
Carbon Cyanidation

Table of ContentsRecovery of Adsorbed Gold and SilverElectrolytic Method Countercurrent carbon cyanidation with simultaneous dissolution of gold by cyanide and its adsorption by carbon offers several advantages over other carbon cyanidation processes as: the rate of dissolving the gold is faster, higher grade gold-bearing carbon is obtained, less carbon per ton of ore treated is required, separate dissolving and absorbing units

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Flotation Uranium bearing Copper ore

Uraninite and masuyite are the major uranium minerals, essentially fine grained, in the ores studied. Over 40% of the uranium is distributed in the -8µm fractions compared with copper, which is concentrated mainly in the +8-20µm range. Uranium is concentrated mainly in the copper ore zones, with only marginal levels in the gold-only ores. Poor liberation (due to association with copper

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Froth Factor for Pump Sizing

The ‘froth factor’ is a measure of the air contained in the froth. It is quantified by filling a measuring cylinder or bucket, of known volume, with froth and measuring the froth column. After air dissipation the remaining water and solids volume is measured. The ratio of the original volume of froth to the remaining combined volume of water and

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MIBC Frother Pump

Table of ContentsCompare Frother StrengthsExplosive-Proof no-sparke PumpDurable Stroke Adjustment MechanismNEMA 4X/ IP65 HousingsEPUFully Encapsulated ElectronicsPump Status LEDFluorofilm™ Liquiframs™Cartridge ValvesMulti-Function ValvesVariety of Liquid EndsManual or External ControlInstalling a Frother Metering PumpInstalling a Frother Metering Pump I once had to conduct an MIBC frother test to confirm if it could give me better flotation results than the glycol frother my client was

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Aerating or Oxygenating Cyanide Solutions

Table of ContentsOXYGEN IN MILL SOLUTIONSAERATION A process for aerating or oxygenating cyanide solutions was announced by T. K. Prentice in the Jour. C.M. and M.S.S.A., February, 1934 (see Fig. 56). It immediately attracted attention, and the article was reprinted in part by United States and Australian technical journals. The process received practical plant trials at the Nourse mine on

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Effect of Impurities on Cyanide Leach Solution

That cyanide solutions in works practice do not remain pure in a chemical sense is to be expected, having in view their contact during treatment with the many contaminants found in gold or silver ore amenable to cyanidation. Impurities cause a chemical cyanide loss and at times detrimentally affect the extraction of the valuable metals sought. It is fortunate that

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Effect of Altitude & Pressure on Gold Leaching Kinetics

Altitude-pressure and Standard Saturation Curves: Chart A (Fig. 55) is used to determine barometric pressure at various altitudes; Chart B is used to determine standard saturation values for various temperatures and pressures. In Chart A, altitudes, in feet, are plotted on the horizontal axis and pressures, in millimeters, on the vertical axis. To find the pressure corresponding to a certain altitude,

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Cyanide Gold Dissolution

Table of ContentsManufacturing CyanideTypes of Cyanide and Cyanide ConsumptionPutting Gold into Solution with CyanideFACTORS IN DISSOLUTION OF GOLD AND SILVERCyanide ConcentrationAlkalinity VariationsDISSOLUTION OF GOLD AS A CORROSION PROCESSDISSOLUTION OF SILVERCyanidation Manufacturing Cyanide Sodium cyanide is a white, deliquescent, crystalline material easily soluble in water. The basic sources are alkalis or alkaline earths, atmospheric nitrogen, and carbon. In the United States it is

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Cyanide Solution Control Parameters

Table of ContentsAlkalinityAmmonium SulphateAlkalinity Control Soluble SaltsPrecipitation In both cyanidation and flotation practice it is necessary to keep a close check on the working solutions, since the concentration of various soluble salts derived from, the ore or supplied as a protective measure to the system is usually critical. Alkalinity Because of the need in most instances for maintaining a definite protective

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Sampling Pregnant Solution

Table of ContentsSampling of the press heads is effected as followsSampling Barren Solution (Press Tails)General The press-tails solution going to storage discharges into a spill box (A in drawing), thence passing through a bottom pipe into the barren-solution storage tank. The solution will stand in the spill box at a level depending on the volume of flow, i.e., the volume

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The superpanner is another device worked out by Professor Haultain for the accurate panning of small samples (see Fig. 59). This is a mechanized sichertrog or gold-panning horn. The pan is trough-shaped, about 30 in. long by 10 in. wide. The radius of curvature of the bottom diminishes from the lower end to the upper end. A peculiar-shaped cam imparts a

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Because of the extremely fine grinding necessary to liberate the gold values, closer control than that obtained by screens was found to be necessary, and Professor Haultain’s “Infrasizer” was successfully adopted as a plant-control and research device. A brief description of the instrument is found in “Fine Grinding Investigations at Lake Shore Mines” {Trans. 42, C.I.M. and M.} which incidentally

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Treatment of Gold Precipitate Containing Copper

A paper with this title by Norman Hedley and J. J. Kress, Trans. 48, CJ.M. and M.,252-258, 1945, describes a method evolved at the Ore Dressing Laboratory of the American Cyanamid Company for treating gold precipitates containing copper. This comprises treating the precipitates with acidified ferric sulphate, followed by precipitation of the dissolved copper and any dissolved gold by metallic iron

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Melting Gold Precipitate

Table of ContentsExample Treatment of Gold Precipitate Flux RecipesTreatment & Melting of Gold PrecipitateTreatment of Hollinger Gold Precipitate Three types of melting furnaces are in general use, all oil-fired for the Melting of Gold Precipitate. For smaller plants treating gold ores, the tilting furnace with removable graphite crucible is usually preferred. Clay liners are quite generally used to prolong the life of the

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Gold Precipitation Methods

Table of ContentsClarification of Gold SolutionGOLD PRECIPITATIONGOLD PRECIPITATION BY ZINCChemistry of Gold PrecipitationPreparation of Gold Pregnant Solutions for PrecipitationDe-aeration or Removal of OxygenChemical ControlZINC-DUST PRECIPITATION OF GOLDAdvantagesChemical ConsiderationsEconomicsEquipmentCLEANUP FOR ZINC-GOLD-SILVER PRECIPITATEZinc BoxesFilter PressesZINC-SHAVING for Gold PRECIPITATIONPrecipitation at KolarPrecipitation on the RandGold PRECIPITATION BY ALUMINUM DUSTGold PRECIPITATION BY SODIUM METABISULPHITESodium Sulphide Precipitation of GoldPRECIPITATION of GOLD ON CHARCOAL Clarification of Gold Solution

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Amalgamation Process of Gold

Table of ContentsGold Amalgamation Process PrinciplesDirect Gold AmalgamationTREATMENT OF GRAVITY CONCENTRATESUse of ChemicalsAmalgamation at Pickle CroweBullion Parting The use of direct amalgamation following stamps or primary mills and the use of barrel amalgamation for treating jig and corduroy  concentrates. Precipitation of gold and silver on zinc dust or on zinc shavings is fully treated, from the clarification and de-aeration of cyanide solutions

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Estimating Ore Reserves

Table of ContentsSAMPLING NECESSARY TO DETERMINE BOUNDARYSAMPLING METHODS FOR UNDERGROUND OPERATIONSORE-ESTIMATING METHODS FOR UNDERGROUND OPERATIONSSUMMARY OF UNDERGROUND METHODSSAMPLING AND ESTIMATINGESTIMATING ORE RESERVESElectrical Precipitation of Solids from Smelter Gases The methods of sampling and ore reserve estimating used can fall into two divisions because of the difference in occurrence, manner of prospecting, and methods of mining: that for the underground operations and

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Anthracite Preparation

Table of ContentsCHARACTER OF Anthracite SLUSHQUANTITY OF Anthracite SLUSH PRODUCEDMETHODS OF RECOVERING SLUSH SOLIDSHYDRAULIC MINE FILLING WITH SLUSHSLUSH SETTLING TANKSIntermittent TypeBucket Elevator TypeDrag Flight Conveyor TypeNEW TYPES OF EQUIPMENTDorr Plants to Prevent PollutionUTILIZATION OF FINE COAL RECOVERED FROM BREAKER SLUSHBriquettingAnthracoalUtilization of Fine Coal as a Steam Fuel The modern anthracite breaker or washery uses almost exclusively a wet method of

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Tailings Pond Water Balance

Table of ContentsMine Water and Mass Balance ModelsModel Inputs and Data SourcesModel Outputs RequiredDeterministic and Stochastic Modeling to Manage Uncertainty Water systems in modern mines are complex and an understanding of the tailings pond and plant water balance is necessary. Control of the water balance can avoid problems such as operating losses from water shortages or hazardous releases as a result of a

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How to Perform a Sieve Analysis

Table of ContentsTest sievesTest sieve shakersRunning the sieve test Recording results and AnalysisDry Screen Process ProcedureWet Screening For particle size analysis, the test sieve remains a cost effective and precise measuring instrument for dry non-agglomerated particles.  Test sieve analysis is widely used for quality control in many industries worldwide, the test sieve process is a simple and common practice to measure

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Gold Ore Roasting Techniques

Table of ContentsRecover Gold by Roasting Pyrite OreRoasting of flotation concentratesRoasting Arsenopyrite Ore for GoldRoasting and leaching a sulphide concentrateRoasting and Processing Sulpho-telluride ore to recover goldFluoSolids Roasting SystemRoasting with a FluoSolids reactorWhy use Salts in the roasting processROASTING WITH SODA ASHGOLD LOSSES IN ROASTINGCalcination & Roasting ProcessPrelimingAerationCyanidationThe roasted calcine and the furnacesGOLD LOSSES IN CYANIDING CALCINESGold-silver-arsenic Alloys In the case of many complex gold and

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Refractory Gold Ore Treatment Methods

Table of ContentsGold Leaching & Processing of Arsenic OreMispickel (Arsenopyrite: FeAsS).6Leaching and Recovering Gold from Antimony MineralsStibnite (Antimony Sulphide, Sb2S2)Telluride Gold Ore ProcessingSolubility of TelluridesGold Extraction from Carbonaceous OreList Gold Refractory Process Methods Where gold is associated with arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and certain other minerals, it is often only partly soluble in cyanide solution. The difficulty is usually more of a physical than

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