysis report. A well

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